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" THE ORIGIN OF THE CHINESE; an Attempt to Trace the connection of the Chinese with Western Nations in their Religion, Superstitions, Arts, Language, and Traditions. "
Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft - Page 178
de Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft - 1868
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Luzac & Co.'s Oriental List, Volumes 36 à 39

1925 - 1240 pages
...engraved from Cellarius, on 33 copper plates. Sm. 4to. , half-bound. Dublin, 1786. 8s. Chalmers (John) — The Origin of the Chinese. An attempt to trace the...Chinese, with Western Nations, in their Religion, Superstitions, Arts, Language and Traditions. 8vo., half -bound, pp. 95. Hongkong, 1866. 8s. 6d. China....
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The Text of the Iguvine Inscriptions

Francis William Newman - 1864 - 140 pages
...CATLIN. With 13 Coloured Illustrations. 4to pp. 60, bound in cloth, gilt edges. 14s. Chalmers. — THE ORIGIN OF THE CHINESE; an Attempt to Trace the...the Chinese with Western Nations in their Religion, Superstitions, Arts, Language, and Traditions. By JOHN CHALMERS, AM Foolscap 8vo. cloth, pp. 78. 5s....
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The Vishńu Puráńa: A System of Hindu Mythology and Tradition, Volume 2

Fitzedward Hall - 1865 - 416 pages
...CHALMERS, LL.D., Canton. Three Vols. Royal Mo. bound in Chinese style, pp. 1000. 21». Chalmers. — THE ORIGIN OF THE CHINESE; an Attempt to Trace the...the Chinese with Western Nations in their Religion, Superstitions, Arts, Language, and Traditions. By JOHN CHALMERS, AM Foolscap 8vo, cloth, pp. 78. 6»....
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Trübner's American and oriental literary record

1868 - 716 pages
...60, PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON Now Ready, in 1 vol. Fcap. 8vo. pp. 80, cloth, price 2*. 6<f. THE OEIGIN OF THE CHINESE. An attempt to trace the connection...the Chinese with Western Nations in their Religion, Superstitions, Arte, Language, and Traditions. By JOHN CHALMERS, AM TRÜBNER & Co., 60, PATERNOSTER...
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Neuer Anzeiger für Bibliographie und Bibliothekwissenschaft

1867 - 632 pages
...jusqu'à nos jours. Tomes I— III. Paris, 1866-67. 8°. Jeder Bd. ЧЯ(.\Ь1гдг 996. Chalmers, J. The Origin of the Chinese: an attempt to trace the...the Chinese with western nations in their religion, superstitions, arts, languages, and traditions. Hongkong, 1866. 8». 78pp. 3 Of. 997. Chevalet, Emile....
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Memorials of Protestant Missionaries to the Chinese: Giving a List of Their ...

Alexander Wylie - 1867 - 352 pages
...Puking, 1866. This is a translation into the Mongolian language of No. 8* supra. Rev. John Chalmers. 12. The Origin of the Chinese: an attempt to trace the...the Chinese with western nations in their religion, superstitions, arts, language, and traditions. 8vo. pp. 80. Hongkong, 1866. Rev. Josiah Cox. !• if...
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The Chronicle

1867 - 262 pages
...HEA.VISIDE. "Lea premiers honimcs n'ecrivent que sur lea pierres." fivo., pp. -IS, sewed, \s. fid. THE ORIGIN of the CHINESE. An Attempt to trace the...the Chinese with Western Nations in their Religion, Superstitions, Arts. Language, and Traditions. By JOHN CHALMERS, AM In 1 vol. fcap. Svo., pp. 80. cloth,...
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The Treaty Ports of China and Japan: A Complete Guide to the Open Ports of ...

William Frederick Mayers, Charles King - 1867 - 826 pages
...Chinese library of Royal Asiatic Society, London 1838. * Celestial Empire, the CHALMERS (Rev. John), the origin of the Chinese ; an attempt to trace the...the Chinese with western nations in their Religion, Superstitions, Arts, Language and Traditions ; by John Chalmers, AM Hongkong, 1866. Catalogue of Books...
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The History of India, as Told by Its Own Historians: The ..., Volume 4

Sir Henry Miers Elliot - 1872 - 644 pages
...CHALMERS, LL.D., Canton. Three Vols. Royal 8vo. bound in Chinese style, pp. 1000. 21«. Chalmers.—THE ORIGIN OF THE CHINESE; an Attempt to Trace the connection...the Chinese with Western Nations in their Religion, Superstitions, Arts, Language, and Traditions. By JOHN CHALMERS, AM Foolscap 8vo. cloth, pp. 78. 5«....
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Zeitschrift für allgemeine Erdkunde

Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin - 1867 - 676 pages
...Kafiristan, bearb. von WW Grigorieff. St. Petersburg 1867. XIV, 1012 S. gr. 8. China. Chalmers (J.), The Origin of the Chinese: an attempt to trace the Connection of the Chinese Western Nations in their Religion, Superstitions, Arta, Language, and Traditions. Hongkong 1866....
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