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WIJEWARDANE, NISSANKA. Ambassador of Sri Lanka and Permanent Representative to the United Nations, 1984; Chairman, Ad Hoc Committee on the Indian Ocean, 1984; Chairman, Ad Hoc Committee on the World Disarmament Conference, 1984-.

WISNOEMOERTI, NOEGROHO. Counselor, Permanent Mission of Indonesia at the UN Office at Geneva, 1982-1985; Minister Counselor, 1986; Chairman, CD Ad Hoc Committee on Chemical Weapons consultations on prohibition of chemical weapons use and herbicide problems, 1985; chairman, working group C of that committee, 1986.

WOERNER, MANFRED. Minister of Defense (CDU), Federal Republic of Germany, 1982-. WOOLSEY, R. JAMES, Jr. Adviser, U.S. delegation to the Strategic Arms Limitations Talks, 1969-1970; General Counsel, Committee on Armed Services, U.S. Senate, 1970-1973; Under Secretary of the Navy, 1977-1979; member, Presidential Commission on Strategic Armed Forces, 1982-1983; member at large, U.S. delegation to the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks, 1983-.

WRIGHT, JAMES C., JR. U.S. Congressional Representative (D., TX), 1955-; House majority leader since the 95th Congress (1977).

YAZOV, DMITRIY. Minister of Defense of the Soviet Union, 1987-.

YOUNGER, GEORGE K. Secretary of State for Defense of the United Kingdom, 1986-. ZAKHAROV, GENNADI. Soviet diplomat accused of espionage by the United States, September 1986.

ZHURKIN, VITALIY V. Professor and Deputy Director, USSR Institute of United States and Canadian Studies, 1972–; participant, UN Secretary General's Group of Governmental Experts To Carry Out a Study on Deterrence, 1985-1986.

Zimmerman, WARREN. U.S. Foreign Service Officer, Deputy Representative at the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), 1980; Deputy Chief of Mission, U.S. Embassy Moscow, 1981-1984; chairman, U.S. delegation at negotiations on the Agreement To Expand the U.S.-Soviet Direct Communications Link, 1984; leader of the U.S. delegation to the CSCE Follow-up Meeting, 1986. Zia-ul-Haq, Mohammed. President of Pakistan, 1979— .

ZSCHAU, ED. U.S. Congressional Representative (R., CA), 1983-; member, House Foreign Affairs Committee.


ABM Treaty. See Strategic Arms Limita-

tion Agreements (SALT) I: Anti-Bal-
listic Missile (ABM) Treaty
Abrahamson, James A., 119, 147-151,

ACDA. See Arms Control and Disarma-

ment Agency

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
(AIDS), 540

Adams, John Quincy, 639
Adelman, Kenneth L.:

Antisatellite testing, 365-367, 518,519,

Arms control addresses, 247-254,


Arms control impact statements, 60
House Defense Authorization Bill,


Nonproliferation of nuclear weapons,

Nuclear-free world, 709-716
Nuclear test ban, 169-171, 519
Reykjavik summit, 667–671

SALTII Treaty, 336, 346–347, 361-363
Soviet noncompliance with arms control

agreements, 27n

Advanced cruise missile (ACM), 263, 267,

276, 291, 493, 766

AEC. See Atomic Energy Commission
Afghanistan, 109, 431, 549, 635, 636, 637,

Soviet occupation of, 38, 169, 250, 251,


Use of chemical weapons against, 47,
48, 422, 477, 478, 535, 542
Africa, 424, 446, 540, 663
Aftenposten (Copenhagen), 545

Agency for International Development,
Agent Orange, 47

AIDS. See Acquired immune deficiency

Aircraft, 52, 53, 111, 146, 524, 645, 723,
724, 752

B-1, 170, 234–235, 238, 248, 521
B-1B, 291, 758

291, 335, 777

Backfire bomber, 29, 38, 42-43, 111,
271, 273, 458, 461

Bear, 461

Bear H bomber, 40, 352
Bison, 461

Blackjack bombers, 352

Bombers, 239, 248, 309, 310, 390, 399,
492,668, 674

F-111, 768

Heavy bombers (see also Strategic nu-
clear delivery vehicles), 52, 53, 110,
111, 115, 218, 264, 266, 276, 277,
291, 356, 359, 399, 463, 696, 725,
752, 753, 757, 773, 776, 777
Stealth, 170, 758

Strategic bombers, 629, 645
Tu-22 M, 42

Air defense, 34-35, 235, 237, 712-713,
725, 768
Air-launched cruise missiles (ALCMs), 53,

54, 110, 216, 234, 249, 252, 297, 335,
352, 354, 390, 461, 636, 655, 668,
669, 725, 752, 753, 766, 776
Air-to-surface ballistic missiles (ASBMs),
40, 354, 359

Akhromeyev, Sergey F., 509-514, 525,
532-533, 725, 726

ALCMs. See Air-launched cruise missiles
Alexander, Michael, 285-288

Alfonsín, Raúl, 93n, 115n, 178, 187, 464n,

465n, 504n, 782n

Algeria, 163n, 555, 740n, 746n

Andersson, Gustav, 95n
Andrews, Mark, 665n

Angola, 109, 250, 549, 635, 636, 668, 746n
Anti-ballistic missile (ABM) defenses:
Soviet position, 73, 74, 533, 691, 706,

U.S. position, 28, 33, 34, 35, 36-37, 138,

148, 216, 383, 390, 688, 689

Anti-ballistic missile (ABM) systems:
ABM Treaty definition and prohibition
of, 296, 689

FRG position, 102

Pakistani position, 376

Soviet position, 120, 121, 533, 644,647,
674, 706, 721-722

U.S. position:

Adelman statement, 366
Cooper letter, 515–517
Crowe statement, 237

Defense Department report, 293, 294,
295, 296, 297

House Foreign Affairs Committee
report, 351

Lowitz statement, 138, 139, 140

Nitze statements, 214, 304-305,


Perle statement, 148, 149, 150-151
Reagan statement, 28, 31, 33-35, 36,

Shultz address, 685

Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. See Strategic

Arms Limitation Agreements (SALT
I: Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty
Antigua and Barbuda, 4, 744n
Antisatellite (ASAT) arms control:
FRG statement, 100, 102
Pakistani position, 375

Six Nations Leaders position, 467
Soviet position, 75, 123, 524, 706
U.S. position, 21, 214, 216, 515, 583
Adelman statements, 365-367, 518,

Crowe statement, 237

Reagan statements, 492, 621
Shultz letter, 553-554

Antisatellite (ASAT) systems, 139, 216,

237, 506, 554

Testing, 365-367, 553-554, 583

Anti-tactical ballistic missile (ATBM), 35
Arctic, 42

Argentina, 93n, 115n, 135, 178, 187, 190,
444,454, 464n, 499, 740n, 744n, 746n,
747n, 782n

Arms control:

in Europe, 56-59

NATO Defense Planning Committee

communique, 257

Reykjavik summit, 637

SDI, stability, and, 302–308
U.S. view of, 247-254, 317

Arms control agreements (see also individ-
ual agreements):


Six Nations Leaders statement on, 783
Soviet, 774

U.N.G.A. resolution on, 31, 748-749
U.S., 268, 269, 270

Interim restraint, 203, 260-264, 265,
266-270, 276, 277, 301, 309, 335,
361, 363, 418, 439, 456-461, 552,

Soviet violations, 27-51, 144-145, 247,

249, 259,261, 266, 267-271, 275,
276, 300, 301, 335, 418, 457-461,
552, 669, 677-678, 708
Soviet response to allegations of vio-
lation, 398-400, 759, 774
U.S.responses to violations, 457-461,

U.S. policy on noncompliance, 399-400,
653, 654, 656-657, 774
Verification, 84, 114, 144, 249, 282,
448-449, 614, 678, 697
Warsaw Pact position, 739
Arms Control and Disarmament Agency

ABM Treaty, 74, 516

Binary chemical weapons, 178
Nuclear nonproliferation, 188
Observance of SALT II, 775-777
SDI experiment, 622–623
Soviet noncompliance with arms control

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

Brazilian position, 507

Chinese position, 142

Contadora position, 256, 320, 321
Delhi statement, 22, 23
FRG statement, 98, 99

Indian position, 734

NATO position, 769
Netherlands position, 434, 435
New Zealand position, 281
Pakistani position, 375, 376
Polish position, 765

Six Nations Leaders position, 94, 177,

465, 466, 467, 469, 782-783
Soviet position, 59, 190, 198, 290, 291,
292, 374, 718, 734, 758, 759, 760,
773, 779, 780
Akhromeyev statement, 510, 513, 514
Bessmertnykh statement, 308, 309
CPSU position, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 107
Gorbachev statements, 8, 10, 12, 14,

15, 18, 69, 115, 116, 165, 167,
201, 202, 221, 244, 245, 246,
426, 427, 428, 429, 494, 498,
499, 500, 506, 507, 524, 631,
632, 633, 646, 647, 649, 672,
673, 675

Arms race (see also Outer space, militari-
zation of):

Soviet position-Continued

Issraelyan statements, 117, 118, 119,
120, 121, 122, 123, 695
Korniyenko statement, 70–72, 75
U.N.G.A. resolutions, 682, 740-743
U.S. position, 88, 179, 253, 299
DeWitt letter, 609

House Foreign Affairs Committee
report, 351, 358
Lowitz statement, 136–141
Mathias article, 209

Nitze address, 214, 215, 216
Reagan statement, 336, 337
Simon article, 400, 401

Warsaw Pact position, 129, 130, 132,
174, 176, 337, 338, 340, 341, 342,
658, 659, 661, 739

Arms traffic, 328, 332-333
Arms transfer restraints, 549-550
ASAT. See Antisatellite arms control;
Antisatellite systems

ASBMs. See Air-to-surface ballistic mis-

ASEAN. See Association of South-East
Asian Nations

Asia, 17, 428, 430-431, 496, 663
Intermediate-range missiles in, 113-114,

143, 226, 630, 635, 643, 645, 659,
672, 704, 706, 718, 724, 751, 752,

Aspin, Les, 30n, 364n, 456n, 624
Association of South-East Asian Nations

(ASEAN), 26, 430

ATBM. See Anti-tactical ballistic missile
Atomic Energy Act of 1954, 92, 93, 189,

Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), 49
AuCoin, Les, 21

Australia, 280, 298, 744n

Chemical weapons, 311-316, 368, 380,
503, 612, 613

Nuclear test ban, 209-212, 423-425
Outer space, 103

Verification of a nuclear test ban, 442,

443, 444, 613

Austria, 122, 173n, 385, 443, 501, 503, Biological and Toxin Weapons Conven-

555, 743n, 744n, 747n

Bahamas, 744n

Balkans, 175

Ballistic missiles, 53, 303, 623, 756, 766
Defenses against, 35, 37, 148–149, 214,
216, 272, 273, 294, 296, 390, 571,

684, 689-690, 715
Numerical limits on, 263, 352–353,696,
754, 757

Proposed elimination of, 11, 15, 130,
619, 634, 640-641, 665, 667,
668-669, 670, 674, 704, 711-712,
713, 714, 729, 730, 731, 754
Proposed reductions of, 110, 115, 218,
570, 688, 752, 753

Soviet, 303, 304, 364, 456, 459, 462,

712, 724, 777

U.S. deployment of, 264, 266, 267,277,
292, 302, 365, 418, 457, 464, 552,

Baltic, nuclear-free status in, 716-717
Baltimore Sun, 207n

Bangladesh, 740n

Barbados, 744n

Barker, Robert, 231-236

Barry, Robert L., 54-56, 151-153, 574,


Barthelemy, Thomas F., 401-403

Baruch Plan, 710

Batalin, Yuriy P., 700

Bayart, Luvsandorjiin, 501

Belgium, 173n, 288, 443, 555, 617, 682n,

740n, 744n, 747n

Belize, 4, 744n

Benin, 746n

Bendjedid, Chadli, 163n

Bennett, Charles E., 581-583

Bensmail, Abdelkader, 502
Berlin, access to, 771

Bessmertnykh, Aleksandr, 308-310
Bhutan, 4

Biological and toxin weapons:

Accidental release of, 422, 475,536,542
FRG position, 454

Soviet program, 477–478

U.S. statements, 271,421-422,475-480

tion (1972) (see also Chemical weap-

ons convention):

Second Review Conference:
Compliance issues, 584, 585,

587-588, 589, 746

Final Declaration, 584-592, 744
U.N.G.A. resolution, 743-748
U.S. background document, 541-545
U.S. statements, 422, 480, 534-536,

U.S. technical paper, 537-541
Biotechnology, 537-540

Infectious diseases, 540-541
Soviet position, 73-74, 78, 719
Third Review Conference agenda,

U.S. compliance, 476, 480, 534,
535-536, 541-545, 584
U.S. position, 422-423, 475-480, 684
Violations, 475, 534, 535, 584

Soviet, 27, 28, 29, 46-48,271,422,
477, 478-479, 535, 542
Ratifications and withdrawals, 592
Biological research, peaceful uses of,

543-545, 588, 590-591

Blackwill, Robert D., 127-128, 247, 285,

392-395, 581, 678-681

Blix, Hans, 298-299

Bolivia, 444

Bradbury, Norris, 208

Bratteli, Trygve, 545

Brazil, 187, 444, 507-508, 740n, 744n,


Brezhnev, Leonid, 43, 250, 349
Broek, Hans van der, 173

Broomfield, William S., 358, 361

Brown, Harold, 192–197, 350, 357, 688
Brundtland, Gro Harlem, 545-547

Brunei, 4, 744n

Brussels Declaration on Conventional Arms
Control, 770

Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 251

Budapest Declaration, 341–345, 455,658,
660, 675, 739, 763
Bulgaria, 122, 129, 131, 173n, 340, 443.

503, 544, 555, 658, 661, 694, 738
Burden sharing, 554

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