
Two services have been held here, both of a deeply interesting nature. One was on board the Florentine, bound to the Mauritius and Ceylon. The whole ship's company were called into the spacious cabin, and after singing a hymn, reading the word of God, and prayer, they were addressed from a portion of divine truth.

Another meeting of similar nature and importance, was held on board the Union, bound to Sydney; the people were assembled on the quarter deck, and divine service held. This was also a very impressive service; the words chosen for the address were,-' When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee,' &c. These services are very important to the spiritual interest of our sailors on leaving their native shores; and we earnestly wish we could obtain the favour of more ships for the purpose of thus addressing seamen, some of whom never enter the house of God when in port, from voyage to voyage, and from year to year.

Loan Libraries.-Six loan libraries have been granted, during the past two months, to ships bound to Sydney, South Australia, Mauritius, the South Seas, Algoa Bay, Demerara, and Malta. Three loan libraries have been returned, and most pleasing accounts given of the usefulness of the books. In one instance the captain, officers, and crew of a ship, which had been favoured with a library, on their arrival, made a collection of £16 18s. 6d., which has been paid into the funds of the Society. Another ship's 'company, on returning the loan library, collected £3 11s. 4d. A third collected £1 10s. Od., all going to shew how much they esteemed the books. May God, in rich mercy, continue to bless the means used for the spiritual interests of our long-neglected sailors!

Mr. MADDOX's Report (concluded.) At the close of a very interesting Be

thel meeting, a pious captain expressed to me the deep interest he felt in the moral welfare of his crew. He exclaimed, By the help of God, I will try to do more for their salvation. I will have a Bethel flag of my own; and wherever I go in foreign ports, I will hoist it. It will prove a rallying point. We will thus practically say,' Choose ye whom ye will serve; but as for me and my ship's company, we will serve the Lord!' Another captain said, 'My mind has been much affected of late with a sense of my responsibility to God, for the souls of my crew!' O that masters of ships more generally felt this! They would then use all scriptural means not only to lead them to Christ, but to clear their own souls of their blood! Observing the tracts lay on the cabintable, the eye of the captain's wife caught the one entitled-The Death of Altamont.' She exclaimed,-' O that tract I shall never forget. Several years back I read it with most awakened feelings; I trust it drove me nearer to heaven.' The master of a vessel expressed his wish that some means of grace should be provided for seamen in the port of Charont, in France. 'I beseech you,' said he, to lay the case before the Board of Directors. There are provisions of a spiritual nature for sailors in the ports of Havre and Memel-but none at Charont. I laid there last winter, with forty sail of vessels, at the different quays ;-O, how I lamented the fact of no Protestant place of worship being near. To me, it was nothing short of a famine of the bread of life. The consequence is, that the seamen go to the spirit shops, (for alcohol is cheap there) get as much, and often more, than they can carry-they then reel on board, and 'turn-in.' This is the way the sabbath is passed by the majority. As your Society is Foreign as well as British, pray do something for the port of Charont!' I promised to report the case; but at the same time expressed my fears, that, in the pre

sent state of the Society's funds, they would not be able to attempt any thing immediately for that port, there being others whose claims would take the precedence.

I have been pleased to witness in some instances the efforts of pious individuals to benefit seamen. On one occasion, I found in the cabin of a vessel, a Bible and Prayer-book, with the following inscription :

"Presented by Mrs. SUSAN TAYLOR, of Newcastle, to the Brig Rosa, as a

Testimony to the Hartlepool Union Shipping Company." May our wealthy merchants and ship-owners of London 'Go and do likewise.' What incalculable benefits would then accrue, not only to our maritime population, but, through them, to the inhabitants of other lands.

On the whole, I trust, the work continues to advance-though I have had frequent occasions to mourn over the apathy and deadness of the people.


[Extract of a Letter from Mr. BARCLAY, Adelaide, South Australia.]

It is a positive relief to know, that when seamen leave our favoured christian land, they will be met on the shores of distant regions by the minister of religion, and be thus brought within an influence so divinely adapted to impress and sanctify their hearts. Would that there was an agent on every foreign shore! But hope supports us. The time is coming, when the sailor must be regarded, and when for him provision must be made. Soon may the little one become a thousand!

It has been my happiness now, for twelve months to be fairly afloat in the Bethel canse, preaching at the port (seven miles from Adelaide) every Lord's-day morning. We also conduct services on shore, morning and afternoon at the Sailor's Union Church. this important work I am assisted by some young men from Mr. Stowes' and the Wesleyan chapels. We also hold a service every alternate Wednesday


evening. I am generally received very well among the English captains and seamen visiting this port; though the latter, for the most part, are a desperate set of fellows. I have, however, hitherto passed amongst them without molestation. If ever I needed sanctifying and strengthening grace, it is here. My health has been better than when in England, and altogether I am tolerably comfortable.


The following account received from Captain G— of the R—, lately arrived from the South Seas, after an absence of three years and nine months, will fully prove how far the efforts of pious captains, by the blessing of God on their labours, may be rendered instrumental in promoting the moral and spiritual interest of those, who, on such long and dangerous voyages, are committed to their care:

At the commencement of the voyage, on leaving London, Capt. Gmade known to his officers and men

his determination of having an altar erected for divine service, morning and evening, whenever weather and cir

cumstances (over which, in the course of the voyage, he might have no control) would admit. He fulfilled his purpose; and, by strict adherence to temperance (not even tasting ardent spirits, nor having done so for many years, although always engaged in the South Sea Whale Fishery,) he proved to his officers and ship's company, the benefits resulting from such abstinence. Full rations of rum and brandy were allowed by the ship's owner on leaving London, as is usual on such voyages. But such was the effect of the consistent conduct of the captain, in walking before his men as the servant of Christ, that by his precept and example twenty-six out of thirty-five of his men conscientiously abandoned the use of ardent spirits, although exposed to the toils and dangers incident on whaling voyages in those distant and remote seas. The benefits arising from this line of conduct were, that they enjoyed much better health than before,-were in better spirits, and enabled to perform more duty with less fatigue; and, above all, that they were led to a greater degree of seriousness and thoughtfulness. There is reason also to believe that six of them were led to believe in Christ to the salvation of their souls. What a change!

When Captain G-touched at any of the islands, he directed his course to those where are either British or American missionaries; and on the sabbath days himself, and all of the crew that could leave the ship, attended divine worship on shore. This ship was regarded as a pattern of cleanliness and order,-sobriety and discipline,in both its officers and crew. All on

board enjoyed perfect health during the voyage, except one man, whose constitution was impaired previous to leaving England; and who, at his own consent, was left behind at Huahine. With this exception, all returned in the ship, which is almost an unprecedented case; while a quantity of the spirits, sent out for the use of the sailors, was brought home-a circumstance seldom, if ever known before. At Huahine, Capt. G. engaged a native lad about seventeen years of age, whom he has, during the voyage, instructed to read and write,-his lessons have been all scripture lessons, he reads most correctly, (having heard him myself,) and he writes a very legible and excellent hand. He appears to be the subject of serious impressions.

I have had an opportunity of conversing with several of the crew of the R-, and they all speak in the highest terms of the conduct of Capt. G., as a christian man to whom they are much indebted. The highest degree of happiness existed amongst them as a ship's company-as a proof of this, while I was conversing with some of the crew, in sight of the ship, where she lay in the London Docks, one of them pointing to the vessel, sailor-like, said, 'There's the old happy R-.' This is not an unusual phrase for sailors, when things have been comfortable with them during the voyage. And in the conduct of these men we have another proof, that ardent spirits are not necessary for sailors, even in voyages to the South Seas, or the East Indies,-that their use is rather injurious than otherwise, and ought to be avoided.

It was from this ship that we lately obtained the large donation of £16 18s. 6d. as stated in the report of the senior Missionary, and the intimation of which ought to excite others to exert themselves in behalf of the great cause in general. Both officers and men might do much to aid both our funds and our operations. To all we would say,'Go and do likewise.'

It is truly gratifying to see how the work of moral reformation is extending among seamen. Happy precursor of millennial glory! Son of God! exalted to universal dominion, take to thyself thy great power and reign! Fill the earth with thy glory! And as the sea is thine by creation,-make it thine, also, by redemption !


During the past month, public meetings have been held on behalf of the Society in St. Albans, Luton, and Dunstable, all of which were well attended, and a spirit of renewed interest excited in the minds of many. We trust that none of our friends will relax in their exertions. Still greater funds are required to carry on the enlarged and enlarging operations of the Society.

The Rev. James Upton, and Capt. Prynn, Senior Thames Missionary, attended as a deputation from the parent Institution; and the Directors rejoice to learn that they were most efficiently assisted by the ministers of various denominations, in the places which they visited.

Various other parts of the country have been visited by several of the agents; and we rejoice to know, that, generally speaking, the christian and benevolent public of Great Britain, apart from all denominational differences, are so cordially disposed to respond to wellsustained appeals on behalf of their own seamen.


We have the unmingled satisfaction of intimating to our friends, that it is expected Dr. HARRIS will deliver a sermon on behalf of the Society during the present month, (November.) But the time and place will be published in the public journals.

Printed by J. W. Maddox, Bermondsey, Southwark.

No. 12.]





To the diligent and devout student of divine revelation, the study of nature, with its great and hidden mysteries, cannot fail to be deeply interesting. Nature is an open volume, and yet how few, comparatively, peruse its unfolded page, or even seek to make themselves intimately acquainted with its contents. Hours are daily frittered away by many, which, if directed to investigation into the works of God, would furnish the mind with richest stores of information, and yield a satisfaction and pleasure, in comparison with which the enjoyments of sense are not to be named.

Nor are the seasons less instructive. Each revolving period furnishes new and rising exhibitions of the Creator's omnipotent power and unlimited goodness. And it is to this department we now invite the attention of our readers.

"This season is one which is peculiar to northern climates like our own, and serves to answer many beneficial purposes. It has been compared to the evening of life; and if we extend it to the verge of winter, the comparison is a just one; for the beauty of spring, and the maturity of summer, have then left nothing behind them but scenes of decay and cheerless gloom, which are the best image of that declining age, when man is warned by every token that his day is past, and his night is approaching. There is, however, the same wisdom and goodness apparent in the designs of providence, whether we consider this season in

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