
in some instances, not without carrying away with them such impressions, as, by the blessing of God, will be matured unto everlasting life. An easterly wind, which prevailed here for a fortnight, brought about fifty sail of shipping into the different harbours; and on every occasion, when the weather permitted, there were preaching and prayer-meetings for seamen, both here (St. Mary's) and at Trescaw. During this time nine sermons were delivered, and five prayer meetings held, at which several seamen engaged.

A pious captain preached in Trescaw,

while I was engaged in the same work at St. Mary's; and on the different occasions, the chapels were filled to excess with sailors and islanders. It rejoices me to say, that more has been done since I wrote last, than is sometimes effected in six months. May the Lord the Spirit sanctify these means to the souls of poor destitute seamen !

We have had some very severe weather. On Tuesday morning last, (Nov. 27th,) a French West Indiaman was totally wrecked here, but the crew and passengers were providentially saved by the exertions of the islanders.


As a station, this is one of great importance. The difficulty of access to our foreign-going sailors at home, renders it indispensable, that since so many of them visit the Cape, there should exist an agency which may be brought to bear upon them, in their progress to other lands; and, if possible, a restraint laid upon those that are vicious and profane, by the inculcation of the great lessons of religion. This is the object for which the chaplaincy was appointed; and how far it is being realized will appear from the details of our esteemed brother who is engaged on this distant station :


The Rev. J. PEARS in his journal for August, writes:-You are aware that the ships here are all at anchor far from the shore, and when the S. E. or N.W.wind blows vehemently, we cannot communicate with the vessels. In the present case, though the wind was rather strong, I did not apprehend any danger, and therefore determined as usual, to go on board and preach, but during the time we were on board, the wind increased, and we had much difficulty in getting on shore. With the exception of a severe drenching and a heavy cold, however, no damage was sustained: God in his goodness having preserved us. To his name be the praise!

On the 5th, the Bethel flag was hoisted on board the 'Briton,' and the other vessels were visited, and tracts distributed!

Two members of the society of Friends Messrs. Walker and Backhouse, being here just now, I have had my hands strengthened by their assistance and countenance. They have also given me a large parcel of Portuguese New Testaments, for the use of any that I may meet with, who understand that language. On the other sabbaths of this month, with the exception of the 26th, I was unable to get on board, but spent the days in the hospital, jail, and in addressing seamen, boatmen, and fishers on shore.

On the 26th, spent the day, and preached on board the Renown,' of Greenock, a ship with emigrants for New South Wales. Both passengers and crew were in excellent order, and there was a large attendance from the other ships. Divine service had been kept up during the whole voyage, and some of the passengers, especially a lady and gentleman of the name of Hamilton, were truly devoted christians. The cause is advancing here,― but one great obstacle is, the constant habit of drinking spirits; the price being so low, that a man can obtain a bottle of brandy for two shillings, or two shillings and four-pence half-penny. We are endeavouring to introduce the temperance system as fully as we can, and some have become members.When the good effects have become more apparent, I trust many more will be induced to join the Society. I am often obliged to interfere to get sailors out of jail, who have been put in for drunkenness, and get them sent on board their ships; otherwise the ships might sail without them, and they would be left here, and lose the whole of their wages for the voyage.

Under date of the 6th October, he writes:-During the month of September, though the weather was stormy, I have been enabled by the providence of God to carry on the work. Very many ships have been visited, and sermons preached; and a much greater anxiety than formerly manifested to hear the word.

On board the 'Bleake,' where the crew have undergone great sufferings, the men were most desirous to have service; but though I considered it my duty to pay as much attention as I possibly could to them, and administer to their spiritual wants; yet as I could not obtain the consent of the captain, I thought it better to decline at first; but afterwards, on obtaining the consent of the captain that was engaged in place of the former one, now under trial for

murder, I preached, and the crew were very much affected. They had suffered much; one of their number had died and another was very ill (as it is reported) from the cruelty of the captain and mates. Since they were committed, I have had much conversation with them, and find them by no means ignorant, nor unwilling to attend to divine things; though I cannot say they have as yet evinced anything like conviction of sin, or repentance unto life. They were tried last week, and after a most patient and laborious investigation, for nearly six days, before an intelligent jury, they have been acquitted of the crime of murder, but found guilty of manslaughter.

There are other indictments against them, but whether the Attorney General will proceed against them or not is uncertain. But it will be decided to day. The judge has not yet assigned the punishment, but if only a tenth of the acts alleged be true, they merit a severe punishment. It can scarcely be believed that human nature can be so dreadfully depraved, as wantonly to commit such acts. They still deny the crimes, and declare that it is a vile combination of the crew against them. I have had much intercourse with the crew, and to me they appear a very sober, quiet, and orderly set of men; and I have found none more anxious to hear the word, or to receive instruction. The tracts that I have given them, have been carefully read, and I hope with advantage.

On board the 'St. George,' I found large and attentive audiences for some days. There were on board above 350 emigrants, for New South Wales, from Argyleshire, in Scotland. Every time I preached, the deck was crowded to excess, and I was earnestly requested to visit them every day during their stay, which I did.

The majority of the crew and passengers were sober religious people; though there were a few of a different

description, who had given them, as the captain and surgeon told me, much trouble on the voyage. They were anxious to leave them here, but our authorities thought it better that they should be taken on to their destination. I spoke seriously to them, and they promised to behave better. One man who was sick appeared to have felt the power of religion, and to be rejoicing in hope. Of others I have good hopes; and as many are of a superior character, and all have received a religious education, they will, I fondly trust, prove a blessing to the colony for which they are bound.

On board the 'Duke of Argyle,' I have also received much kindness, and the officers in the most handsome manner made every arrangement for divine service. This is one of the well-conducted and orderly ships, on board of which a minister at once feels himself at home. The captain of the 'Earl Powess,' has also requested the flag to be hoisted on board his vessel; but have not yet been on board to preach, as I prefer always the largest ships, and those lying nearest the centre of the anchorage ground, in order that the boats from the other ships may have as short a distance as possible to come. Though the flag therefore has not been hoisted on board the Earl Powess,' the ship has not been neglected. I have been on board and spoken to the men, and given them tracts.

I now find little difficulty in procuring ships desirous of having the flag, but the open bay, the distance from the shore, and the necessity of as many men as possible being on board when the wind blows fresh, are obstacles which prevent us from having such crowded assemblies as we should otherwise have. To obviate this, I preach on board of as many vessels as I can on the same day.

I have just been on board the 'Britomart,' from London, with emigrants for

this port and Swan River. I always endeavour to board emigrant vessels as soon as I can, as I in general find them much in want of religious instruction. It would be well if some Society would attend to the outfit of such vessels, and put under the charge of the captain, surgeon, or some respectable passengers, such books and tracts, as may, under the teaching of the Spirit, prove serviceable to the people on the voyage. I frequently find those from London, Ireland, and Liverpool, destitute of Bibles, &c. It is not so with those that sail from Scotland. All on board of these, have bibles, psalm-books, catechisms, &c. Our bay is at present full of large vessels, and my time is fully occupied. Indeed I cannot possibly overtake it all; still I do as much as I can, and I hope not without a divine blessing accompanying the work.

This month my labours on shore have been great. Our jail, which always

becomes full as the time of the assizes draws nigh, and when we have many ships in the Bay, has had much of my attention. The sailors who come ashore and get drunk, very generally find their way to the jail, where they are confined for longer or shorter periods.

This month we have had a delightful meeting at the anniversary of the Methodist missionary society; much interest was excited, and, we trust a better spirit is now manifesting itself in this place. Our monthly prayer-meetings at Dr. Philip's chapel, are also now much better attended; and it is pleasing to see an increase of zeal and piety in this dark place. And we trust that God is now awakening his people to prepare for the spread of his Son's kingdom, and the spiritual emancipation of those who will, in the space of two months, be free. O may they all become Christ's free men.

On the 1st of December, slavery totally ceases here. May not a vestige of it remain in the world!


If there be great labour and difficulty connected with salting a stream, it is not a little effort, nor a little diligence that is required, to produce a change on fallen humanity. And yet, when we remember that the word of God is quick and powerful," that "it shall not return unto him void, but shall accomplish that which he pleaseth, and prosper in the thing whereto he sent it;" and that the means now being employed to improve and bless our seamen, are truly scriptural in their character and tendency, we cannot but unfeignedly rejoice in the multiplication and extension of these means, and the evident success with which they are crowned, as exhibited in the history and operations of other kindred Institutions. At present, however, we must restrict our notice to the following :—


This Institution, which has now existed for fifteen years, is in the most hopeful operation. The Committee are most active and successful in their work of faith and labour of love. Two years ago the whole interior of the Chapel was remodelled and improved, so that seamen entering the port have a BETHEL, in which they may worship the God of their lives and the Father of their mercies. The place is as comfortable and compact as any in the city; deeply interesting, attentive, and large,—often crowded congregations, assemble within its walls; and the clergy of every orthodox communion come forward with cheerful alacrity to perform the service on the evening of each Lord's-day; while the morning and afternoon services, together with other labours during the week, devolve principally on the missionary, whose exertions are producing the happiest results.

There is a Day-school for the instruction of seamen's children, some of whom receive their education gratuitously, and no means are left untried to induce the seamen's families to avail themselves of the benefits held out by such an institution. To the re

ligious instruction of the children there is given the most faithful attention. The number of those who attend the school is truly encouraging.

The visitation of shipping is not left exclusively to the missionary, but the labour is shared by the Committee, who, with great spirit and faithfulness, go from ship to ship every sabbath morning before divine service, and invite the attendance of the crews at the chapel, and make a plentiful distribution of religious tracts.

The establishment of respectable LODGING-HOUSES, and the opening of READING-ROOMS for the general use of seamen in the port, has awakened the solicitude of the Directors, and the measure has been justly contemplated as one of the greatest temporal boons which could be conferred on our too easily ensnared mariners.

The funds of the Institution are increasing;-a deeper and holier interest has been excited on behalf of its objects;-the claims of seamen are beginning to be adequately felt ;-and the most sanguine hopes are entertained of the future prosperity and triumph of the sailors' cause.

Maddox, Printer, Dockhead, Bermondsey.

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No one on seeing for the first time the earth bound in ice and covered with snow, would conceive that beneath these frosts and snows there lay concealed the germ of all that loveliness which at this season begins to deck the plains, and renders the face of creation so cheerful and so gay. Yet no sooner has stern WINTER yielded his iron-grasp of nature, and retired to his own colder north, than the earth dissolves and opens under the influence of lenient air, and softening dews, and tender showers, and a worldreviving sun. No longer confined and bound, it puts forth its endless forms of life and beauty; and in the verdure which it is every where creating, in the being which it is every where animating, and in the joy which it is every where diffusing, we are delightfully advised of the approach and introduction of " gentle Spring," with its ethereal mildness, and ambrosial sweetness.

We can scarcely conceive of a greater transformation than what our eyes see in creation, when "great spring" greens all the earth, clothes every object with this lovely robe, covers the mountain-rock with verdure, awakes the vital powers of the yet uncounted tribes of herbs, brings up the great process of vegetation from its dark retreat to the light of day, gives to the meadow its new and beauteous freshness, to the groves their buds, to the forest its leaves, and to all nature its thousand tints and hues. What a scene, when over mountains, vales, and forests, the vivid verdure runs; and especially when the finished garden opens its beautiful vistas to the view, and the drops of the morning dew

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