
bounties of his providence, they receive the tokens of his love, and pledges of better and nobler blessings. But, my friends, this will not, this cannot be always the case. It is the invariable appointment of God, that through much tribulation the righteous are to enter into the kingdom of heaven. This is the path to glory, marked out by Infinite Wisdom, in which all the saints of former times have trode, and which has been consecrated to his followers by the glorious Captain of Salvation, who was himself made perfect through suffering. Trials, therefore, of various kinds, are the common lot of those who are travelling onward to Zion. In this way they are generally led, as being the safest and the best, the surest and shortest unto glory. They walk by faith, and "not by sight." By the various vicissitudes of their lot, they are continually reminded that this is not their rest. Oftentimes their way is fenced about with thorns. They are brought into difficult and perplexing circumstances, disappointed in the object of their earthly pursuits, and bereaved of their dearest


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and most valued earthly comforts; so that, with Jacob of old, they are ready to say, "All these things are against me.' But he that ruleth in the armies of heaven, and among the inhabitants of this lower world, is carrying on, by these seemingly opposite means, one great and uniform plan. By these changing dispensations of his providence, he steadily consults the best interests of his people. In this he humbles and proves them, weans their affections from this world, and lets them see what is in their own hearts, that he may do them good in the latter end. He brings them through fire and through water to the place he has provided for them. His choice and will, in every period of their lives, appear infinitely better than their own. They therefore resign themselves wholly to the direction of their heavenly guide, and are willing to acquiesce in all the disposals of his providence, however dark and inexplicable these may sometimes appear; convinced, that in all of them he is consulting and furthering their everlasting happiness, and qualifying them

for the enjoyment of a more exceeding weight of glory on high. But, in the

Second place, The Lord guides his people by his word.


"This is a light unto their feet, and a lamp unto their path." Without the light of God's word, the conduct of his providence could in most cases afford them but little comfort. They would often be at a loss what course to pursue, did not the light of divine truth shine upon their path, and a voice behind them point out the road of duty, saying, "This is the way, walk ye in it." Thy testimonies are my delight,"


saith the Psalmist, " and my counsellors. "How sweet are thy words unto my "taste, yea, sweeter than honey to my "mouth; through thy precepts I get understanding, therefore I hate every "false way."


In every situation and circumstance of life, the word of God affords direction; and if we apply to it with minds free from prejudice, and with a humble and teachable disposition, there is every rea

son to hope that we shall not be left to fall into great and dangerous mistakes, but, discerning our duty, shall find cause to say, "The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of "the Lord is sure, making wise the sim




ple: the statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment "of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes: the fear of the Lord is clean, en



during for ever; and the judgments of "the Lord are true, and righteous altogether."


"All scripture is given by inspiration "of God, and is profitable for doctrine, "for reproof, for correction, and instruc"tion in all righteousness; that the "man of God may be perfect, thorough"ly furnished unto all good works."


My friends, are you young and inexperienced? The word of God is fitted to guide you in the slippery paths of youth: It teaches the young to be sober-minded, to remember their Creator in the days of their youth, to guard against the snares peculiar to their situation, and to devote the best of their time, the flower of their days, and the

vigour of their strength, to the services of the kindest and most rich rewarding of all Masters; so that when the Psalmist puts the question, "Wherewith shall "a young man cleanse his way ?" he readily replies, by "taking heed thereto "according to thy word."

Are you advancing in life, or arrived at that period when you stand in greatest need of the aids and consolations of religion? The word of God is still suited to be your guide. It teaches the aged to be" sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in charity, in patience, in beha"viour, as becometh holiness.'


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Are you in poor and mean circumstances, depressed with poverty and want? The word of God directs you how to obtain real wealth,-to the true source of happiness,—a contented mind. It points to a better and an enduring substance, a treasure in the heavens which faileth not, where neither moth nor rust can corrupt, nor thieves break through and steal.

Are you blest with abundance? It charges you "not to be high-minded, nor "trust to uncertain riches, but in the li

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