
GUANUCO, a settlement of the province of Guamalies, called Guanuco el Viejo, which was formerly the capital of the former province; founded by Juan Gomez de Alvarado, in 1539.

GUANUJO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Tunja in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada.

GUAPACHOS, a barbarous nation of Indians, of the province and government of Tucumán, upon the confines of Paraguay. They dwell be tween the rivers Bermejo and Salado, amongst the woods, just like wild beasts, and beyond this their customs are but little known.

GUAPAIG, an abundant river of the province of Charcas in Peru. It runs 12 leagues off from the capital, and enters the river Plata.

GUAPAIRE, a river of the province and government of Moxos in the kingdom of Quito. It rises between the rivers Ubay and Baures, runs n. inclining to n. n. w. and enters the last of the two rivers aforesaid.

GUAPAN, a settlement of the corregimiento of Cuenca in the Quito.

province and kingdom of GUAPANOYA, SAN JUAN DE, a settlement and head settlement of the district of the alcaldia mayor of Metepec in Nueva España. It contains 20 families of Indians.

GUAPARATI, a river of the province and captainship of Sergipe in Brazil. It rises near the coast, runs s. s. e. and enters the sea between the grand river of San Francisco and that of Sirugipá.


GUAPE, an abundant and noted stream of the Nuevo Reyno de Granada, which rises in the cordillera of Peru, runs for many leagues, collecting the waters of other rivers, traverses the province of San Juan de los Llanos, and enters the Ori


GUAPETUBA, a small river of the province and captainship of Seara in Brazil. It runs n. n. e. and enters the sea between the point of Daniel' and the river Gororasu.

GUAPI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Pacages in Peru.

GUAPIRI, a river of the province and corre gimiento of Ica in Peru. It rises in the cordillera, runs w. and enters the sea opposite the rocks of Nasca.

GUAPIS, or GUAIPIES, a barbarous nation of Indians, divided into different tribes, who dwell in the woods and mountains of Fosca, in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. The greater part of them have their habitations on the shores of the

river Papamene, and they are bounded on the e.n.e. by the nation of the Macos. Hernan Perez de Quesada discovered the Guapis in 1542. The climate of their country is extremely cold.

GUAPO, a small river of the province and government of Guayana, one of the four which enter the Cuyuni by the n. side.

GUAPO, another river, of the province and government of Venezuela. It rises in the sierra which divides this province from that of Cumaná, runs n. and enters the Tuy, a little before this enters the sea.

GUAPORE, a river of the country and province of Las Amazonas, in the territory of Matogroso, belonging to the Portuguese. See ITENES.

GUAPULO, a settlement of the province and jurisdiction of Quito, in the district of Las Cinco Leguas de la Capital, lying two leagues distant from Quito. It is small, and situate on a narrow llanura, lying between the mountains, and watered by the river Machangara. It is celebrated for a miraculous image of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, which, bearing also the name of the settlement, is venerated in the church here, and held in particular reverence by the inhabitants of Quito, who look upon it as their protectress; and conse quently, in times of epidemic disorders, bad seasons, earthquakes, or explosions of volcanoes, cause it to be carried to the city in a long proces sion by the two cabildos, and to be placed in the cathedral there. The temple of this settlement is magnificent and of beautiful architecture, having a superb cupola, and being richly adorned with many valuable jewels, which have been deposited there by many of the faithful. It is also used as a place of holy retreat by some devout priests. In lat. 10' 17" s.

GUAQUECHULA, a settlement and head settlement of the district of the alcaldia mayor of Atrisco in Nueva España. It contains a convent of the religious order of St. Francis, and 1030 families of Indians, and 60 of Spaniards, Mustees, and Mulattoes, including those of the wards of its district.

GUAQUILPA, SAN MARCOS DE, a settlement of the alcaldía mayor of Tezcoco in Nueva España; annexed to the curacy of Capulalpa.

GUARA, a settlement of the province and government of Venezuela; situate nearly e. of the city of Barquisimeto, half-way between this and the city of San Felipe

GUARABE, a settlement of the missions that were held by the regulars of the company of Jesuits, in the province and government of Ci naloa.

GUARABI, a river of the island of St. Domingo, rising near the n. coast. It runs n. and enters the Jaques or James.

GUARACAPONOS, a barbarous nation of Indians, of the Nuevo Reyno de Granada, n. of the river Apure, bounded by the Agnalos and Guaneros. They are quiet, pacific, and docile. GUARAČAYO, a narrow pass of the river Marañon or Amazonas, in the province and government of Jaen de Bracamoros in the kingdom of Quito. It is before you come to La Grande del Pongo.

GUARACHI, an island of the river of Las Amazonas, at the mouth of the Tocantines.

GUARACHITA, a settlement of the head settlement of Zanguio, and alcaldía mayor of Zamora, in Nueva España; situate on a swampy plain. It is of a mild temperature, and contains 11 families of Indians. It is five leagues w. of its head settlement.

GUARAGUEY, a large and abundant river of the island of St. Domingo. It rises in the valley of Guaba, near the n. coast, runs n. n. w. and enters the sea opposite the shoal of the Coque Vielle.

GUARAHU, a river of the province and cap. tainship of Seara in Brazil, between the river Perpura and the rock of Porcelados.

GUARAICUS, a barbarous nation of Indians, who dwell in the woods to the w. of the river Putu mayu. They live a wandering life, without any fixed habitation, and are divided into various tribes of different names.

GUARAIGUAZU, a river of the province and captainship of Pernambuco in Brazil, also called Rio Roxo, and Rio de San Antonio el Grande, to distinguish it from another called De San Antonio el Chico. It runs e. and enters the Atlantic, forming a bay, called Port Calvo, in lat. 9°

28' s.

GUARAMAS, a small river of the province and government of Venezuela, which rises near the town of San Sebastian, runs w. and enters the Guarico.

GUARAMBARE, a settlement of the province and government of Paraguay; situate on the shore of the river Itapucaguazu. [It consists of Indians, and lies a little from the e. bank of the Paraguay, about 15 miles s. e. from Asuncion, in lat. 25° 29' 48" s. and long. 57° 30' 16" w.]

GUARAMBARE, a river of the province and government of Buenos Ayres, which runs parallel with the Xexuy, and enters the Paraguay, between the Xexuy and the Mboeri.

GUARANA, a port of the coast of the province


and government of Venezuela, in the peninsula of Paraguana, opposite the w.

GUARANACÂCOS, a barbarous nation of Indians, but little known, who inhabit the mountains on the borders of the river Marañon, above the mouth of the river Cayari.

GUARANDA, a large settlement of the province and corregimiento of Chimbo in the kingdom of Quito. Its population consists almost entirely of Indians and Mustees, there being very few Spaniards. It is of an extremely cold temperature, and a place of great traffic and commerce, from its being situate at the entrance of the province of Guayaquil, and lying in the direct road to Quito. In the winter, however, all communication by this route ceases, since the roads are then impassable. In its vicinity is the páramo of Chimborazo, and many estates for breeding of horses, where also mules are kept, the greater part of the inhabitants of this settlement following the occupation of carriers. It is the residence of the corregidor, and although the capital of the province is of the same name as the province itself, yet in realty is this the capital, as well from its natural advantages as from its population. In lat. 1° 37' s.

GUARANIS, or GUARANIES, a nation of Indians, of the province and government of Paraguay, towards the e. in the territory irrigated by the river Uruguay. It reaches on the n. w. as far as the river Parana, and on the s. e. as the Ilbicuy, n. as far as the Iguazú, and s. as far as the Negro. These Indians are very valorous, agile, and robust. The Jesuits in their missions formed of them a flourishing Christian republic, the history of which has been written in Italian by the celebrated Muratory. See articles URUGUAY and PARANA, [also additional matter respecting the history and state of Brazil.]

GUARAPICHE, a river of the province and government of Cumaná in Nueva Andalucía. It rises in the most lofty part of the serranía, in the place called Cocoyar; and running s. according to Don Joseph Diguja, and e. according to the Exjesuit Coleti, with many windings through the mountains and unknown countries inhabited by barbarian nations, receives the waters of the Colorado, Guatatar, Guayuta, Punceres, and Caripe, incorporates itself with the Areo and others of less note, and flows down to the llano by the missions of San Felix and Caicara; and here it begins to flow round the mountain in so formidable a stream, from the number of streams it has collected, that it is navigable for bilanders and other small craft, until where it enters through the Areo into the Caño



de Teresen; and to this spot are brought the cattle which are conveyed through the back of this province from the provinces of Caracas and Barcelona. It should be observed, that some vessels have been known to have arrived from the above mentioned spot as far as the lake of Areo. From the mouths of the Areo, it was usual to navigate as far as the mission of Caicara or Guayuta; but this practice has been put a stop to, through the excessive thickness of the trees and shrubs on either bank of the river. It is thought, however, that these, as well as all other rubbish that might have collected, would have been cleared away by the contraband traders in cattle, but for some further difficulties arising in the number of shoal places, such as to oblige them to cause the cattle to pass by means of fording or swimming; and this more especially near the aforesaid mission of Caicara: from thence they proceed to the settlement of Punceres, and in the place which is called the Caño or channel, they form certain rafts, for which the number of trunks of trees found here afford every facility. All the valleys on the shores of this river are most fertile in cacao; but they are peopled only by the missions of the religious Capuchins of Aragon. It enters the sea in the gulf of Paria, between the point of Paria and the mouths of the Orinoco, in lat. 10° 8'n.

GUARAPINANGA, a settlement of the province and captainship of Espiritu Santo in Brazil; situate on the shore of a small river of the

same name.

GUARAPINANGA, another settlement, of the province and captainship of the Rio Janeiro in the same kingdom; situate on the shore of the river Espiritu Santo.

GUARAPO, a large arm of the river Apure, by which this communicates with the Portuguesa. GUARAQUE, a settlement of the jurisdic tion of La Grita, in the province and government of Maracaibo. It is very scanty and poor, although of a good temperature and fertile soil.

GUARARE, a settlement of the jurisdiction and alcaldía mayor of Natá, in the government of Panamá and kingdom of Tierra Firme; situate on the shore of a river of the coast of the S. sea, on a strip of land near the town of Los Santos.

GUARARE, a small isle of the S. sea, near the coast of the former alcaldía mayor; two leagues from the coast and the former settlement.

GUARAUNO, CANOS DE, the arms or channels formed by the river Orinoco and some islands; the one and the other taking their names from the Indians.

GUARAUNOS, a barbarous nation of Indians,

inhabiting the isles formed by the Orinoco at its mouth or entrance. At the time of the highest rising of the river the islands are completely overflown; and then the barbarian inhabitants betake themselves to the tops of trees, where they make themselves huts capable of containing a family of six or seven persons, and maintain themselves by fish and roots dried until they are reduced to a flour. GUARAYOS, a barbarous nation of Indians, descended from the Moxos, inhabiting the spacious llanuras n. of the Paraguay, between the rivers Iraibay and Ubay. These barbarians extend their hostile incursions as far as the river Guabis and the lake of Los Xarayes. To them belong the tribes of the Araaybaybas and the Carabares. They are ferocious and warlike, and cannibals; lead a continually wandering life, and give as a reason for their often quitting their place of abode, that they hear the cries of those they have eaten.

GUARCO, a port of the S. sea, on the coast of Peru, and of the jurisdiction of the province and corregimiento of Cañete, from whence it lies two leagues to the w. It is convenient only for small vessels, and but little screened from the winds. In lat. 15 s.

GUARCO, a delightful and fertile llanura of the province in which is the former port. Its climate is excellent, and it was formerly well peopled with Indians, although at present very thinly inhabited. In it are still to be seen the remains of a fortress which belonged to the Incas, standing on an eminent situation on the sea-coast, and from it were stairs cut in the solid rock, leading down into the sea. In this castle were kept many treasures, which, it is said, were, upon the arrival of the Spaniards, thrown into the sea, that they might not fall into their hands.

GUARENAS, a settlement of the province and government of Venezuela; situate near the seacoast, to the e. of Guaira.

GUAREY, a small river of the province and government of Buenos Ayres. It runs w. and enters the Uruguay, between the rivers Covoyama and Guatuy.

GUARIA, a lake of the province and country of Las Amazonas, formed by a desague or wastewater of the Madera, upon the shore of this river, and between the rivers Pirajauguara and Aricoria.

GUARICHICO, a river of the province and government of San Juan de los Llanos in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It rises s. of the Apure, and running n. enters the same, opposite the mouth of the Santa Lucia.

GUARICO, a city of the n. part of the island of St. Domingo, one of the Antilles, in the French ter

ritory. It is nearly half a league in length, and contains from 14 to 15,000 inhabitants, who are Europeans, Creoles, Negroes, Mulattoes, and other casts. It has a very good parish church, a beautiful plaza, a college which belonged to the Jesuits, a convent of monks of the religious order of San Francisco, another of nuns, and an hos pital. The city lies open, without other defence. than a simple rampart, but within it is well garrisoned. Its territory is in the highest state of cultivation. The whole of the drudgery is done by the Negroes, and many are the French families who have realized large fortunes here by merchandise. Here are numerous plantations of sugarcane, tobacco, indigo, and coffee; and of these the product is so large that there is an annual exportation to France of 30,000 tons. It is a colony much prized, not so much from what has been just stated, as from the circumstance, that not less than 160 vessels, of from 150 to 500 tons each, arrive here annually, loaded with rich merchandise and provisions, by each of which is returned in favour of France a sum of more than 40,000 dollars in specie; so that it produces, for the mother country, more than a million of dollars, besides its natural productions. This city not being able to consume even a fourth part of the effects which enter it, carries on a very great trade with the other Spanish ports of the Havana, Santa Marta, Cartagena, Tierra Firme, Nicaragua, and Honduras. The Spaniards, under the command of the president of St. Domingo, Don Francisco Segura y Sandoval, took possession of it in 1691, after having gained a complete victory against the French. Lat. 19° 48′ n. Long. 72° 13′ w.

GUARICO, a large and abundant river of the province and government of Venezuela, which rises in the mountains s. of the lake Tacarigua, and making a grand bend, with many inflexions, enters the Orinoco, and forms at its mouth an isthmus, which, but for the small and narrow strip by which it is united to the mainland, might well be considered an island. Before its entrance into this river, it receives the waters of several others.

GUARICOS, a settlement of the province and government of Maracaibo; situate to the s. at a small distance from the city of Tucuyo, on the shore of the river of this name.

GUARICURA, an island of the river of Las Amazonas, near its entrance into the sea; formed by an arm of the Yarauca. Mr. Bellin, in his description, calls it Guajiara.

GUARIMINA, a settlement of the province

of Guayana, and government of Cumaná; one of the missions held there by the Capuchin Catalonian fathers; and in the district of which these hold, for their subsistence, an estate of neat cattle of about 160 head; the which continue to multiply in an extraordinary manner, through the goodness of the water, pastures, and temperature.

GUARINA, a spacious, extensive, and fertile llanura of the kingdom of Peru, near the lake Titicaca; celebrated for the famous battle which was fought here, in 1547, between Gonzalo Pizarro and Diego Centeno, the latter having commanded the king's troops, and experienced a rout.

GUARINO, a river of the province of Los Marquetones in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It runs e. and enters the Magdalena above the city of Mariquita.

GUARINUMAS, a barbarous nation of Indians, who inhabit the woods in the vicinity of the river Cayari, to the s. of the Marañon, in the country of the Amazonas. It is a warlike nation, and maintains itself by fishing and the chase. Some call them the Garinomas.

GUARIPO, a river of the province and government of San Juan de los Llanos in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It is small, runs e. and enters the Orinoco by the w. side.

[GUARISAMEY, some very old mines on the road from Durango to Copola in Nueva España. Population, 3,800.]

GUARISIPA, a large island of the river Orinoco, near its entrance into the sea, opposite the city of Santo Tomé de la Guayana.

GUARISTEMBA, a settlement of the head settlement of the district of Xaltocán, and alcaldía mayor of Tepic, in Nueva España. It is of a hot temperature, contains 50 families of Indians, whose commerce is in cotton, maize, and fruit; and in its district are many rancherias, or temporary habitations, for the use of labourers. It is ten leagues s. e. of its head settlement.

GUARITICA, a lake of the province and government of Cumaná. It lies on the shore of the river Orinoco, from the waters of which it is formed when this river throws out its arms to enter the sea.

GUARIVE, SAN JUAN DE, a settlement of the province of Piritú in the government of Venezuela. It has ceased to exist since its destruction by the Caribes, in 1680.

GUARMEY, or GUARMAY, as some will have it, and is called by the Indians HUALMI, a large settlement of the province and corregimiento of Santa in Peru; situate on a spacious plain, which

gives it its name, on the coast of the S. sea, with a port, which, although small, is much frequented by vessels, owing to the place being the residence of the corregidor, who used to reside at Santa. It had a fort for its defence, the ruins of which still remain, from the time of its destruction by the Dutch pirate, George Spilberg, in 1615. Lat. 10° 6' s. Long. 78° w.

GUARMICOCHA. See HUARMICOCHA. GUAROCHIRI, a province and corregimiento of Peru; commencing w. five leagues from Lima, where the corregimiento of Cercado terminates. It is bounded n. by the province of Canta, n. w. by that of Tarma, and e. by that of Xauja. It is 30 leagues long from n. w. to s. e. and 14 wide. The temperature is for the most part cold, from its lying nearly altogether close to the cordillera, and particularly so in those parts towards the w. ; but in the quebradas it enjoys a mild climate; and here are gathered in abundance seeds, fruits, and vegetables, which are carried for sale to Lima, when, through the fickleness of the seasons there, they stand in need of supplies. In the market of this city are bought paltas, pomegranates, strawberries, gayabas, pallillos, pears, &c. Its rivers are few, although there are various streams which irrigate it, and which owe their origin to the rains and the snow with which the mountains are continually covered. In the settlement of Yauli are found fountains of hot medicinal water, good for the cure of many infirmities. The river which passes through Lima rises in this province; and some of its waters flow into the province of Cañete, passing through the province of Mala. It is stocked with fish, with which the province is supplied, and the surplus of which is carried to be sold on the coast. This province has many silver mines, which were formerly abundant; and a few, at the present day, are worked, which afford only moderate profit. The mine called Nuevo Potosi has been celebrated for the abundance of metal and riches which it has yielded. The population consists of the 52 following settlements. The capital is Guarochiri;

San Lorenzo de Quinti, Olleros,







Larao, Huanza,

Santa Inés,

[blocks in formation]





[blocks in formation]

GUAROCHIRI, the settlement and capital of this province. It has a great trade by collecting and carrying snow to Lima for the supply of that capital, from whence it is 57 miles distant. Lat. 11° 58' s. 11° 58' s. Long. 76° w.

GUAROMINO, a settlement of the province and captainship of San Vicente in Brazil; situate on the shore of the river Espiritu Santo.

GUAROMINO, a bay of this province and king dom, near the former province and settlement. GUAROPARI, some islands near the coast of the province and captainship of Espiritu Santo in Brazil.

GUAROPAY, a settlement of the province and captainship of Espiritu Santo in Brazil; situate on the shore of the river of its name.

GUAROPAY. This river runs e. and enters the sea opposite a small island, which is also of the

same name.


GUARU, a small river of the province and government of Guayana or Nueva Andalucía. It rises w. of the lake Icupa, runs s. and enters the Paragua by the e. side.

GUARUAPO, CANO DE, a large arm of the river Orinoco, which communicates with the Zaiguin.

GUARUMBA, or DEZAR, a river of the king. dom of Brazil, which runs n. n. e. collecting the waters of other smaller streams, and enters the Parana-iba.

GUARUNOS, a settlement of the province and government of Maracaibo; situate in the road which leads down from the Nuevo Reyno de Granada.

GUARUPABA, PUNTA DE, a point on the coast of the province and captainship of Rey in Brazil, between the bay of Briguera and the island Aboreda del Sur.

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