SUBLIME, emerging from the misty verge Of the horizon dim, thee, Moon, Ihail, As sweeping o'er the leafless grove, the galen!... Seems to repeat the year's funereal dirge.
Now Autumn sickens on the languid sight, le biLOw And leaving leaves bestrew the wanderer's way,
Now unto thee, pale arbitress of nights
With double joy my homage do k pay.voi When clouds disguise the glories of the day,i« And stern November sheds her boisterous blight, How doubly sweet to mark the moony ray Shoot through the mist from the ethereal height, And, still unchang'd, back to the memory bring The smiles Favonian of life's earliest springe!
FAST from the West the fading day-streaks fly,
And ebon Night assumes her solemn sway,A Yet here alone, unheeding time, I lie,
And o'er my friend still pour the plaintive lay. Jo Oh! 'tis not long since, George, with thee I wood The maid of musings by yon moaning wave, And hail'd the moon's mild beam, which now renew'd, Seems sweetly sleeping on thy silent grave! 10
The busy world pursues its boisterous way,
The noise of revelry still echoes round,
Yet I am sad while all beside is gay;
Yet still I weep o'er thy deserted mound....... Oh! that, like thee, I might bid sorrow cease, And 'neath the green-sward sleep the sleep of peace.
MISFORTUNE, I am young, my chin is bare, And I have wonder'd much when men have told, How youth was free from sorrow and from care, That thou should'st dwell with me, and leave the old.
Sure dost not like me! Shrivell'd hag of hate, My phiz, and thanks to thee, is sadly long; I am not either, Beldame, over strong; t Nor do I wish at all to be thy mate, a theme For thou, sweet Fury, art my utter hate bl Nay, shake not thus thy miserable pate, 10 on ol I am yet young, and do not like thy faceboo And, lest thou should'st resume the wild-goose chace, I'll tell thee something all thy heat to assuage, -Thou wilt not hit my fancy in my aged
As thus oppress'd with many a heavy care,
(Though young yet sorrowful,) I turn my feet To the dark woodland, longing much to greet The form of Peace, if chance she sojourn there; Deep thought and dismal, verging to despair, Fills my sad breast; and, tir'd with this vain coll, I shrink dismay'd before life's upland toil.
And as amid the leaves the evening air Whispers still melody,-I think ere long, When I no more can hear, these woods will speak; And then a sad smile plays upon my cheek,
And mournful phantasies upon me throng, And I do ponder with most strange delight, On the calm slumbers of the dead man's night....
EMBLEM of life! see changeful April sail In varying vest along the shadowy skies,.. Now bidding Summer's softest zephyrs rise, Anon, recalling Winter's stormygale, And pouring from the cloud her sudden hail; Then, smiling through the tear that dims her eyes, While Iris with her braid the welkin dyes, Promise of sunshine, not so prone to fail. So, to us sojourners in Life's low vale,
The smiles of Fortune flatter to deceive, While still the Fates the web of Misery weave; So Hope exultant spreads her aëry sail,:" And from the present gloom the soul conveys To distant summers and far happier days,
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