While on the rock I mark the browsing goat, I shall not want the world's delusive joys; SONNET III.* Supposed to have been addressed by a Female Lunatic to a Lady. LADY, thou weepest for the Maniac's woe, And thou art fair, and thou, like me, art young; Oh may thy bosom never, never know The pangs with which my wretched heart is wrung. I had a mother once a brother too (Beneath yon yew my father rests his head :) I had a lover once, and kind, and true, But mother, brother, lover, all are fled! * This Quatorzain had its rise from an elegant Sonnet, " occasioned by seeing a young Female Lunatic," written by Mrs Lofft, and published in the Monthly Mirror. The green sod soon upon my breast will lie, 1 SONNET IV. Supposed to be written by the unhappy Poet Dermody, in a Storm, while on board a Ship in his Majesty's Service. Lo! o'er the welkin the tempestuous clouds SONNET V. THE WINTER TRAVELLER. God help thee, Traveller, on thy journey far; A dismal night-and on my wakeful bed f SONNET VI. BY CAPEL LOFFT, ESQ. This Sonnet was addressed to the Author of this Volume, and was occasioned by several little Quatorzains, misnomered Sonnets, which he published in the Monthly Mirror. He begs leave to return his thanks to the much respected Writer, for the permission so politely granted to insert it here, and for the good opinion he has been pleased to express of his productions. 1 YE, whose aspirings court the muse of lays, Of its full harmony:-they fear to wrong Of that distinguish'd import, lays, though sweet, Of that so varied and peculiar frame. O think! to vindicate its genuine praise Those it beseems, whose Lyre a favouring impulse sways. 1 SONNET VII. Recantatory, in reply to the foregoing elegant Admonition: LET the sublimer muse, who, wrapt in night, Who wake the wood-nymphs from the forest shade Of mingled melody, to grace my strain, Through the smooth murmurs of thy frequent close. SONNET VIII. On hearing the Sounds of an Eolian Harp. So ravishingly soft upon the tide Of the enfuriate gust, it did career, It might have sooth'd its rugged charioteer, And sunk him to a zephyr;-then it died, |