


advance farther and farther on the road towards perfection; yet are we to go on The same restless change which entreating God to restore the burntdisturbs the wonted quiet of Christian offerings and drink-offerings, and assurcommunities affects the Synagogue and ing Him how delighted we shall be to the assemblies of the modern Jews. sprinkle His altar with the blood of The sacrifices and ritual of the law slaughtered oxen, and to burn thereon have given way to a liturgy of praise the fat and inwards." After an allusion and supplication; and now we learn to angels of various ranks and powers, from the Jewish World of March 12th which "was borrowed from the nations that an influential committee has been with whom the nation came into close appointed and for some time engaged contact, namely, the Persians," and of in revising and improving the liturgy. the existence of whom the writer seems The changes proposed by this com- to have little faith, the writer proceeds: mittee are not sufficiently extensive to "We have in the Prayer Book invocasatisfy the editor, who writes respect- tions to the SUPREME to avenge us of ing them: "On reading their report, our enemies. We cannot be surprised and observing the alterations they re- at this. Such invocations are cries commend, our first impression is one natural to men hunted to death like of surprise with admixture of another beasts of prey; they are their bitter feeling somewhat akin to contempt. curses called down, with their last The mountain has groaned and heaved; breath, on the heads of their brutal the labour has been long and anxious; murderers. But we feel that the time and lo! the offspring is—a poor little has come to cease these invocations. mouse! Yet these impressions pass For us in England, at least, have passed away when we remember that this away those dreadful ages wherein inmouse-tiny wee thing though it be- human deeds called forth inhuman will probably prove much too large wishes. We desire to see such passages for the very contracted tastes of the eliminated from the Prayer Book." present generation."

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These sentiments indicate a marked It will be readily conceived that the progress, but they do not rise above writer of these lines belongs to the the literal teaching of the law, "Thou advanced school of his community, and shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine our readers may be interested to learn enemy.' They are still of the natural his opinions on the many subjects pre- man, and do not realize the sublime sented to the Jewish mind. "With teaching of the Saviour, "Love your every one of their recommendations enemies, bless them that curse you, do adopted," he writes, "still while using good to them that hate you, and pray the amended ritual shall we be out- for them which despitefully use you, raging some of our firmest convictions; and persecute you; that ye may be e.g. belief in the resurrection of the the children of your Father who is in body is a creed of the past. Our clay, heaven: for He maketh His sun to after death, we are unalterably con- rise on the evil and on the good, and vinced, resolves itself into its con- sendeth rain on the just and on the stituent elements, and is never, as far unjust. Inhuman deeds, we fear, as we are concerned, again recon- would still produce inhuman wishes, stituted. Yet we are to continue to and fail to imitate that Divine compray in these terms, 'Blessed art Thou, passion which in the midst of the O Lord, who restoreth souls into dead most cruel and wrongful suffering exbodies." Sacrifice as a means of wor- claimed, "Father, forgive them; for shipping the SUPREME has passed they know not what they do." away, not temporarily, but for ever, if we only continue in our present degree of civilization, and sacrifice will become more and more a dead relic of the past, never to be revived, as we

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Dr. Maclagan, the recently appointed

Bishop of Lichfield, has delivered his first charge to the clergy of his diocese, and excited thereby a considerable amount of public attention. It is outspoken in the sentiments expressed, which are those popularly designated High Church, alike removed from Romanism on the one hand, and the Broad and Evangelical Churches on the other. The Bishop was distinguished before his appointment as an earnest and successful metropolitan clergyman, and in his address he treats largely of some of the leading features of church doctrine and discipline. With respect to the Athanasian Creed he says that in the majority of parishes in the diocese it is used at the times directed, in others occasionally, and in sixty not at all. He deprecates the neglect of reading it, but admits that a large number of both clergy and laity who now use this creed, would not have been inclined to propose its introduction into the services of the Church. His view of the inspiration of the Scriptures is that long since put forward by Bishop Tomline, and cited by Mr. Noble in his "Plenary Inspiration of the Scriptures." On the subject of the lot of the wicked he expresses himself with caution, but in words which might be profitably pondered by many who are diligently promulgating crude theories on the subject. "Not even for eternal hope," he says, "may we sacrifice eternal truth. We may not, indeed, add to the Word of God, but neither may we diminish aught from it. In the picture which God has given to us of His dealings with His creatures we may not introduce the lurid glare of our own imaginings as to the nature of the everlasting fire of which He speaks to us in His Word. But neither may we endeavour, for the sake of brightening the prospect, to blot out the darker shadows of the picture or to turn them into light. We must not shun to declare all the counsel of God, even those sterner truths which He has been pleased to reveal to us. And, far beyond the isolated expressions which it is now attempted to explain away, I cannot see how any unprejudiced mind, studying the Word of God as it is written, can fail to trace from first to last, at times but dimly shadowed, and again more clearly expressed, but always implied, the principle that life is a time of probation which will issue in eternal

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gain or loss, in everlasting light or darkness, whatever may be involved in words which only half reveal and half conceal' their possibilities of joy or sorrow to the children of men. While we thus declare God's truth we need not be anxious as to His character. That will justify itself in the day of the revelation of all things. Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?'"

The Bishop's remarks on those he regards as the enemies of the Church are not always either courteous or accurate. Of Romanism we have nothing to say. The Dissenters who desire the disestablishment of the Church are not necessarily hostile to an Episcopalian community; while even disendowment, from the Bishop's own showing, does not need to interrupt the Church's ministrations or impair their efficiency.



One of the questions which has of late years led to much discussion, and disturbed the harmony of Church and Dissent in England, has been the subject of interments in the parish churchyards. The churchyard is the freehold of the incumbent, and Dissenting ministers have not been permitted to officiate in it over the remains of members of their congregations. The public cemeteries supposed to offer a solution of this difficulty, but here again the rivalry and diverse religious opinion and feeling of the parties into which the country is pretty equally divided has become excited. It is the custom to provide in these cemeteries two chapels, one for the Church, which is consecrated with the portion of the ground set apart for Church interments, and the other for the Dissenters. We well remember the unpleasant sensation produced as we first looked on these two chapels in the Highgate Cemetery. The prayer of the Saviour, we reflected, for His disciples is that they may be one, as He and the Father are one. We could not but regard it as a sad comment on this prayer that His ministers should be so divided, so mutually repulsive of each other, as to be unable to occupy in peace the same chapel in the interment of those of their respective flocks who have departed from the strife of this world

This question has also been brought under the attention of the Archbishop of Canterbury, whose opinion is not likely to satisfy large numbers of the clergy. The Guardian says:

to the peace of the world to come. this fund in Lancashire and the north Latterly this question has again be- appointed James Fletcher, Esq. of come somewhat active. The Burslem Kersley Vale House, and the Rev. R. Town Council have determined to erect Storry, Manchester Road, Heywood, a only one chapel in their new cemetery, deputation to hold public or private and the Guardian of March 10th meetings, etc., and to promote collecreports that "on Wednesday a letter tions and subscriptions in aid of the was read at Burslem Town Council fund. These gentlemen have prepared from the Bishop of Lichfield, in which a circular which will shortly be issued his Lordship said that the chapel in- to the several Societies in Lancashire, tended to be built in the cemetery for and they hope in the course of the common use would only be available spring to give attention to the subject. for Nonconformists, as he could not There are no questions of greater imallow clergymen to officiate in it." portance before the Church than those of providing for the education of the rising ministry, and sustaining the ministers in their work. The Lord in building up the Church and extending the blessings of salvation to the people, "The Archbishop of Canterbury has, acts through human instrumentality. through his private secretary, addressed He raises up men whom He endows with the following letter to the clerk of the the ability to preach the truth, and He burial board of Herne, in reply to a letter puts into the hearts of others to aid in which the board had requested his them in their work. Some are helpers Grace to state whether he would con- of the ministry by lay service in the sent to consecrate part of the burial- pulpit, and all can help by a generous ground, leaving the chapel to be built support of the ministers in their work. unconsecrated for use by all denomina- It is in relation to the work of the ministions: The Archbishop of Canterbury try that the Lord says, "The labourer is is advised that the Burial Acts do not worthy of his hire," and the members require that the chapel to be built upon of the Church are themselves blessed in the land appropriated for a burial- their contributions when they contriground under the Acts should be con- bute from right motives. Their interest secrated. The chapel might be so in the work of the ministry is increased, placed as to be contiguous to the and their love for the growth of religion ground consecrated, without actually in their own souls and in the Church at standing on it. The Archbishop, as at large is quickened and extended. Of late present advised, is prepared to act on years, with the progress of the Church, this opinion. Whatever arrangement this desire to support the ministry has is made, the plans must, of course, be wonderfully increased in all Christian submitted to the Archbishop.' The communities. The miserable pittances vicar of Herne, the Rev. J. R. Buchanan, does not acquiesce in this opinion. In a letter to the Daily News he says "it is his intention, and he is strongly urged by both churchwardens and a large number of Church-people, to oppose the proposal of one building available for all funeral services whether of Church of England or Nonconformists.

We all know,' he says, 'the will of his Grace; what we doubt, and intend to question, is his power. And, even if he have the power, we intend to protest against the exercise of it, as it would be clearly contrary to the letter and spirit of the Burial Acts.'

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paid in an age of spiritual dearth to the
labourers in the Lord's vineyard is gra-
dually giving place to more generous and
adequate support. The New Church,
chiefly from the smallness of its numbers,
is a long way behind some of the more
energetic of the orthodox communities.
We have commenced, however, the
good work, and with diligence and
earnestness may reasonably hope to
carry it to a successful issue.
"We all can do more than we have done,
And not be a bit the worse;

It never was loving that emptied the heart, Nor giving that emptied the purse.' In this work, however, what we do we should do promptly and steadily. It is not fitful effort but steady perseverThe committee of management of ance which is required. It is not by


occasional, but by steady weekly, monthly, or annual contributions that we shall sustain this important work. We hope, and we doubt not, that in Lancashire the deputation will find many willing helpers, and we hope that throughout the country the interest in this work will not be permitted to



MANCHESTER AND SALFORD MISSIONARY SOCIETY. The lectures at Manchester and Salford, of which we gave a notice in our last, were continued into the beginning of the month of March. The attendance continued to the end not so large as desired, yet sufficiently numerous to encourage future effort. During the course a considerable number of strangers were present, and some who attended were heard to express a warm admiration of the truths taught, and of the manner in which they were offered for public acceptance. As was, however, to be expected, others were less favourably impressed, and thus in this, as in many other presentments of the truth, there was a division among the people. Doubtless in some minds the seed sown will find good ground, in which it can take root and bring forth fruit abundantly.

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growths. But the very light, air, moisture, and heat which caused them to grow and develop, was also the cause of their destruction. Life is growth, and everlasting life is everlasting growth. Growth is the condition on which God grants life; and when growth ceases, life is either slowly or suddenly withdrawn. Death is the result of perfected physical life, and, in this view of our being, even death becomes beautiful. Were our minds to attain maturity in this world as our bodies do, or could we reach a perfect human ideal in this world as animals and seeds do, then immortal life would be an impossibility, and we should have nothing to live for; hope would perish, and we should stagnate and die in the common grave of all ideal things. Man's imperfection is then the necessity for immortality and heaven. This forces us to look into futurity; and because the wisdom of the mind and the goodness of the heart, and the beauty of the life can never reach the Divine Ideal either in quantity or quality, man can never die. Thus the necessity and origin of heaven spring out of man's wondrous capacity to eternally improve, and grow in wisdom and goodness. In reference to where heaven is, Mr. Rodgers said that wherever they found a spirit of love and charity they might be sure heaven was not far off. Heaven we are told may be around the earth where the angels are born as children, grow to be men and women, and ultimately pass into the spiritual world. Heaven in that sense is really and truly a place; and wherever there are human hearts receptive of the Lord's spiritual and Divine life there is heaven. Heaven is a state first, and a place afterwards. The state makes the place, and not, as is generally believed, the place makes a state of mind. In its moral and spiritual signification heaven is not an elevation in space, but an ascent in the scale of life. Heaven is first an interior state, and then afterwards an external condition. When our Lord was asked when the kingdom of heaven should come He answered, "The kingdom of God is within you;" and in like manner when John the Baptist appeared the burden of his preaching was,

The Rev. R. R. Rodgers delivered the fifth lecture on Heaven, the necessity of its Existence; what and where is it?" etc., on February 24th, in the Peter Street Church, Manchester, of which we give a brief summary. After showing that the belief in immortality and heaven is as universal as the existence of the human race, Mr. Rodgers said the primary object in creation is the formation of a heaven from the human race. The immortality of man is foreshadowed in his organization, and especially in his everlasting sense of imperfection. Heaven exists principally and primarily because in this "world man never reaches a state of either moral, natural, or spiritual perfection. He showed how in the natural world all animate and inanimate creation, except man, attains perfection after its kind, but with man the case is widely different. If man were only an animal the necessity for a heaven would not exist, because animals come to maturity and perfection in this life, and then decay; and the same is true of all natural 66

Repent, for

the kingdom of heaven is at hand." Sometimes in the Bible heaven means the Lord Himself, as where it is said, Father, I have sinned against heaven


interior state of mind. The heavenly paradise is the picture of the human soul and the human mind, and the outward glories and possessions of heaven are preserved and increase in beauty and perfection as the life of the angels increases in the service of love to God and man. Heaven is a paradise because a pure and truth-loving mind is a garden. Flowers are delights of goodness; birds are the symbols of bright, cheerful, active, and useful thoughts; trees are like various perceptions; the leaves are knowledges, and the fruits are loving deeds; grass is sensual truth; running water is the emblem of thought in action; hills and mountains are the lofty aims and affections of the heart, and whoever cultivates beautiful thoughts and good affections is forming for himself a wellstocked garden which it will be his delight to enjoy in peace and rest at the putting away of his natural body. The next idea of heaven is that it is an immense society of various individuals united together for an infinity of uses, as are all the members of the human body; and heaven may thus be regarded as one great man. The same order exists in heaven as exists in the body of a healthy man; each organ performs its own uses, and enjoys its own special delights, and thereby ministers to the wellbeing of the body corporate. There is a use and a place for every one willing to co-operate in labours of love—willing to serve God and do good to man. Last of all, the great idea of heaven, whether evolved from the heart of man or revealed by the Word of God, is that it is our home. Heaven is a place of home joys, home associations, home relationships, and home life in perfection. "In My Father's house are many mansions: I go to prepare a place for you.'

and before Thee." In a supreme sense heaven is that state where the soul lives a conscious life within the Divine Life, and from this interior state everything orderly, peaceful, and beautiful proceeds. Thus heaven is a highly conscious state; it is also a social state, a state of great activity, and a place where there must exist a great variety of uses sufficient to call into operation all the faculties of the human mind. All who go to heaven must be in sympathy with those already there; their affections must partake of the same spirit, and their thoughts must express the same regard for goodness of life. After alluding to the ministering angels" ever present with all men, and showing how the spiritual world touches us on every side, ever pressing us into sympathy with itself, Mr. Rodgers showed that death is not the destruction of anything human, but is only one step towards the perfection of our being. What was unreal only is taken away, while all genuine manhood remains. Not a faculty is lost; not a chord of affection is broken; not a single faculty passes from the soul; but in passing through the golden gates of death each holy affection is gathered up in the soul's sanctuary. Nothing is destroyed by death. Not a single whisper has passed from moral consciousness, but each beautiful thought has left its impress on the mind, and the gentlest impulses of love have left their undying witnesses in the heart to find new and higher delights beyond the grave. The life of heaven is a life devoted to måking others happy. The light of heaven is Divine Truth, and the heat of heaven is Divine Love, and all who inhabit heaven are forms receptive of those principles, and those only are happy who not only receive them into their minds, but carry them into act by cultivating the love of God and service to the neighbour. The joy of heaven consists, not as some have Mr. Westall gave the last of the course imagined, in an unnatural state of of lectures at Peter Street on Angelic ecstasy, but in doing good from the Ministrations." He began by saying he love that is felt for it in the heart, and should not touch upon the ministries the delight with which it fills the soul. angels performed for one another in A true idea of heaven embraces four heaven, but should dwell only on those great characteristics. First, it includes they performed for men upon earth. all that is true, and beautiful, and And after showing that the belief that good; and progress and improvement angels do minister to men in this world is written upon everything there. is a very reasonable one to entertain, he Secondly, it embraces the idea of a paradise or garden emanating from an

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referred to the testimony of the Divine Word, especially to the ministries of

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