
Now he need not be carried any more, but could walk about the nice fields, and go from place to place as he pleased, and I dare say he often went to the Temple, that he might there praise and thank God for his goodness to him. For you know Peter and John could not have made him walk, Mamma, unless God had helped them to do so.

Mamma. You are right, my dear boy. When the people who were standing about at the time

saw the poor cripple, who had so often lain at the Beautiful gate of the Temple to beg for alms, holding Peter and John, and walking and praising God, they were also filled with surprise and wonder. They could scarcely believe it to be true, and they began to ask how this wonderful cure took place. So Peter stood up and told the people that it was by God's power alone, and faith in the name of Jesus Christ, that they had wrought the miracle.

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London, John Harris, St Pauls Church Yd Jan: 1843.





Mamma, I think that Peter, and James, and John, and the other disciples who loved Jesus Christ, must have been very sorry when he was parted from them and taken up into heaven.

Mamma. No, my love. The Bible tells us that they were full of joy. They knew that he was

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