
life be amongst you, your Society will strengthen and increase. Be not weary, we beseech you, in promoting the work of the Sabbath school, for there is to be found the basis and support of the future Church. The Church may indeed grow from without, but it ought to increase from a source within. Gather, then, the children about you on the Sabbath, and let not the smallness of your cause discourage you, for the Lord has said, "Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them." The seed sown in the young mind is not planted in vain, the little ones are under the care of our heavenly Father.

Committee of the Swedenborg Society also granted 120 copies of the work entitled "The New Jerusalem, and its Heavenly Doctrine" (pocket edition), to the Association at half-price. The Committee were thereby enabled to offer that work to all the clergy in the diocese of Lincoln (nine hundred and nine in number) who had not applied for other works offered by the Association in former years. The gift was accepted by eighty-nine gentlemen. An attempt had been made to form the nucleus of a New Church lending library in Louth; a few volumes having been placed in the hands of a member of the Association In conclusion we would earnestly residing there. Reference was made exhort you to be unwearied in your in last year's report to a gentleman noble and important work. Be assured an officer in the army-who was that you have the sympathies, good wishes, and prayers of the Church in Great Britain.

Affectionately greeting you in the
name of the brethren in England, I
have the honour to subscribe myself, on
behalf of the General Conference, yours

Secretary of Conference.



The annual meeting of members and friends was held at Altrincham on Wednesday, August 25; R. Gunton, Esq., president, in the chair. The president opened the meeting by reading Matthew vii. and offering up the Lord's Prayer. He then gave a brief address, commenting on the amount of useful work accomplished by this small Association with the limited means at their command. He knew of no other society which, having so little, accomplished so much.

desirous to aid in circulating New Church works among military men. Acting on his suggestion, certain works had been offered to the libraries attached to the Brigade depôts at Lincoln and Leicester. They were declined by the colonel commanding the Lincoln depôt, but accepted by the colonel commanding the Leicester depôt. The desirability of establishing a District Colportage Association had not been lost sight of, but no arrangement for this purpose has yet been made.

The treasurer's statement showed the total receipts for the year to have been £14, 10s. 9d. The total expenditure £14, 9s. 11d. After the election of the officers of the Society, a resolution of sympathy with the widow and family of Mr. Wallis, the first president, was passed; as was also other resolutions relating to the work of the Association.

Some account of the operations of this Association during the past four years may be interesting to the Church at large. In August 1876, at the tenth annual meeting, the treasurer The annual report, read by the secre- having reported a balance in hand tary, stated that, owing to the kind as amounting to £7, 10s., and probable sistance given by the Committee of the subscriptions £17 additional, it was Swedenborg Society, in granting copies resolved to offer a copy of the "Heaven of the "Arcana Coelestia," vol. ii., at and Hell" to every clergyman in the half-price, the Committee had been diocese of Lincoln. Circulars were able to offer that work to all the clergy accordingly printed with the offer; (thirty-two in number) and ministers appended to this being favourable in the diocese of Lincoln who had comments on the author by eminent previously received the first volume, writers. These being posted to the thirteen of whom applied for it, for thousand clergy of the counties of warding stamps for postage. The Lincoln and Notts, elicited one

hundred and eight applications for the work. Simultaneously with this offer, the work by Professor Parsons, entitled "Outlines of the Religion and Philosophy of Swedenborg," was presented to fifteen masters of Grammar Schools in Lincolnshire. The Rev. J. Presland during the same year visited and delivered lectures at three towns in the southern part of the county; and a grant of £5 was also made to the Horncastle Society.

The following year the Association commenced work with a prospective income of £17. It was then resolved to extend the offer of the "Heaven and Hell" to all dissenting ministers in Lincoln and Notts. Two hundred and fifty circulars were issued; fifty-six ministers applied for the work. Copies of the cheap edition of Professor Parsons' "Outlines," etc., were also offered to all the clergy who had received the "Heaven and Hell." The gift was accepted by fifty. The author of "The Spiritual Columbus" having at this time proposed to place copies of the above work at disposal of the Association at a considerable reduction, the Committee offered this book to the clergy and ministers; forty-eight of whom availed themselves of the opportunity. In addition to this expenditure the Association granted sums for lectures and in aid of the Horncastle Society. Although the anticipations of income were not realized, the year's expenditure left a small balance in hand.

the past four years, presented to the clergy and ministers in the counties of Lincoln and Notts, New Church works to the number of four hundred and thirteen. Help has been generously afforded by other Societies and individuals in reducing the cost of some of these works, and for such assistance the Association is most grateful. members are few in number and widely scattered. May they not hope that others will be inclined favourably to view the work in which they are engaged; and either assist this effort or establish similar Associations in other districts?



To all who are interested in the spread of
the Doctrines of the New Church in
Great Britain and elsewhere.

The London New Church Missionary and Tract Society is acknowledged to be one of the most important institutions of the Church. Its mission is to carry on the grand work commenced by Swedenborg, of disseminating the glori ous truths of the New Dispensation in the same unostentatious way in which he laboured, viz. by publishing to the world books and tracts containing the doctrines of the Lord's New Church. In conjunction with the National Missionary Institution, it also arranges for missionary services and lectures in London and other parts of the kingdom.

With a diminished income, but no The great success which has attended loss of energy, the Association next its efforts is so well known to all New proceeded to offer copies of the "True Churchmen, that the committee have Christian Religion to the editors of always received the hearty co-operation newspapers, in the county of Lincoln, and support of the Church in all their who would consent to review the work; labours, and hitherto have not usually seven of whom acceded to this con- had to make special appeals for contridition. Some of the promised reviews, butions; but during the past year, however, have not yet appeared. The although a large amount of missionary first volume of the "Arcana Coelestia work has been accomplished, there has was offered by circular to the clergy been a considerable decrease in the inand ministers who had applied for come of the Society; and the commit"The Spiritual Columbus;" and tee, therefore, is reluctantly compelled thirty-two copies were issued. The to delay much important work for want Horncastle Society again received of funds. The committee hopes and assistance, and this year's operations left a small balance in hand.

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The report for the last year is given above. Briefly summed up; with an average income of £15, 15s. (exclusive of balance), the Association has, during

trusts that when this is known there will be a generous response from the Church, and that all who can will gladly contribute according to their means.

That eminently useful missionary book, "Noble's Appeal," is at present

out of print. A new edition is urgently one mass of vine foliage and bunches of grapes naturally pendant therefrom. The vestibule was decorated with two sheaves of beautiful corn, and the window-ledges were all laden with fruits, vegetables, berries, and flowers.

needed, but the printing is delayed solely for want of means. For the same reason our missionary lectures must to some extent be suspended for the coming autumn and spring. It is more especially to provide for these important operations that we make this present appeal for pecuniary aid.

The committee would respectfully suggest that Societies should help in this emergency by having a collection in their churches, and that members whose means enable them to do so, should kindly send a special contribution over and above their usual subscription. The reports for the past year are now ready, and the secretary will be happy to supply copies gratis to those who desire them.

On behalf of the committee, J. BAILY, Chairman; JOHN ORME, Secretary, 65 Barbican, E.C.; R. GUNTON, Treasurer, 205 Tufnell Park Road, London, N.

Post-office orders to R. Gunton, payable at Junction Road, N.


These pleasant and attractive services seem to be extending in the New Church. The following accounts have reached us, and we are informed of others of which we have received no particulars :—

Very large congregations attended, and Mr. Rodgers gave two very appropriate sermons; special music was sung, and the offertory for the poor amounted to £24, 10s.

The grapes, vegetables, and fruit were distributed amongst some of the hospitals, and to some invalids among the poor, after the evening services.

HEYWOOD.-On Sunday, October 3, a harvest service was held in the morning. In the absence of the minister, who had engaged to preach the concluding sermon of the opening services of the new schoolroom at Rhodes, a Society's meeting was held on the evening of the same day. The front of the pulpit, communion table and rails, and other portions of the church were most tastefully decorated with corn, flowers, and fruits by some of the young ladies rendered cheerful by appropriate hymns of the congregation. The service was and suitable music. The prayers and thanksgivings after the commandments were extemporaneous, and together with the sermon, adapted to the occasion. The entire service was heartily joined in by a very numerous congregation. The fruit and vegetables were next day distributed to the sick and the poor.

BIRMINGHAM.-On the 26th of September the usual thanksgiving services for the harvest were held. The church was more profusely decorated than ever before on similar occasions, and with a degree of good taste which reflects the DERBY (from Derby Gazette).—The very highest credit on the ladies who harvest thanksgiving services in concarried it out. The thanks of the whole nection with the New Jerusalem Church, congregation are due to them for their Babington Lane, October 10th, were labour. But on this occasion it must conducted by the minister, the Rev. J. be admitted that the store of harvest Ashby. As has been the custom at this fruits of every kind, and of flowers, church for several years, various decoraplaced at their disposal was greater than tions were made by a tasteful and effecever previously. Wheat, sheaves of tive display of flowers and a plentiful corn, immense loaves of bread, grapes, supply of the fruits of the earth, these fruits, and vegetables were sent in such being provided and arranged by the abundance that the difficulty was where generous friends of the church. Special and how to satisfactorily arrange them. attention and skill were expended on Of course the chief care was bestowed the pulpit, communion table and rail, on the communion table, rails, and steps, and the large stone font. On the table, and on the chancel floor, the pulpit, under the reading-desk, were piled desk, and font. These all presented loaves of bread, ripe apples and pears, groups or arrangements which for variety and sundry vegetables, the display of colour and rich combinations of ob- terminating in two handsome bouquets jects were most successful. The pulpit of flowers. Suspended on the gasespecially merits notice, having been brackets-which were covered with vine

leaves on the right and left of the was partaken of by a fair number of preacher were two rich luscious bunches young people of both sexes. The Rev. of dark grapes with the bloom still J. Ashby cordially welcomed the friends upon them. Green grapes were also to that meeting, and also invited them hanging in tempting fashion from the and their companions to attend the book-board. The communion rail and meetings to be held during the session. standards were clothed with ivy, yew, His remarks were responded to by Mr. wheat, barley, oats, and a profusion of Appelbee in a felicitous and earnest dahlias and everlasting flowers. The font speech. After tea the members were was most conspicuous, being wreathed entertained in a variety of ways. A with evergreens and flowers of various large supply of most elegantly illustrated. descriptions, and crowned with a full books, specimens of ferns, and other representation of the fruits of the field articles of interest were in the room. -turnips, parsnips, carrots, tomatoes, Mr. Appelbee gave much pleasure by apples, pears, a cauliflower, etc. These exhibiting a number of objects under were all well set in moss and ferns. The the microscope, and pointing out that effect of the whole decoration was most the wisdom of the Creator was as maniexhilarating and wholesome, giving to the thanksgiving services a fulness and a power, perhaps, not otherwise to be realized. The congregations both morning and evening were good, and the offertory for the day amounted to £6, 4s. 6d., which was to be devoted to the funds of the General Infirmary.


fest in the small things as in the great things of nature. Mr. H. Bullivant kindly attended with his galvanic battery, and was thereby the means of producing much fun and merriment. The meeting, which was one of delight and instruction, terminated about ten o'clock.

ALLOA-Reception of Mr. E. M. Pulsford.-A large company, consisting of friends of the New Church in Most of the Societies of the New Alloa, supplemented by friends from Church avail themselves of the winter Edinburgh, Glasgow, Paisley, and other months to hold an increased number of places, met in the New Church, Greenmeetings of various kinds. At Argyle field Place, on the evening of Saturday, Square, London, a most useful effort is September 25, to welcome Mr. E. M. made by a meeting on the Monday Pulsford, late of Jersey, to his office as evenings to improve the congregational minister of the Alloa Society. The psalmody. This movement might be church, which has just been repainted, usefully extended. Choirs are not to was on the above occasion decorated by take the place of the congregation, but a number of splendid greenhouse plants to lead and guide the people in their kindly lent by W. Bailey, Esq., Chief service of song and praise. The con- Magistrate, and two magnificent bougregation cannot worship the Lord by quets of flowers presented by Mr. Robert proxy, but each individual should aid Thomson, all of which, taken in couto fulfil the spirit-stirring injunction, junction with the happy smiling faces, "Let all the people praise Thee, O made a picture not often seen but long Lord, let all the people praise Thee." remembered. The chair was occupied At Argyle Square, London, Wretham by Mr. John M'Lachlan, president of Road, Birmingham, Derby, Heywood, the Society, who was accompanied to and other churches, Mutual Improve- the platform by Mr. Pulsford; Rev. J. ment Societies are instituted for the F. Potts, Glasgow; Mr. G. L. Allbutt, instruction of young men in general Paisley; and Mr. W. A. Presland, literature, elocution, and science, as Edinburgh. well as the doctrines of the Church. The following notice of an opening meeting at Derby is given in the Derby Gazette of October 13 :

"On Tuesday evening the Mutual Improvement Society inaugurated their meetings for the coming winter. Tea was provided in the schoolroom, which

After the audience had sung the 100th Psalm, and a blessing had been asked by the Rev. J. F. Potts, an excellent tea was served, the wants of all being attended to by a number of young ladies who were most zealous in their attentions.

The chairman then in his introduc

tory remarks expressed the great pleasure he felt in presiding on the present occasion, at which the great and long desire of his heart had been fulfilled, namely, the appointment and introduction of a minister over the Alloa Society, and the delight he experienced in seeing so many kind friends present to welcome that minister to his new sphere. He was certain from what he knew and had seen of Mr. Pulsford that he would be a great power for good in the locality, and he welcomed him with hearty feelings and assured him of the strong and steady support of the friends in Alloa.

The Rev. J. F. Potts was here tonight to congratulate the Society on having a minister to preside over them. The Society never had a chance before; if it had kept alive at all, if it had grown at all, if it had accomplished anything at all, it was wonderful, and it was entirely owing to the fact that it possessed amongst its members men of unusual character. Fanatics! Yes-fanatics for the truth. Their character was well known to them all. He looked forward to a new era for this Society. If Mr. Pulsford was spared, and if he did his duty-and he (the speaker) had no doubt he wouldhe would perform a great work in this town. When ten years had passed, if it should then please the Lord in His Divine Providence to gather them together in this place, all would be able to see, and would be moved to rejoice at the progress that had been made.

The anthem, "Jerusalem, my glorious Home," was sung very sweetly by the


Mr. Pulsford was introduced to the meeting and received a warm and cordial reception. He felt that all he could do was to ask them to receive his heartfelt thanks for the very handsome reception they had given him. The way they had received him he could not say was different from what he had anticipated, but it had far exceeded what he had expected. Everything they had done -the tea they had provided, the invitations they had sent to the various Societies of the New Church which were represented at this meeting by the ministers and members of the congregations, the homely and comfortable way they had arranged things in this place, the smiles, the kindly words of greeting they had given him, and the very nice

programme they had made out for their enjoyment and edification, all showed that they had done their utmost to give him a hearty welcome amongst them, and he believed it was hearty. The supreme desire of his heart was, under the blessing and guidance of the Lord, that he might be able to do something for them and for the Church. But all he could do would be as nothing unless he had their co-operation, and he did not doubt for one moment that he should have it, and that they would work together, and whatever good was done to the Society or to each one individually, they should every one lift up their hearts to God, and thank Him for every blessing He gave them, because they knew that every good and perfect gift came from the Lord. They should bear in mind always that the Church of the Lord was external and internal. They might rejoice at every external progress or development of the Church, but they should strive to rejoice more and more in the progress and development of the Church in their own hearts, and show to the world and all around them that the teaching of the New Church tended to make them better men and women. It fitted them not only to enter into the great business of life, but to enjoy everything in this world. They should also strive to work not only in relation to the Church outside, but also to the Church within. Whilst all in the Church were members of one family, it was a great thing for these members to be united, and to feel that they were as brothers and sisters, all aiming at one object, and working together to reach one common end. He trusted that the warmth shown that evening would not in any way grow cold, and that they should cherish this good feeling and let it be the means of enabling them to go onwards and upwards in the work that was before them, and he was certain the Lord would bless their efforts.

Mr. G. L. Allbutt said when they were assembled together for the purpose of strengthening one another in New Church principles and New Church aims, they were doing the very best thing that could be done to make each and all of them what they ought to be. This was a great day for the Alloa Society. They had got a minister, and if they acted together in their operations the work

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