
struction; the Deaconesses' House; the Evangelical Alliance; and the Society of Pastoral Conferences.


Successful operations of the Home Mission. -The Rev. Theodore Plitt of Carlsruhe, in a letter addressed to Evangelical Christendom of last month, communicates the following interesting results of the Home Mission Society's labours among the inhabitants of the Schwarzwald mountains, all the more interesting he says, that they had their rise in England:

"You are aware," he says, 66 that that chain of mountains in our native land, which we call the Schwarzwald, is inhabited by a number of clockmakers, who go forth from thence throughout the whole world in prosecution of their calling. Six of these clockmakers carried on a lucrative business, six or seven years ago, in Wales. They were all Roman Catholics, but never entered a church. As they were playing at cards one Sunday afternoon at home, their servant, an Englishwoman, entered the apartment and exclaimed, 'I will never serve in a family where cards are played on Sunday.' They were startled, and agreed to go to the Catholic church, where they heard an Irish priest preach, who declared that salvation is only to be obtained in the Catholic church: The English are heretics and will all be condemned.' This he preached every Sunday. Now, as the Schwarzwalders had observed that the English Protestants were generally industrious and honest, while the Irish Catholics were just the reverse, they resolved, for once, to attend the Protestant Church, that they might ascertain what the doctrines were which these heretics

taught. They there heard a young clergyman of the Established Church, who has since joined another denomination, and four of them were awakened under his sermon. One returned home to publish to his countrymen salvation through Christ. Dr Pinkerton appointed him bible-colporteur, but it was long before any result of his labours appeared. The hour of mercy for this Swiss Catholic village of Neukirch at length arrived. Many souls longed to hear the gospel. A German Catholic preacher, from Heidelberg, came among them, named Brügger, but could not pacify them, for he preached more about politics than faith. He talked of the prince of Prussia, and called him the Kartätscherpringen (military prince.) He spoke of Jesus Christ, and called him a Winderdoctor (wonder-working doctor.) The German Catholic preachers of our land are all infidel. The people of Neukirch entreated us to send them an evangelical preacher. The Rev. Mr Willhelmi, a young clergyman who had resigned his pastorate, and was willing to travel, went to them and held the first Protestant religious service in this Catholic district, in the school-house, the 31st December, 1848. On the 1st of January he preached again, and although Satan manifested much enmity and rage, his sermons were greatly blessed that many were aroused. When he again visited this spot, just before Easter, he was requested by several to administer the communion to them, in accordance with our Lord's command, for they could no longer attend mass. On Easter Sunday, seven persons, including the burgomaster of the village, and his father-inlaw, a gray-haired man, 78 years of age, passed over to the Protestant Church."


Proceedings of the Synod of United Original Seceders.-The Synod of United Orignal Seceders met at Edinburgh, in Davie Street Church, on the 1st May, and was opened with a sermon from Isa. xlv. 23, by the Rev. James Black, the former moderator. The Rev. George M'Crie, Clola, was chosen moderator for next year, and took the chair. The attendance both of ministers and ruling elders was very full.

The first cause taken up by the Synod was a protest by the Rev. Archibald Brown against the decision of Edinburgh Presbytery, in the admission of the Rev. William Marshall, Leith, into the fellowship of this church. The Synod having heard the papers read, and parties having agreed to wave their right of pleading to them, the following question was allowed to be

put to Mr Marshall:- Did he, in acceding to our Testimony, before the Presbytery, understand that he took it in the same sense that others do?' and Mr Marshall having answered in the affirmative, it was moved and agreed to, mem. con.,-' That the Synod approve of the conduct of the Presbytery in admitting Mr Marshall; and recommend that the unpleasant discussions to which this business has given rise be buried in oblivion.' The names of Mr Marshall and of his elder were then added to the roll.

The Presbytery of Edinburgh having presented a report to the Synod respecting some publications recently issued by the Rev. A. Brown, especially an appendix to two sermons published by him, the Presbytery and Mr Brown were fully heard;

and several members having expressed their views of this matter, the following motion was made and seconded:-'The Synod, after considering the report of the Edinburgh Presbytery, with the documents referred to, particularly the appendix to the sermons published by Mr Brown, while willing to give him all credit for his conscientious scruples, cannot help lamenting and disapproving of the mode in which he has given expression to them; more especially, they must express their regret that he should have published the said appendix while the question referred to was yet sub judice, and without holding intercourse with his brethren with the view of obtaining explanations, in consequence of which, he has greatly misrepresented their views in some important points; and they would, from this example, take the opportunity of declaring their decided condemnation of the practice of publishing to the world statements calculated to foment strife or engender suspicion, especially on questions which are pending for judgment in the superior court of review.' The following motion was also made and seconded :-' The Synod having considered the reference from the Presbytery of Edinburgh, anent the appendix to Mr Brown's sermons, express their regret at its publication, regard it informal, and hope that a similar course will be avoided in future.' These motions being put to the vote, twenty voted for the first, and six for the second motion, wherefore the Synod decided in terms of the first motion.

The Rev. John Dunlop Paxton, of Kirriemuir, having received a call from Campbell Street Congregation, Glasgow, the Synod resolved that Mr Paxton be translated from Kirriemuir to Campbell Street Congregation; and appointed the Presbytery of Glasgow to proceed with his induction with all convenient speed.

The Rev. Edward Anderson Thomson, of Dundee, having received a call from the Second Congregation of Kirkintilloch, the Synod resolved that Mr Thomson be continued in Dundee.

The Synod appointed one student of divinity to be immediately entered on trials for license; and other two students to be taken on trials by their respective Presbyteries on the conclusion of next session of the Hall.

The Synod having considered an overture anent the office of deacons, adopted the following motion: That approving of the spirit of the overture, this matter be referred to a committee, consisting of Mr Ramage, Mr Shaw, Dr M'Crie, Mr Murray, and Mr

White; and that the committee report to the Synod at next meeting, if any practical course can be suggested for general adoption. Mr Ramage convener of the committee.'

An overture being presented to the Synod anent the present position and principles of this church, after an amicable conversation, a committee was appointed to prepare an address on the subject, and empowered to publish it with all convenient speed.

The Mission Committee gave in a report of their actings during the past year; and, among other things, it was stated, that Bernard Cuningham is now employed as a scripture reader at Westport, County Mayo, Ireland, at a salary of £40 a year. If the Presbytery of Down and Derry can procure another suitable for the purpose, the committee was empowered to engage him. It was also agreed that the committee remit £40 to the evangelical society of Geneva, and £40 to the Belgian Society, for the support of colporteurs.

The convener of the committee on the Mutual Assistance Fund verbally reported that the sums contributed by the various congregations during the past year amounted to £385 17s 2d, exclusive of donations, and that the sum at the Synod's disposal was now £402 17s 2d; that all the congregations belonging to the body had acceded to the scheme; and had, almost without exception, made contributions in its behalf; and they submitted a scheme of distribution, drawn up on the principle of last year, which was read to the Synod. The committee recommended to the Synod the propriety of appointing an agent to conduct and manage the various schemes of the church, and recommended Mr William Ferguson, of Glasgow, who has hitherto managed the affairs of the Magazine, to this office. They also recommended the periodical publication of the sums received to the fund. The Synod, after deliberation, unanimously approved of the report and the recommendations therein made; and remitted to the committee with instructions to carry them out.

It was moved and unanimously agreed, that before any minister shall participate in the Mutual Assistance Fund for the next year, he shall be required to furnish the committee with a statement of all the sums or allowances he may receive as stipend, sacramental expenses, or otherwise; and that this statement be in the hands of the committee at least ten days before the meeting of Synod; and it was farther agreed, that any change in the yearly allowance made by congregations to their

minister shall also be communicated at the same time to the committee.

The treasurer gave in a report concerning the Synod fund, and, as this fund is in an exhausted state, it was earnestly recommended that each congregation be punctual in making an annual collection in its behalf. From this fund the Professor's and Synod clerk's salaries are paid-the travelling expenses of ministers on the public business of the church are defrayed-and small donations granted to weak vacant congregations.

The committee for correspondence with other churches reported the result of two conferences they had held with the committee of the Reformed Presbyterian Synod; and, after several members had expressed their minds, it was moved and agreed to:-That the Synod regret to learn that so little progress has been made towards agreement in sentiment between the two committees, yet anxious to do all in their power to remove present differences, re-appoint the committee for correspondence with other churches, with instructions to meet with the committee of the Reformed Presbyterians, should there be any opportunity presented of meeting with them, or any prospect of matters being riper for agreement in the profession of the truth.'

The Synod having ascertained that the last edition of the Testimony has been all sold off, agreed that a new edition of 1000 copies be published as soon as possible; and that this edition be printed at Glasgow, under the superintendence of Mr W. Ferguson.

The Synod agreed to petition the House of Commons in favour of the removal of the existing tests connected with the National Universities and parochial schools of Scotland; and against certain clauses of the Marriage and Registration Bill.

The following members were appointed a standing committee on public questions, viz.:-Dr M'Crie, Mr Shaw, and Mr Marshall, with Mr Manson, Mr Aitken, and Mr Murray as corresponding members. Dr M'Crie convener.

Mr Manson and Mr Thomson, together with the Synod clerk, were appointed a committee to regulate the supplies till next meeting of Synod.

The next meeting of Synod was appointed to be held at Edinburgh, in Davie Street Church, on the Monday after the last Sabbath of April, at half-past 6 o'clock, p.m.

As each sederunt was opened with praise, reading a portion of God's word, and prayer, so the Synod was closed with prayer, the singing of God's praise, and the benediction.

East Campbell Street Congregation, Glasgow-Induction of the Rev. John Paxton.The Rev. Mr Paxton, formerly of Kirriemuir, was inducted to the pastoral charge of this congregation on Wednesday, the 23d of May last. An appropriate sermon was preached by the Rev. John Blakely of Kirkintilloch, from Habakkuk iii. 2. The Rev. George Hill of Shotts addressed the newlyinducted pastor and his people, on their duties to each other. On the following Sabbath, Mr Paxton was introduced to his labours in East Campbell Street Church by the Rev. Mr Smith of Pollokshaws, who preached in the forenoon. Mr Paxton him. self preached in the afternoon to a large and attentive audience. The collections through. out the day amounted to a sum exceeding £80,

Haddington Congregation. The church belonging to the Original Secession Congregation, Haddington, having been long in a most uncomfortable and most unsatisfactory condition, the session, at a late meeting, appointed practical men to examine as to its safety, and report. This report was given in to the congregation at its meeting on the 22d day of June, and declared the church to be in an unsafe state. Hereupon, it was resolved that a new church should be built; and a committee was appointed to take steps for that purpose. This congregation feels itself to have strong claims on the sympathy and encouragement of their brethren throughout the body, in making this attempt. Though averaging about 110 in membership, and all of these, with scarcely an exception, in the humbler ranks of life, they have never, on any occasion, sought assistance from the Synod, and have often extended it to others. They hope, therefore, now to experience, at the hands of their brethren, that sympathy which they have so often shown.

Dundee Congregation.-From the report of the Synod's proceedings, it will be ob served, that in the case of the call to the Rev. Mr Thomson of Dundee, from the second congregation of Kirkintilloch, it was resolved that Mr Thomson be continued in his present charge. We are happy to know that the Dundee congregation, hitherto assembling for public worship in the Watt Institution, have resolved to erect a new place of worship for themselves. At present they are collecting funds for this purpose.

The London May Meetings.-The May Meetings,' as they are called, consist of a series of meetings, held annually in London, during the month of May, connected with the various religious societies in Great Britain and Ireland, which have for their object the spread of the gospel at home and abroad.


The following is a brief notice, chiefly statistical, of the most important of these societies, extracted from the reports presented at their several anniversaries in May last:

Baptist Missionary Society. The annual meeting of this society was held at Exeter Hall-S. M. Peto, Esq., M.P., in the chair. The great hall was crowded on the occasion. The society has agents in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. The volumes of scriptures printed up to 1837 were 240,065 -between 1837 and 1847 the number printed amounted to 503,206-in all, 743,270. Since 1847, 133,000 volumes more have issued from the press. Addition to the debt in the year, £1,523. Deficiency in March, 1848, £5,234.-Baptist Home Missionary Society. The annual meeting was held at Finsbury Chapel-Mr Alderman Challis in the chair. The total receipts of the society during the year had been £4,644 10s 2d, while the expenditure amounted to £4,645 7s 11d, leaving a balance due by the society which, together with a balance against the society due on loans, amounted to £530 17s 9d.-Baptist Irish Society. The annual meeting was held at Exeter Hall-R. Harris, Esq., M.P., in the chair. The Society has now in Ireland fifteen churches, of which the missionaries are pastors. To these there have been added, during the year, 138 persons. The total receipts during the past year were £2,670 2s 9d; the expenditure, inclusive of a balance of £1,757 1s 2d against the society last year, amounted to £4,340 11s 3d; leaving the present balance against it, £1,670 8s 6d.-Religious Tract Society. The fiftieth annual and jubilee meeting of this society was held in Exeter Hall-S. M. Peto, Esq., in the chair. The report stated that, during the past year, the society had offered a premium of £100 for the best work on the present state of the manufacturing and labouring classes, and the best means of providing for their temporal and spiritual improvement; £50 for the second best; and also three other prizes of £25, £20, and £15. The committee also offered prizes of £25 and £15 for the best tract on the spiritual state of Ireland, and £100 for the colporteurs of that country. The whole circulation during the year amounted to 18,223,955; and, during the fifty years the society had been in existence, to 500,000,000. The total receipts for the year amounted to £59,495.-Church Missionary Society. The annual meeting of this society was held in Exeter Hall-the Earl of Chichester in the chair. The report showed the funds of the society to be in a

very satisfactory state, the income amounting to upwards of £101,000, and the expenditure being £87,000. The last year having been the fiftieth anniversary of the society, a jubilee was held, and a jubilee fund formed, which amounts to £53,000. It is proposed to appropriate £20,000 of this sum to the fund already formed for the relief of sick and aged missionaries.-British and Foreign Bible Society. The annual meeting of this society was held on Wednesday, at Exeter Hall-the Marquis of Cholmondeley in the chair. The report for the past year detailed the successful exertions of the society in circulating the scriptures in France, Germany, Holland, Sweden, Italy, and various other parts of the world. The receipts for the year amounted to nearly £100,000. The report was adopted, and several eloquent appeals having been made in behalf of the society, a vote of thanks to the chairman concluded the business of the day.-Bible Translation Society. The annual meeting of the friends and sup porters of the Bible Translation Society was held at the Baptist Chapel, New Park Street, Southwark-John Shoard, Esq. of Bristol, in the chair. Dr Steane, the secretary, read the committee's report of the operations. The number of scriptures which have been sent forth from the depository for distribution, amounts to 48,157 volumes, the majority of them being single gospels. The receipts for the year amounted altogether to £1,472 8s 6d.-London Missionary Society. The annual meeting of this society was held in Exeter Hallthe Duke of Argyle in the chair. The society has agents in Polynesia, South Africa, China, and India. The total receipts during the past year amounted to £64,508 3s 8d; the expenditure was £67,238 12s 9d; leaving a balance against the society of £2,730 9s 1d.Wesleyan Missionary Society. The annual meeting of this society was held in Exeter Hall,-Sir E. N. Buxton in the chair. The society has agents in Germany, France, Switzerland, India, Australia, in several parts of Africa, North America, etc. The report stated that the general state of the society's missions was decidedly prosperous; and that the annual returns were such as to stimulate them to persevere in their exertions. The total receipts, from all sources, were £104,126 19s 7d; the expenditure was £111,492 9s 3d; leaving a balance against the society of £7,365 98 8d, which, with the deficiency of £5,993 6s 5d from the previous year, amounts to £13,358 16s 1d. Several

very large donations, in aid of the funds of the society, were presented at the meeting after the reading of the report. -British and Foreign Sailors' Society. The annual meeting of this society was held at the London Tavern, Bishopgate Street, Mr Alderman Cardon in the chair. The report stated that 707 meetings had been held on shipboard, attended by 10,405 seamen ; 2,542 meetings held on shore, attended by 39,951 persons; 51,647 visits paid to ships; 7,532 visits paid to lodging-houses; 3,975 to seamen's families; and 746 to sick seamen. 3,302 English Bibles, 1,731 English Testaments, 284 Welsh Bibles, 131 Welsh Testaments, 536 foreign Bibles, and 870 foreign Testaments sold; 119 parts of scripture in

foreign languages,

219,684 English tracts, 12,310 Welsh tracts, 29,595 foreign tracts, 8,590 old magazines, and 143 loan libraries circulated. From the treasurer's account, it appeared that the receipts of the year amounted to £3,512 13s 7d; that the balance in hand was £71 14s 11d; and that the society's liabilities, owing to the unusual pressure of the times, and to a large expenditure having been needed, in the alterations connected with the Sailor's Church, amounted to £924 4s 2d. -British Society for the Propagation of the Gospel among the Jews. The annual meeting of this society was held in the Freemasons' Hall,-J. D. Paul, Esq., in the chair. The society has a number of agents in different parts of the world, with nine missionaries, a female visitor, and a scripture reader labouring among the Jews in London, Manchester, Bristol, Birmingham, &c. A Jewish Missionary College had also been established, from which confident expectations might be entertained of the happiest results at no distant period. It now contains eight students. The total receipts, during the year, including a balance, amounted to £4,527 12s 8d; the expenditure, including the purchase of an Exchequer-bill for £524 10s, had been £4,322 15s 5d; leaving a balance in hand of £204 17s 3d.-British Missions. The annual meeting of this society was held in Exeter Hall,-Alderman Kershaw, Esq., M.P., in the chair. Under

the term British Missions' are included the following societies:-The Home Missionary Society, the Irish Evangelical Society, and the Colonial Missionary Society, supported chiefly by the Congregationalists of Great Britain and Ireland, and the colonies. The amount

of receipts for the Home Missionary Society was £6,445 15s 9d; the expenditure £6,922 18s 10d; leaving a deficiency of £477 3s Id. The receipts of the Irish Evangelical Society were £3,701 38 4d; the expenditure was £4,188 13s 7d; leaving a deficiency of £487 10s 3d. The receipts of the Colonial Missionary Society were £3,053 109 7d; whilst the expenditure had been £3,063 16s 4d.

Finances of the Free Church for Missionary and Educational Purposes.-The various reports presented to the General Assembly of the Free Church at its late meeting, held in Edinburgh, showed the following state of accounts in connection with the different schemes of the Church. For Home Missions, £5,320; for Education, £15,198; for the New College, £4,189; for the Foreign Mission, £11,065; for Colonial Mission, £4,007; for the Jews' Mission, £948; for the Building Fund, £4,130; for the Canton de Vaud, £2,587. Total, £47,443; which, with other smaller sums for similar purposes, makes a total amount of £49,214; being an increase on the returns of last year of nearly £400.

Missions of the United Presbyterian Church.-Besides the labours of their Home Mission, the United Presbyterian Church has extended its operations to Canada and Nova Scotia in North America; Jamaica and Trinidad in the West Indies; to Calabar and Caffraria in Africa; to Persia in Asia; to Australia in the South Seas; and to France in Europe; embracing distant parts in every quarter of the world. From the report presented to the late meeting of Synod, the receipts for missions appear to be about £14,350, which is £1,260 more than last year; and if to this the sum raised for the mission ship be added, in that case, the amount contributed for missionary purposes alone during the year will be fully £17,500.

Missions of the Reformed Presbyterian Church. Besides their mission to Canada, begun in 1830, the Reformed Presbyterian Church has two missionaries, Messrs Duncan and Inglis, in New Zealand, and a mission to the Jews in London, conducted by Dr Cuningham. The receipts for the foreign mission during the past year appear to be about £176; those for the London mission amount to £497 1s 101d. At their late meeting, the Synod also resolved to extend their missionary operations to some parts of the continent of Europe.

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