
a larger measure of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the sons of the ocean, that those of them who are still in spiritual darkness may be made light in the Lord.

Your agent has also held five meetings in the sixth station, all of which were well attended; and such were the expressions of gratitude of masters and men, and their earnest desire for more such visits among them, that it greatly encourages to perseverance in this work and labour of love.

I am led to conceive, that, were christians on shore to witness our meetings on board ship, even if they went with hearts frozen (as it were) in the cause of seamen, they would return with them dissolved in love towards the cause, and to the eternal interest of those who see the wonders of the Lord in the mighty deep.

A pious friend accompanied me from the shore recently, who said he was not aware that such a work was going on among seamen, and expressed himself much gratified with what he had seen and heard. May the number of true converts among our seamen be daily increased that angels and saints may have cause to rejoice together in the decrease of satan's kingdom, and in the enlargement of the Redeemer's!

A master of a vessel said to me one evening, he had long been serving sin and Satan, though conscience often accused him; but of late he had, by the help of divine grace, been enabled to leave the devil's service, and enter that of Immanuel; and he hoped, by continued help of the Almighty, that he should hold on to the end. He also stated that some of his crew had joined him in pursuit of the heavenly Canaan. May they all safely arrive at that delightful land, and unite in ascriptions of praise to Him who is king of that country, for ever and ever. Amen.

Welsh Agent.-Mr. J. T. ROWLAND. That God, of whom it is said-'The sea

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is his and he made it,' has aided me by his grace, during other three months, to labour among that important class of my fellow-creatures who go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; who see the works of the Lord, and his glory in the deep.' And it is most pleasing to observe, that the efforts now made to evangelize sailors are not in vain in the Lord. For Bethel ships are continually increasing in number; and praying captains, mates, and men, are multiplying.

The assistance rendered me in the devotional departments of divine worship, both by captains and men, of late, in particular, has been most encouraging to my mind.

During the last quarter I have visited upwards of 800 ships, in the Docks, at Billingsgate wharfs, and in the stream, and distributed several thousands of tracts in various languages,—with pamphlets and magazines, which were thankfully received, and in most instances carefully read. Foreign sailors seem to be very fond of reading these messengers of christian knowledge in their own languages. As I cannot converse with them on subjects pertaining to the salvation of their immortal souls in their own tongue, as I do with the English and Welsh, it gives me great pleasure in being able to supply Germans, Frenchmen, Spaniards, etc. with tracts in their own languages, especially if such contain something concerning Jesus and Calvary.

Since my last report, I have held thirty-four meetings for prayer and preaching among seamen afloat and on shore. By these means of grace, about 980 of the sons of the ocean have had the privilege of listening to the sound of the gospel; and it is hoped that by these christian exercises some lasting and saving impressions were made. I have been able to engage fifty ships for the Agents, seven of which had never before entertained a Bethel preacher.

I have also on Lord's-day afternoons held several meetings on board salt ships, in Billingsgate dock, to very numerous assemblies: many of the fishermen are glad to avail themselves of these opportunities of hearing the gospel.

I rejoice to find the work of conversion gradually proceeding among those, who were once considered as outcasts of society. I find now some praying characters among them.My heart has been gladdened in listening to some of them, when pouring out their hearts in prayer unto God. Several ladies and gentlemen, (and there are generally many at this time of the day on the Custom-house walk) come on board, so that I have seen the decks crowded with sailors, fishermen, and visitors from the quay. Many of the

latter have expressed themselves much pleased with these exercises.

Almost every Sunday evening I preach at one of the sailors' lodging houses in Vine Yard, Tooley-street. Sometimes from thirty to forty sailors and lodging-house keepers attend, some of whom I have seen deeply affected under the word. I have reason to believe that much good has been done even in this abandoned neighbourhood. Many English as well as Welsh sailors having for some time back attended this meeting, I have been obliged to preach in both languages, as I have to do very often afloat.

I continue to visit the other sailors' lodging-houses in this neighbourhood, and find them much as I have described in former reports,-in a most wretched condition.


We have the deepest solicitude for the supply of all our provincial ports with devoted and efficient agents. They have long presented a most inviting field of exertion, and would well repay any amount of labour that might be expended on it. May we, therefore, be permitted to suggest to christians in general, located in our various provincial ports, the desirableness of forming local associations, and conducting, under their own direction, such efforts as may bear more immediately on our seamen. Let but the pious of all denominations, forgetting their respective peculiarities and distinctions, unite their energies, and in the spirit of that gospel which breathes 'good-will to man,' provide for the salvation of the poor sailor. It is a department of service in which all may be employed. The one simple object to be followed and attained, is to make the sailor a christian. Generous design! and worthy of the zeal of those who profess to be the disciples and representatives of that incarnate ONE, who went about doing good.'

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[Extract from the last Quarterly Report of Mr. WILLIAMS, the Society's Agent.]

I rejoice to hear of the success with which the Rev. Mr. Adey's exertions in Ireland were crowned. I always thought

that such exertions were necessary in order to call the attention of the leading men of the christian church in this

country to the cause of sailors. And now I feel happy that this has been done. I think it impossible for any christian after reading your printed letter, to be cold or indifferent with respect to the eternal interests of seamen. Certainly it would be well to give this letter a wide circulation.

I am also glad to hear that the Committee purpose, that something more efficient shall be done for English seamen in Dublin; although I am to understand my service will not be required. Still it is, and shall, I trust, be my desire and prayer, that the blessing of God may abundantly accompany the la

bours of the agent or agents which shall be employed. And if I ever can be of any help, in any way, to the cause of sailors, even among the English, I shall always consider it my duty and pleasure so to do.

The sailor's cause in the Welsh language is obviously on the increase in this port. Our new Bethel is encouragingly attended by them every Lord'sday, and we hope that numbers of them will be saved through the gospel which they hear.

Our total abstinence pledge was signed by fifteen seamen in our last meeting.


We have much pleasure in announcing the formation of a new Auxiliary at the above place, and that the following gentlemen have kindly consented to act as the officers and committee :—

President,-HENRY B. WHITEHOUSE, Esq.

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Treasurer,-THOMAS BAGNALL, Esq.

Joint Secretaries,-Messrs. JOSEPH BRETTELL, and PETER HARRIES.

Under such direction, we have no doubt as to the success of this new Association. May it greatly strengthen and prosper under the divine benediction!

Printed by J. W. Maddox, Bermondsey, Southwark.

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