



EBENEZER CHAPEL, COSELEY On November 21st, sermons were preached in the above place of worship by the Revs. D. Evans and D. Jeavons. The collections amounted to the handsome sum of £30 78. 11d. This edifice was opened on the 7th of September last, when sermons were preached by the Revs. Hugh Stowell Brown, of Liverpool, and R. D. Wilson, of Wolverhampton. The collections on that day amounted to £147.

TWERTON, BATH.-On November 21st, jubilee services were held in this place. The Revs. A. M. Stalker and D. Wassall preached on the occasion. On the following day a tea-meeting was held, followed by a public meeting, in which the Revs. F. Bosworth and A. M. Stalker took part.

LION STREET, WALWORTH.-The lease of the present place of worship approaching expiration, a building fund has been commenced in anticipation of that period. Three hundred pounds a year has been raised for four years, which is accumulating at interest. On November 28th, the annual services were held in aid of this fund, followed by a tea and public meeting on the next day. The results were most satisfactory, and it is hoped, when the new chapel is needed, sufficient money will be in hand for its completion.

RAMSGATE.-A tea-meeting was held on November 30 on behalf of the Sundayschools connected with Cavendish Chapel. After tea, a public meeting was held in the chapel, at which 800 persons were present. The Rev. Mr. Etheridge presided. The proceeds amounted to

£18 18s.

CHATHAM.-Two sermons were preached on Lord's day, November 28th, in Zion Chapel, by the pastor, the Rev. James Coutts, on the opening of the Sabbathschool rooms, erected at a cost of £570. On the following Tuesday a tea-meeting was held in the new rooms. The attendance was so numerous that an adjournment to the chapel was necessary. Addresses were delivered by Charles Reed, Esq., the Rev. J. S. Hall, the Rev. John Walker, and other friends. The sum of £40 was collected, and nearly £400 have already been contributed.

BROMPTON AND NORTHALLERTON.-On Sunday, November 28, services were held on the anniversary of the Baptist chapel, Brompton, when sermons were preached by the Rev. R. Morris, in the morning and

evening at Brompton, and in the afternoon at Northallerton. On the Monday evening a tea-meeting was held at Brompton, and addresses delivered by the Revs. W. Stubbings, R. Morris, F. Yeo, and others.

STAFFORD. The efforts of the friends to establish a Baptist cause in this town have been most abundantly blessed. On the 28th November, the first anniversary sermons were preached by the Rev. C. Keen, previous to which, owing to the increase in the attendance, it was decided to rent the Mechanics' Institution for the regular services. The first service was held on that day, and was largely attended. On the Monday evening a tea-meeting was held, when a large company again met. Addresses were delivered by ministers of the town and neighbourhood. They look forward to commence building at an early date. Any help will be gladly received by the Rev. J. W. Kirton, Stafford.

fourth anniversary of the ministry of the PITHAY CHAPEL, BRISTOL.-The twentyRev. E. Probert, at Pithay Chapel, was celebrated by a tea-meeting. Mr. H. O. Wills presided, and addresses were delivered by the Revs. T. Winter, H. Craik, J. A. Pratt, George Wood, T. Jenkin, and E. Probert; and a wish was expressed that before 1860 a commodious chapel, with Sunday schools attached, would be erected, to meet the increasing requirements of the congregation.

CROSS STREET, ISLINGTON.-On 22nd November, the first anniversary of the at the rear of the chapel. Sunday school was held in the new room down to tea, after which a public meeting Above 200 sat was held, the Rev. A. C. Thomas presiding. The meeting was afterwards addressed by the Rev. Messrs. Fuller and Phillips, and Messrs. J. Templeton, Pratt, J. Sarl, &c.

BRATTON, WILTS.-The Baptist chapel in this village has undergone considerable improvements and repairs; and new vestries, class-rooms, and school-rooms have been erected, at a cost of nearly £800. Toward this, about £500 have been contributed by members of the church and congregation. On Wednesday, December 15, re-opening services were held. A prayer-meeting was held at eight o'clock. The Rev. A. M. Stalker, of Frome, preached in the morning at eleven. At half-past four about 400 friends sat down to tea, when J. Whittaker, Esq., gave some interesting_details as to the history of the church. In the evening a sermon was delivered by the Rev. F.

Bosworth, A.M.
numerously attended.
PLAISTOW.-On Tuesday, November 30,
the foundation-stone of New Union Chapel
was laid at Plaistow by the Lord Mayor of
London. His lordship delivered a very
powerful address on "Religion, the
only safe foundation of Personal Charac-
ter-Personal Character the true founda-
tion of National Liberty and Progress."
In the evening a public meeting was held,
in which a large number of ministers and
gentlemen took part. The contributions
have been liberal, and it is hoped that the
building will be opened free from debt.

All the services were


PLYMOUTH.-An address, together with a valuable gold watch and pencil-case, was presented to the Rev. G. Short, B.A., of George Street, as a testimonial of personal esteem, and appreciation of his character and ministrations. Mr. Short has also had a silver inkstand and other gifts presented to him by a great part of the church and congregation over which he has presided.

SOUTH PARADE, LEEDS. - On Friday evening, December 10th, the young friends at South Parade presented to the Rev. C. Bailhache a very beautiful gold watch, as a token of their affection and regard. The heartiest wishes were expressed for the prosperity and welfare of the pastor, who reciprocated the kindly feelings of his youthful friends.


giving counsel as to the reciprocal duties this recognition involved. After a few remarks from Mr. Hosken, the meeting was closed by the pastor.

WALTON, SUFFOLK.-The Rev. J. E. Perrin, having received an invitation to the pastorate of the church in this village, services were held November 25th. In the afternoon the Rev. J. Webb, of Ipswich, preached. A large number partook of tea, after which addresses were delivered by the Revs. J. Raven and J. Williams.

LYMINGTON. -A public meeting was held to recognise the settlement of the Rev. R. G. Moses, B. A., late of Bristol College, as pastor of the Baptist church. The Rev. J. E. Tanner, pastor of the Independent church, presided. Addresses were delivered by the Revs. J. B. Burt, R. G. Moses, and D. Bridgeman, and Messrs. Farmer, Gosling, Watson, Mursell, and Dr. Bompas. Earnest prayer was offered for the prosperity of the church, and a most gratifying spirit pervaded the meeting. MINISTERIAL CHANGES, SETTLEMENTS, &c.

The Rev. T. E. James, of Cwmbaen, Aberdare, has accepted the call of the churches at Bethany Neath, and Aberdalais, Glamorganshire, where he commenced his ministry on Lord's day, December 5th.— The Rev. T. Nicholas, after two years' pastorate at Tembrey, Carmarthenshire, has accepted the invitation of the church at Aberaman. The Rev. B. Watkins, of Hirwain, has accepted an invitation from the church at Maesy herllan.

TRURO. The recognition services of the The Rev. R. Morris, having resigned Rev. E. Dennett commenced on November his office as pastor of the church meeting 21, when the Rev. R. Panks delivered a at Buckingham Chapel, Clifton, has opened discourse from Exodus xvii. 12. On the Music Hall, Park Street, for divine serMonday afternoon there was a meeting for vice.-Three gentlemen from Horton College prayer, and addresses were delivered by have lately entered upon the pastorate at Mr. John D. Freeman and the Rev. J. the following places, viz.:-Mr. John Walcot, presided over by the Rev. S. B. Odell, at Great George Street, Hull; Mr. Brown, B.A. In the evening the meeting R. Maden, at Ramsbottom, Lancashire; was conducted by Mr. W. H. Bond. Mr. and Mr. W. A. Claxton, at Mildenhall, Dennett stated the motives which induced Suffolk. Each of these brethren has comhim to leave a former sphere of great use- menced his ministerial labours with fulness, and to accept the pastoral office very encouraging prospects of success. over the Baptist church at Truro. The -The Rev. D. M. Evans, late of ManRevs. R. Panks, Fifield, Barnet, and chester, has accepted the cordial and Brown addressed the meeting.

unanimous invitation of the church assem

FENNY STRATFORD, BUCKS.-The Rev. bling in Greenfield Chapel, Llanelly.— C. H. Hosken, late of Crayford, Kent, The Rev. W. G. Fifield has resigned having accepted the call of the church in the pastorate of the church at Grampound, this town, services were held on Wednes- and accepted an invitation from that in day, the 8th inst. About 400 persons assembled in the evening, when Mr. Hosken gave an account of his labours in England, Ireland, Holland, and America. The Rev. E. Adey addressed the pastor, and offered up the recognition prayer. The Rev. G. Forster addressed the church,

Branch Road, Blackburn, hoping to enter upon his labours there on the first Sabbath in the new year.-Mr. Parkinson, of Horton College, having accepted the invitation of the church at Hinckley, intends to commence his labours there on the first Sabbath in January.

The Rev. John H. Hall, of Hay, Brecon

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The Egyptians embalmed their dead. This act betokened their affection and perpetuated near them the most solemn memorials. Perhaps they cherished a vague hope that the spirit would still linger near its earthly tabernacle, and finally resume it in the resurrection life. But still it was only hideous corruption, which could never enter the kingdom of God. For us, the true embalming is the goodness which springs from the grace of God. The memory of the just is blessed. That which is thus preserved is alike comely and fragrant, profitable to us now, and linked on to the

destinies of our final existence.

sidiary to his own ministry, and to the welfare of the church. Thus, at the same time, he was insensibly imbued with the love of divine things, and attracted to the church in which his social life was developed and moulded. When thirty years of age, he married Miss E. Smith, a sincere Christian and a most gentle and affectionate wife, by whom he had a considerable family, but who was removed in 1847 to that rest and joy which she earnestly desired and for which she was well prepared.

On the death of his father he was chosen to the deacon's office, the duties of which he discharged with honour under five successive pastors; the first of whom, Dr. Hoby, officiated at his funeral, while the settlement of the last, Mr. Millard, was one of the brightest gleams of satisfaction that fell athwart his path as he descended to the grave. Rarely has any church had a deacon more anxiously devoted to its reputation and usefulness, and very rarely have pastors had a friend so stedfast and so kind.

His nature was eminently social. His conversation, teeming with anecdote and personal allusions, his talents, and his sympathies, all fitted him to enjoy company and to shine in it. If in any respect this proved William Beddome was born April 13th, a snare, drawing him too much from the 1788. His father, Boswell Beddome, less exciting but not less sacred endearEsq., of Walworth, was for many years ments of the family, if it distracted or member and deacon of the church assem- diminished the retirements of devotion, bling in Maze Pond, Southwark. His or overtasked a constitution otherwise grandfather was the Rev. Benjamin Bed- oppressed with incessant and exhausting dome, of Bourton-on-the-Water, who, while he lived, was one of the most devoted pastors and effective ministers in the denomination, and, being dead, yet speaks in hymns sung in our congregations and in sermons not unfrequently read in families and cottage gatherings. The memory of these relatives was always a source of pleasure to our departed friend, and doubtless an abiding incentive to him that he should not be slothful, but a follower of those who inherit the promises.

In his youth, Mr. Beddome attended with his family the ministry of the late Rev. James Dore, and had an unusual share in his intimacy and friendship. Mr. Dore was a man of uncommon judgment, intelligence, and taste, and enjoyed many personal and social advantages. At once cheerful and sedate, refined and devout, he was the object of much respectful regard. Mr. Beddome, then in the dawn of life, was strongly attracted to and deeply impressed by him, for few natures could be more susceptible than his of the laudari laudato. Mr. Dore invited him to his study, communicated to him freely his thoughts and purposes, and employed him as a young Timothy in many matters sub

duties, it was certainly an equal gratification to others and to himself. Many an evening circle waiting in dullness and constraint, has been charmed into freedom and pleasure by his arrival.

Few men have been so much occupied with gratuitous trusts and friendly offices. Half the energy and talent which he thus employed, has sufficed to make a fortune for others. Ready to answer every call of necessity and friendship, he spared no labour, counted no cost, watched through the night, and exhausted body and mind, for no other recompense than the luxury of doing good. Cases of extreme difficulty seemed to have a sort of fascination for him; and when others broke down in weariness or turned away in despair, he was roused to unwonted eagerness and hope. At once grave and affable, his quiet manner, unruffled temper, and practical good sense, called forth the unbounded confidence of many, but involved him in labours beyond his strength.

Through a long life of commercial pursuits, not exempt from anxieties and reverses, he was enabled to exemplify the integrity and uprightness of the Christian. Sensitively alive to the importance of this

as affecting the honour of the Saviour, he exerted all his influence with the church to introduce and maintain resolutions requiring all cases of insolvency to be made the subjects of investigation and discipline. He was an untiring friend of the London Baptist Fund. For many years he was a fundee, and latterly one of its treasurers; and in various ways considerably contributed to its resources while he watched over their appropriation. This gave him a larger acquaintance with, and interest in, the poorer ministers and churches through the country. Of Stepney College he was an ardent advocate, and always vindicated its most liberal support.

He had an unusual gift in prayer. A fine voice, a ready utterance, and a touch of the antique in phraseology, no doubt contributed to the effect; but the real charm consisted in simple views of gospel truth, an apposite and copious use of Scripture language, and the free play of the feelings of a heart which seemed always fresh and full, though he had just emerged from the distractions of business, or was surrounded by the excitements of social enjoyment, and which the numerous and diversified trials of his life had contributed both to enlarge and refine.

In the church he was evidently at home. His character, and latterly his years, gave weight to his counsels. Prudent and affectionate, he rarely ventured on any perilous

path, and generally conciliated the goodwill of all. If, like most active persons, he sometimes left behind the marks of a too resolute will, it must be remembered that, at certain seasons, less resoluteness must have failed to secure the welfare of the church. There are many now moving on in their pilgrim path, who, contemplating his removal, are prompted to cry, "My Father, my Father, the chariots of Israel and the horsemen thereof." But his work was done. He had just passed the limits of three-score years and ten. Under the wasting of exertion and the attacks of discase, his fine constitution gave way. His sufferings were very severe, and his enjoyment of religion not so triumphant as he desired. But he knew the living Saviour, and trusted to none beside. With an expressive smile he alluded to the dying remark of a recently departed friend-" This valley of the shadow of death is not dark to me. It is a light and bright valley," as if his experience were of a different kind. But he added-"The truth and stability of God's promises depend not on our own personal enjoyment. The foundation stands sure." Thus he passed away from the toil and sorrow of earth to the repose and gladness of heaven, and has left behind another memento to "gird up the loins of our mind, and be sober and hope to the end."



To the Editor of the Baptist Magazine.

November 17th, 1858. DEAR SIR,-I am naturally of a bashful disposition (which has occasioned me several losses in life), and this disposition has been increased by somewhat recluse and if my bashfulness will allow me to say 8-studious habits. I passed my four years at one of our colleges in training for the ministry, and have more than once gone through that delightful process which our denomination aptly designates as preaching on probation.' One good certainly has accrued to me from that process, namely, that I have ever since entered with a peculiar relish on the perusal of those two chapters in Bishop Butler's Analogy, in which he treats of "a state of probation as implying trial, difficulties, and danger," and "as intended for moral discipline and improvement."


Now I have never been extensively popular as a preacher, yet for want of a better

J. A.

at hand, I have frequently been asked to preach on various occasions to churches at some distance from home. Missions, ordinations, Sunday school sermons, lectures to raise funds for British schools, to mechanics' institutes and young men's Christian associations (who generally, by the way, make a point of carefully stating in their letter of invitation, that "they are extremely sorry that, from the low state of their funds, they cannot offer any remuneration to the lecturer, beyond travelling expenses"); once, too, I was honoured by an invitation to preach at the opening of a new chapel, and with a mild satisfaction saw a few days afterwards, that the authorities on the spot had, in the report they had forwarded to the Baptist Magazine, kindly designated my discourse as "appropriate to the occasion."

My object in occupying your space, dear sir, is to draw attention to the question of the remuneration of ministers, and to the mode of presenting it, in connection with such services. With regard to mechanics' institutes and other associations of the kind,

I have long ago made it a rule, since I regard lecturing of this kind as an inferior by-work to the ministry, not to lecture out of my own town, without fair remuneration for my work. As to "probation," I have no immediate prospect of going upon that again, and would only say, for the guidance of my younger brethren, that when the question of payment comes up at the close of this probationary term, boldly to let the authorities know-if they evidence ignorance on the point-what they consider to be an adequate recompense for their time, and pains, and services, not setting the figure too low, especially if the church be rich, and acting on the frugal maxim of laying by something against a rainy day." Unsuccessful candidates for the pulpit ought to be the most liberally and delicately remunerated of all.

The point I more particularly refer to, how ever, is the following; and many brethren who, like myself, feel their courage abate with years will sympathise with me. The post brings a humble and earnest request, signed, perhaps, by the minister and personal friends, begging me to do them the great kindness of preaching on some one of the numerous anniversary occasions in which the age is so prolific. I consent, and give a Sabbath, part of Saturday, and sometimes the whole of Monday. My brother minister on Sunday supplies for me. I enjoy the relief of a change, though when it comes too often, or in mid-winter, it is not always either agreeable or profitable; for on one occasion, going thirty miles on the top of a coach to preach Sunday-school sermons on a wet day, I took such a cold as to lay me by from preaching for a month afterwards, which involved a doctor's bill of several pounds, which, of course, I had to pay myself; and had it not been for the kindness of a disengaged ministerial brother who took my place, should have had to pay for supplies in addition. Of all this the distant church, in whose service these disagreeables were incurred, remained in happy ignorance. Suppose, however, I get on the Saturday to my destination, dry, and warm, and safe; much hospitality abounds, congregations are good and smiling, and all goes on comfortably till the Sunday evening. Then there comes up to me, in a vestry, perhaps half full of people, generally "the chief ruler of the synagogue," a grave and greyhaired deacon, often the natural kindness of the face frosted with a north-east aspect, as with a hard, business-like, don't-ask-toomuch sort of voice, he puts the solemn question amidst profound silence, "Sir, what are your expenses ?" or, "What are we indebted to you for your services?" or "What

have we to pay you?" I of course blush, feel nervous, and generally stammer out my bare railway fare or other expenses; and sometimes to my subsequent dismay find I have forgotten cab-fare or other miscellaneous items. Now, I submit that the above is not a fair nor a delicate mode of doing the business. Secretaries of Athenæums, &c., act in general both more kindly and generously in paying their lecturers, and spare their feelings as much as possible. It is plain that if any one who has to pay a minister for preaching, wants to know his expenses, he can generally soon learn what they are by a reference to Bradshaw. Would it not be well (if only expenses are intended to be paid) for the party who pays them to calculate what they are likely to be, and without remark quietly give them to the recipient? But I hold that expenses in most cases are not a fair remuneration. Suppose I pay ten shillings in travelling expenses, does that bare amount repaid to me fairly cover the wear and tear of nerves, brain, and speech, and of clothes, both in and out of the pulpit, the risks of travelling, the time taken from one's own family and church, the influence which that time detracts from one's own circle of friends and pursuits-time spent too in advancing the interests of another and distant minister and church? A lawyer will have his two guineas a day and expenses for every journey, however trifling the business; and is a minister's time worth nothing at all to himself or to his people? I think that a church should considerately and appropriately (abstaining from all questions) pay for services of the kind referred to, the expenses and something over, according to a kind and wise judgment. It might not be unadvisable for brethren to let it be known they did, as a rule, charge something for such services beyond their bare expenses, as I believe that one great reason why the more popular of our ministers are teased with numerous applications for attendance at all kinds of anniversaries, is that they generously give their services too cheaply. These remarks, of course, do not apply to services rendered to really poor churches and their ministers.

I remain, dear sir,

Yours truly,

"Meo sum pauper in ære."

P.S. I suppose that my brethren, like myself, are in the habit of receiving many letters needing answers, from people they do not know, on matters in which they have no personal interest. I have found it serviceable, when a stamp is not enclosed, to post my reply unpaid. ~ Verb. sap, sat.

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