
Such is the design of the volume now under review; and Dr. Morison has happily succeeded in placing the subject in an easy, perspicuous, and convincing point of light. Would that all our youth could be induced to listen to these friendly "COUNSELS," and conform their character to the great principles and lessons here inculcated!

There are a few topics in the book on which it is well known there obtains a diversity of opinion; but on these points the author states his own views with great candour and christian charity.

Though the work has reached a third edition, (and from this circumstance may be inferred how acceptable it is to an enlightened public,) we hope that it will yet obtain a wider circulation, and be eminently useful in leading many of our youth to embrace that religion which alone can embellish their character with the more solid and stirling virtues.


W. Avery, Barnstaple.

The first edition of this little work was written about fourteen years ago, in a season of critical personal affliction; and is now republished "in connection with a benevolent object, which the author has in view." Its subject is one of deep and vital interest, and the book will be read with profit by many. We sincerely wish it a wide circulation.

LECT OF SOULS. 12mo, pp. 24.

12mo, pp. 24. THE NEGOUR HOME POPULATION. 12mo, pp. 24.

Ward and Co., London.

These three discourses, by the indefatigable Secretary of the City Mission, are powerful and stirring appeals, and address themselves to the business and bosom of every christian. They disclose many appalling facts; nor is the least valuable portion of them embodied in the statistical information which they exhibit. We recommend to the serious perusal of all who entertain any solicitude for the radical improvement either of our civil or rural population.

Though we have classed these pamphlets together, and spoken of them as a whole, it may be proper to state that any one of them may be had separately. It is above all important, that no christian who has formed any just estimate of the nature and necessity of his holy principles, should remain ignorant of the ascertained and actual state of our great metropolis.

Monthly Chronicle.

It is an important enquiry,-Since christianity is so truly missionary in its character and genius,-since its propagation has been entrusted to the church, and commanded by her exalted and reigning Head ;and since every one is under the most weighty obligation, an obligation arising out of the very profession of the truth, to disseminate its sublime and holy principles,—why has christianity not more generally obtained in the world?-why has it not been universally diffused? To this question there might be given various answers, according to the light in which it is viewed. But, without seeking to disparage other efforts of holy and benevolent enterprise; and not even overlooking the incontrovertible fact, that progression as really characterises all the operations in the moral world, as all the productions in physical nature, we think we are justified in saying, that if our seamen had not been so overlooked and neglected,—had efforts corresponding with their condition and claims been made to purify and transform their character, this earth, geographically considered, would have been less dark-less ignorant -less degraded-less heathen! The SAILORS' CAUSE most fully identifies itself with the MISSIONARY ENTERPRISE. And the glory of the latter can only be realised, in proportion to the achievements of the former. Under this impression, we have great confidence in the final success of our work. God is with us, and his blessing is resting on our labours.


Though greater success than usual, has for some months attended the labours of our dear and devoted brethren, it has tended rather to humble them before God, than to foster anything like self-confidence and elation. And, deeply impressed with the necessity of a still richer unction from above, to qualify them for future service in the great cause in which they are embarked, the following resolution was unanimously passed at their last meeting, and indicates the spirit and temper in which they are resolved to act :

"That conceiving a richer measure of Divine influence is indispensable to render efficient the labours of the Society, and its various agencies, for the improvement and salvation of our seamen, A MONTHLY PRAYER MEETING be established, to be holden in rotation, in the chapels in the East of London, on both


sides of the river, on the SECOND Tuesday in each month,—that the respective ministers in those localities be requested to give their presence and assistance, and that all the agents hold themselves pledged to be present at each meeting.”"

We regard this as a most important resolution, and cannot but anticipate the happiest results, both to our brethren themselves, and to the operations of the Society in general.


Thames Missionary.-Mr. WELCH,— I rejoice on the return of the season which collects together, in one place, in christian fellowship and conference, brethren united in the bond of the Redeemer's cause amongst sailors.From these scenes I have gone again and again, to resume my labours with renewed strength, and rekindled zeal; and with gratitude to the great Author of all good, I desire to cast my humble testimony into the treasury of HIS honour, who alone is worthy.

On a general review of the past two months, I am led to conclude, that the arm of Omnipotence is not shortened that it cannot save, nor the ear of mercy heavy that it cannot hear the prayer of the destitute.

My labours have included the upper and lower pools, in which I have been enabled to hold sixteen Bethel services on shipboard, of the most pleasing kind, and which have been attended by 384 persons; to whom I have endeavoured to administer the blessings of the gospel of peace. They listened with a seriousness, in some sense, becoming men whose lives are in jeopardy every hour. Seventy-five of them, I have found to be men acquainted with the throne of grace. They have assisted me by their prayers; and, if I may judge by the crowded state of the meetings, I trust I may say, the late alarming disasters have had some sanctified effect upon the minds of those who live to tell their tale of woe. To many such tales I have listened of late, even till my heart has sickened; but I must not enlarge. These facts, how

ever, have occasioned an increase of solemnity in the meetings in general, The particulars of one or two I may just notice.

On the evening of January 2nd, met for divine worship on board the ‘Dove,’ Capt. K., in the sixth station, little thinking that it would be the last time on board that ship. We had present six ladies and three gentlemen, friends of the captain, who came from the city to witness a sailors' Bethel meeting. The cabin was soon crowded with about thirty sailors and captains. The opening year was improved by three addresses. The first address I delivered on the barren fig tree, 'Let it alone this year;' the second, by the captain, who is a preacher of righteousness, from the words, 'Where art thou?' and the third, by Mr. Jaques on decision of character, accompanied with earnest prayer by captains and others. A powerful influence rested on the whole service. But alas! this stately ship has fallen a victim to the late violent storms. The other evening, while visiting a boarding-house the affectionate crew seized me by the hand of kindness on every side, saying, 'Here we are, sir, just as we stand,— but all spared. We reached London in the ship's boat, after much peril and suffering.' I am happy to state, that they have not been left to say, there are no friends in East London for poor Jack.

A similar meeting to the above I held on the 16th, on board the Milford,' Capt. R. This new ship was dedicated to the Bethel cause, under the most affecting circumstances. I shall never

forget, while standing up to give the address, looking around, and seeing every place where a head could be pressed in to hear the word of God. The state-rooms and steerage were full, and although the night was cold, I heard some on deck. On my left hand stood a tall man, the picture of despair, whom divine mercy had enabled me, the same day, to stop on his way to an act of suicide by throwing himself into a dock, (the effects of a week's hard drinking,) and thus vainly hoping to put an end to his mental sufferings. The subject chosen for this occasion was, the 'Trembling Jailor,' after which many prayers were offered for the tempted man, by the weeping earnest sailors, which were graciously answered by the God of mercy. He stood up at the close, and acknowledged the effect which the service had produced on his mind. I afterwards visited him, and am happy to state, that both himself and his wife have since attended the Sailors' Chapel, especially during the late revival services, which I trust have been made a blessing to them as well as many others.

During the two months, I have been enabled to obtain forty-two ships for agents, to visit from ten to fifteen vessels each day on the river and docks, also the boarding-houses on the sabbath as usual. I have distributed 1700 tracts -entered on the list eight fresh Bethel ships, and five captains have signed the


Many affecting and interesting details might be given of my visitation of shipping, if room permitted. Only yesterday I heard of two poor boys, who were launched into a watery grave at sea. May these things make me more than ever concerned for the salvation of sailors!

Mr. EDWARDS.-Since my last report, there have occurred some incidents of a pleasing nature in the fourth, fifth, and sixth stations. On November 14th, on board a new Bethel ship, we

had a goodly number present; the master took an active part in collecting a congregation, and his labour was not in vain.

At another meeting there were present two revenue officers. On board, one of them had retired to rest; but being informed that the meeting was about to commence, he got up again, and united with us in worship.


At the close of the service, one of the revenue officers requested that a similar meeting might be held as early as possible, which was complied with. lengthened conversation then took place on divine things, to which one of the officers did not appear altogether a stranger.

Other very encouraging meetings have been held. Your agent was delighted to hear on one occasion a mate, and on another two young seamen pour forth their hearts in fervent supplication to the God of all grace, to pardon and bless them, and to bless his cause among seamen. Although their petitions were in somewhat broken sentences, yet they appeared to be the breathing of the contrite ones. They have been recently brought from the paths of the destroyer, and have but just entered the straight and narrow way, which leads to joys on high.

Sixth Station.-Rev. T. MUSCUTT writes: What can so effectually elevate a sailor's mind, embolden him to meet the dangers which attend him, or make him so great a blessing to his country, as pure religion ? This is his best compass, his safest anchor, his richest pearl;-with this, he is prepared to brave the terrors of the deep, and smile at threatening storms, to rise in a moment from the wave that sinks his body, to the calm repose of endless bliss. To bring him under its hallowed influence; to make him acquainted with its delightful enjoyments; to lead him in its happy paths; to conduct him to its peaceful end, is the great object

of the operations of the Society. Such an object has in many cases been accomplished by the blessing of God on its labours. Every day the sons of the ocean are coming into contact with these labours, and thousands can attest the blessed effects which have followed. Those who visit our shipping, and conduct our Bethel meetings, are often gladdened by what they see and hear. They have proofs that their labours are not in vain in the Lord,-that the Spirit is given to many of these brave

and hardy men, and that they are im proved in their character, and better fitted for the duties of the sea, by the means of grace they enjoy while in the river.

I would state it as the deliberate conviction of my mind-a conviction produced by frequent intercourse with sailors, that they do appreciate those means of instruction which are afforded them; and that the community at large will be benefited by what christians do for the spiritual advantage of our seamen.


In our former number, we furnished a brief outline of operations in the ports along the Kentish coast, as also in Star Cross and Kenton. We have now to exhibit what is being done in other parts.


The Rev. J. BILSON reports :-Since I last wrote, I have preached much abroad, on the quays, and in the open air, to sailors and watermen, and have been well attended, and a good impression has been made on many, in reference to their soul's eternal salvation. God is adding one, and then another sailor to our church. O when will the Society see its duty to do more for this part of the world! Here are thousands of sailors, living without God in the world. My heart bleeds for them; I am doing all that I can, considering the little time I have to devote to this good Had I more time, I would do more. I am in want of a new Bethel flag; the other, by its continued use is almost unfit to unfurl. From some



The Rev. C. ROGERS, states:- The Bethel flag is always hoisted here when vessels are in the harbour. A consider

Friends or Quakers, I have received supplies of tracts in foreign languages, which I had the happiness of distributing amongst the ships from different ports abroad. They were thankfully received by all except the French.

Subsequently, he writes:-God has blessed my labours amongst seamen in this port. Two have been received into church fellowship, and a good work is going on amongst them, which can be traced to the instrumentality of the British and Foreign Sailors' Society in its agency. I continue to receive tracts in foreign languages from a member of the society of Friends in this town. I hope you will send me a supply of English, and do not forget the Bethel flag.


able number of seamen have been induced to attend the chapels at the seasons of divine worship,-and, I hope,

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