


To the Editor of the Sailors' Magazine.

My DEAR BROTHER:-I beg leave to forward to you the sum of ONE GUINEA, collected by one of my dear daughters, towards the Sailors' Chapel; and, with your permission, would take the opportunity of suggesting a few thoughts to my esteemed brethren in the ministry of all denominations, some of whom I hope are in the habit of perusing your Magazine. I would say to them:

My dear Brethren, I am aware of the many claims made on you for the use of your influence, but as to this claim for one Guinea-it is but a LITTLE ONE, and, I pray you, despise it not.

The amount of trouble devolving on you will be as follows:First, to obtain a collecting card at the office, 2, Jeffrey's-square, to put it into the hand of some pious young friend, requesting that one guinea be collected in your congregation ;-the people will soon raise this small amount, and then you will have to forward it to the Secretary.

Now I believe there is not one minister whose eye this will meet who could not do this with the greatest ease; and that there are not a few who might easily induce neighbouring ministers to do the same.

I will only add, that I have long felt a deep interest in the sailor's cause. I also know something of the operations of the Society; and having lately preached a sermon for the Sunday School, at the present chapel, I was afresh more deeply impressed with the pressing necessity for a better place. Trusting that each minister in London and its vicinity will respond to the call of the Society.

I remain yours, &c.



MR. EDITOR,-As your Magazine is, I doubt not, designed for general usefulness, as well as more especially for the advancement of the Sailors' cause, will you permit a constant reader to suggest through it the propriety and necessity, in the present state of our country, of Special Meetings for Prayer in all our churches, on account of the state of the nation. I rejoice to know that a beginning is made, and I hope your insertion of this may lead many to think seriously on the subject, and act on the suggestion.*


[* We have not space in our present number to take up this topic, but hope to make it the subject of a separate article in our next number.-ED.]





[To those who knew the late eminent DR. WAUGH, these characteristic Recollections will at once recall the shade of the departed saint, and bring the man before them, with his voice of melody, and his eye kindled with sanctified and elevated genius.]

CONFIDENCE IN GOD.-Could I place Isaiah at the base of one of the loftiest of the eastern mountains, and whilst he was gazing on its varied scenery, were an earthquake to rock it from its deep foundations, until like the Numidian lion, shaking the dew-drops from his mane in the morning, it threw off from its hoary and heaving sides, the forests, and flocks, and hamlets, and vineyards; and were a whirlwind to rush in at that moment, scattering the broken and fallen masses in mid air; --still the voice of the prophet, if it could be heard amidst the convulsions of nature, would exclaim,- Though the everlasting mountains bow, and the perpetual hills be scattered, yet will I rejoice in the Lord, and joy in the God of my salvation.'

THE BRUISED REED.--The good Shepherd mends, not breaks his reeds when they are bruised. I have seen a highland shepherd, on a sunny brae, [hill] piping as if he would never grow old,- his flock listening, and the rocks ringing around him; but when the reed of his pipe became hoarse, he had not patience to mend it, but broke it, and threw it away in anger, and made another. Not so our Shepherd, he examines, and tries, and mends, and tunes the bruised spirit, until it sing sweetly of mercy and judgment as in days of old.

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A GOOD HOPE THROUGH GRACE. It animates the soul, and gives life to action,-like the highland stream, that dashes from the rock, and purifies itself as it pursues its course to the ocean.


GOD'S LOVE IN HIS PEOPLE.-It has been said by some one, Suppose the sun in the heavens, which enlightens, warms and fructifies every thing, were a rational being, that could see everything within the

reach of its beams, it would then behold its own image in every sea, in every lake, and in every brook-nay, it would even see itself reflected on the loftiest mountains of ice; and would it not in the abundance of its joy at such glorious radiance, forgetting itself, embrace all these oceans, seas, and rivers, nay, the very glaciers in its arms, and delight over them? Thus Jesus Christ, the Sun of righteousness, beholds his image and divine work in every renewed soul as in a polished mirror. Thus our eternal Father beholds in his children the beauty of his Son Jesus Christ, with a complacency greater than we are able to express. He embraces them with the arms of his love; and loves the image of himself, in which he has renewed them.

CHRISTIAN GREATNESS.-Great is the christian in his repentance, for his repentance is an open rupture with sin and Satan. Great in his desires ;-for the supreme good alone, is able to satisfy his heart. Great in his prayers,—when he shakes off the dust of the earth from his feet-when with his Abba, Father!' he mounts up to the heart of Jehovah! Great in his hopes,-for he is looking for nothing less than a participation of the glory of the divine Redeemer. Great in his tears, for they are tears of a fallen king, who mourns for the loss, and longs for the restoration of his crown. Great in his joy,—for it is derived from another and a better world, and its objects are beyond the skies!

ELIJAH AT JORDAN.-When Elijah folded his mantle together to smite the waters of Jordan, he already seemed to anticipate a princely dominion over the earth and its elements. This act of his faith seems the effort of a soul aspiring to higher degrees of advancement, to full emancipation and liberty. He seems no longer to know any thing of bondage to the elements of this world. He appears like one advanced to the dignity of a seat in the heavenly places with Christ; his faith would cast mountains into the sea, and pile up the sea to mountains, were it necessary. What is miraculous in the eyes of man, appears to have become almost familiar to his faith. A new region must shortly be opened to his soul, for which this earth has become too narrow and contracted. Ye heavens unfold;-ye boundaries of earth and time retire, for his abode is no longer below!



THEOLOGICAL LECTURES, by ROBERT Leighton, D. D., Archbishop of Glasgow. Royal 8vo, pp. 64. One Shilling and Four-pence.


The UNSEARCHABLE RICHES OF CHRIST, by THOMAS BROOKS, London. pp. 130. Two Shillings and Ten-pence.

LECTURES ON PREACHING, by EBENEZER PORTER, D. D., President of the Theological Seminary, Andover. pp. 140. Three Shillings.

The Death of Death, in the DEATH OF CHRIST, by R. MAYHEW, Minister of the gospel;- Author of "Love to the Life," and "the Paternal Gift." pp. 84. One Shilling and Eight-pence.

HELP TO ZION'S TRAVELLERS, by ROBERT HALL. pp. 54. One Shilling and Two-pence.

London:---Ward and Co. Paternoster Row.

Every one who is at all conversant with the theological literature of the seventeenth century, must have been impressed with its peculiarly vigorous and masculine character. It is distinguished by a grasp and a grandeur which forbid the attempt to measure men of such high intellectual stature, as were the writers of that day, by any common standard. It is in the writings of these men that we have the very marrow of divinity. And therefore, to us it is matter of much satisfaction, that the taste for such writings is being revived in our midst. It distinctly intimates that christians are preparing to make the great subjects of religion their study;-that they will not be satisfied with a merely superficial knowledge of what must ever be held as infinitely above the loftiest of the sciences of earth;-and, that in acquiring this more intimate acquaintance with the masters of our christian theology, they are in no-wise intimidated by the demand which will be made on their powers of thought and attention.

Holding these men and their writings in such estimation, we cannot fail to give our most cordial recommendatien to the LIBRARY OF STANDARD DIVIINTY. The designation is not only legitimate, but most appropriate. Much of the theology of the seventeenth century

will be standard so long as there are minds on earth to study, or hearts to be instructed in the things of God.

LEIGHTON'S LECTURES, besides being clear and scriptural in both their argument and illustration, are also pervaded by that refined and exalted piety which so largely and pre-eminently entered into the composition of his whole moral nature. More than any other, his writings come nearer to those of the Apostles, in their evangelical purity, and lofty inspirations.

PORTER'S LECTURES ON PREACHING are a suitable accompaniment to the preceding. The former work treats of theology as a science, and therefore belongs to the student; the latter (which is a recent work from America,) exhibits how this science, in all its sublime and interesting departments, may be most effectually employed by the preacher in the discharge of his sacred functions; and therefore belongs to the minister of the sanctuary, or the public instructor. Both works are worthy of a place in every study.

Howe's Redeemer's TeaRS is one of the finest and most impressive pieces ever penned or ever delivered by that almost superhuman genius. His works are worthy of being universally read; the student and the minister especially, will be more than repaid by their perusal. Every sentence contains a thought, and every thought is so conceived, as to admit of being almost indefinitely expanded.

The other pieces, though not to be compared with the writings of Howe, are valuable both for their doctrinal and experimental character, and are very properly classified with the preceding.

We cannot close our notice of these works without adverting to the very beautiful and accurate manner in which they are got up. They are specimens of typographical printing, and reflect the highest credit on the spirit and enterprise of the publishers. We hope that they will meet with an adequate return.

HOURS OF THOUGHT, by WILLIAM M'CROMBIE. rections and additions. Royal 18mo, pp. 238.

Second edition with cor

London:-Ward and Co. Paternoster Row.

The fact that this little volume is the production of a man who is engaged in daily manual labour, and wholly dependant on that labour, is equally surprising and interesting. The work everywhere exhibits grand traces of great mental application; and in several of its chapters, treats of subjects which do not very frequently come within the range of more ordinary minds. And though we cannot sympathise with the intelligent and discriminating author in every sentiment of his book, we promise our readers no ordinary gratification and pleasure in its perusal.

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