


To the Editor of the Sailors' Magazine.

SIR-Your insertion of the following lines, on a point of considerable importance, will much oblige.

Being present at the Anniversary Meeting of the Sailors' Society, on the 6th instant, I was surprised to find present only one minister out of the number announced and expected. I thought,-How is this? Had it been any other meeting, would there have been so many absentees? I presume not. And why this apparent indifference? Why such shyness and backwardness to assist in this good cause? Is it that this is a less imposing or a less popular institution than others? Or is it that the souls of sailors are not equally precious with those of others? On many grounds their claims are more than ordinary urgent. And is not their salvation identified with the glory of God, and with the satisfaction of the Redeemer's soul? I think that there is not a cause on earth which is more directly so. Why then should this great and noble institution (I mean great and extended as to the objects it embraces) be singled out from others, and, under every variety of circumstance and excuse, be the one left to suffer? Is this right ?—Is it just? I feel certain, that were ministers in London only to do their duty in this work, there would not be so much apathy among people here, or throughout the country at large. Till some of them therefore come forward, and nobly take a prominent part in promoting this cause, nothing great will be effected.

O that God himself would baptize his servants with the Holy Ghost, that they may spontaneously lend a helping hand, and show at least that they are not ashamed to identify themselves with the sailor's cause-a cause whose progress and success will doubtless tell on the future condition of the whole world!

Let the Directors, and the Agents, and all the friends of the Institution, make this a subject of earnest and importunate prayer. And soon, through the instrumentality and the combined efforts of the church, may the wanderer on the deep be brought home to God. May, 1839. FIDELITAS.

[We very much sympathize in the remarks of Fidelitas, and think that ministers are not doing justice to a cause which cannot fail to commend itself to their judgment and their heart; and which, were it only sustained as it ought to be, would issue in results in which all heaven would exult with joy.—ED.]



THE Port of London, which is visited by 50,000 seamen annually, is at this moment without a sanctuary which they can call their own; and their children are, in masses, growing up in ignorance and vice. To wipe away this national blot, is the object of the present appeal.

The Directors of the British and Foreign Sailors' Society, having at their late Annual Meeting, by a distinct and separate resolution, pledged themselves, by divine aid, to the erection of a METROPOLITAN SEAMEN'S CHAPEL AND SCHOOLS, and being desirous in this laudable undertaking to engage the sympathies and exertions of the whole English nation, propose,

That the building shall be erected by voluntary contributions, and that each donor of £20 shall be eligible to vote in the election of at least four Trustees.

That as the Building is to be the property, not of any one sect or party, but to be appropriated solely to seamen, and the purposes contemplated by the British and Foreign Sailors' Society, each congregation throughout the kingdom be urgently solicited, through the pastor or otherwise, to contribute the small sum of ONE GUINEA, without however restricting the contribution to this amount.

That the Building shall be vested in the names of twelve Trustees, to be elected from the Directors of the Society, from the donors of £20 or upwards, and from the Treasurers, for the time being, of the Church, London, Wesleyan, and Baptist Missionary Societies.

This they conceive to be a simple, practical plan, and easy to be effected. A single collection from each congregation in the land, would realize the sum required. And what congregation can deny this scanty return to the men, to whom, under God, we owe our existence and defence as a nation,- -on whom, as a professional class of the community, our commercial interests most depend, and by whose instrumentality especially, the religion of Christ is to be spread over the earth? Who can say he owes nothing to the sailor? To what extent has this nation met the sailor's claims? The very men who have laid the nation under the greatest amount of obligation, are the men who have been most overlooked-most neglected-most wronged-the men who have been left to "perish for lack of knowledge !"

Liverpool, Bristol, Plymouth, Hull, Leith, and other smaller ports in England and Scotland, have their mariner's churches and chapels, and why should London be without such an erection?

The American Seamen's Friend Society, has set this country a noble example. They are planting mariner's churches not only in their own provincial ports, but in almost every port throughout the world. And the impression on this subject, at the recent anniversary meeting of the Sailor's Society in this city, was such, as to stimulate to the most determined action in the present undertaking.

We therefore make our appeal to British hearts, on behalf of British tars. Who does not love the sailor? And who would not provide for his instruction? In God's name we have commenced this effort, and, by His help, we will not rest till it be completed.

* During the last two years, from 600 to 700 children have been denied admission to the Society's Day Schools, solely for want of room.



ONE of our young friends, who is engaged in the work of collecting, having at the outset been rather disappointed and discouraged, but having, through perseverance, succeeded beyond his expectation, has hinted to us the propriety of addressing a few lines to our youthful readers, and of suggesting to them how they may effectually contribute to extend the sailor's cause. Now it very fortunately happens that we have received a note on this very subject, which we here introduce with much pleasure :

"Sir:-I am pleased to learn that youthful collectors on behalf of the long-neglected sailor are increasing. It is desirable that their numbers should be greatly multiplied, that the next generation may not partake in the sin of their fathers in overlooking this important class of individuals.

I would earnestly call on all the young, who have opportunity, to come forward and enlist themselves in this good cause. It is good to be zealously affected always in a good thing.' This is a good cause, and worthy of the most strenuous efforts.

Youth is the best time for active and efficient service. • A flower when offered in the bud, is no vain sacrifice.' To the young then, let me say time is short-the earlier you begin, the longer will you have the honour of labouring. Life is uncertain;-and that life only is long which serves life's great end. Many have repented on a dying bed of not having engaged in the cause of Christ; but never did one regret having begun too early, or of having done too much.

Be not discouraged, if you cannot do all that you desire. If you do what you can, angels can do no more. And if each were only to do what he might, what an amount would be realized!

There are various ways in which this good cause might be promoted. Among other methods, it has occurred to me, that if some young friends were to collect for the purchase of materials for Bethel flags, ladies doubtless would be found willing and happy to make them. know at least, of one lady who would undertake this department.


Here then is a challenge to the young and the active. The ocean is wide, and its bosom is covered with ten thousand sail. Who would not desire to present each ship with a Bethel flag, and see it leave the port with that peaceful colour floating in the breeze?

I shall rejoice to hear that collecting cards are in daily demand; and hoping that the sailor's cause will soon rise to that place in public estimation to which it is entitled, I am, &c. YOD."

The adoption of this plan would be an actual saving to the Society of a considerable sum every year. It is acted upon in America. The Bethel flag is generally the purchase, workmanship, and presentation of ladies. Nor can it be but highly prized, coming from such hands.— A hint to our female friends.

In our last number, there appeared a small piece under the head of -' Gather up the fragments,' in which the idea of a FRAGMENT BOX was suggested, and in which it was clearly shown what might be done in the form of small deposits, towards realizing a large amount. The hint we think to be a very happy one, and worthy of being taken up. Under this impression, and since the insertion of the article, we have had a number of these boxes made, and shall have great pleasure in furnishing them to any of our readers. The young especially might present it on every fitting occasion to their friends, without the fear or apprehension of being denied. Its presentation is a Its presentation is a plea for the poor sailor. And who could refuse a sailor's plea ?


In the preceding article we have inserted a circular, just issued by the Committee, for the erection of the METROPOLITAN SEAMEN'S CHAPEL AND SCHOOLS. Now for this object a large sum is required, and there fore we should like to engage the services of some of our more active and devoted young friends. Many of them, we think, would like to possess a property in this new building; and we are about to let them know how it may be done. Already, we hear one say :-oh! yes, should very much like to have one hundred bricks in the chapel,another, I should like to have two or three hundred,- another says, should like to aid in the erection of the pulpit, or of the communion table; and, perhaps, another says, I should like to procure the bible and hymn books. Now all may have their wish. Let those who desire to have one hundred bricks in the building, collect £1 :-those who desire to have two hundred or three hundred, collect £2 or £3, and so on in the same proportion. And so with regard to the pulpit, the communion table, and the books.


Were only one young friend in each congregation throughout the kingdom, to collect ONE GUINEA, they would soon obtain as much as would erect the whole structure. And they would have the honour of having done for the sailors, what all the wealth of London has never undertaken. It would be a lasting monument to the young. Their names would go down to future ages, as the best benefactors of the sailor. And the sailor would never think of England, but he would call to mind, what England's youth had done for him and his children.

If four thousand young people will come forward, and pledge themselves to collect only One Guinea each, the thing is done. Let parents and guardians, let pastors and teachers, encourage this undertaking. And let it no longer be said, that London is without a sanctuary for her seamen, and without schools for their children.*

We have prepared a large supply of collecting cards for this object, and shall feel great pleasure in supplying them to any parties on application.

*If this object is not taken up and prosecuted by those to whom we now appeal, sailors are determined to do it themselves. They have already commenced the work of collecting.


The Editor's Reply to the Inquiry of Exactor.

Our young friend EXACTOR appears to have found himself in somewhat difficult circumstances, (as many young people do,) when they come into contact with sceptical minds and sentiments, and has committed himself to our direction. The position in which he was placed, will be best perceived from his own communication. He thus writes:-


"In soliciting subscriptions on behalf of the Society, I had the misfortune to fall in with an East India captain, who denominated your Society, a psalm-singing set;' and then told me that the Scriptures contradicted themselves. I was not able to contradict him to any length in his determined speech; but I thought I would enquire of you, the best and shortest work suitable to give him.”

We know of no publication more accessible, or more portable, than LESLIE'S EASY METHOD WITH THE DEISTS. Let our young friends carry a few of these with them; and in the event of meeting with any who has imbibed the sentiments of this infidel captain, put a copy of the tract into his hand. It is well adapted to gainsay and silence even the most sceptical. As to the designation which the captain has given to the Society, we consider it a most valuable testimony in our favour. It proves that our labours among seamen are producing real and salutary effects; and that these effects are seen and felt on the shores of the most distant lands. And we shall rejoice, when on board every ship the songs of Bacchus shall be exchanged for the hymns of Zion, and our seamen everywhere be distinguished for their purity and devotion, instead of their revelling and licentious conduct.


The captain of a Greek vessel and his crew, a few years ago, astonished the inhabitants of Marseilles, by carrying the cargo of their small vessel, consisting of rice, to the market-place, and distributing it gratis to the poor.

It may easily be supposed, that their customers increased rapidly, when the circumstances were made known; and several cargoes might have been speedily disposed of on the same terms.

These poor men were caught in a dreadful storm in the Mediterranean, and having betaken themselves to prayer, according to the forms of the Greek church, they made a vow to give their cargo to the poor, if Providence should be pleased to spare their lives, for the sake of their wives and families. The storm abated, and they gained Marseilles in safety, where they rigidly performed their vow.

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