
to express his special indebtedness to the works of Masson, Symmons, Todd, Ivimey, and Toland; and to Wood's curious "History and Antiquities of Oxford," to Philips' interesting Life, to Aubrey's quaint work, to the Gleanings of Mr. Hunter, to Keightley's Memoir, Edmunds' Biography, Johnson's life, and to the very valuable papers of Mr. Marsh relating to Milton's later years. Besides these and some other authorities, a number of collateral works bearing upon the ecclesiastical and civil history of that age, have been consulted from time to time, as necessity arose or convenience suggested.

It is believed that the notes attached to this volume will be found interesting and instructive to some readers.

And now this book, the result of much thought and careful labor, is committed to the public with a prayer that it may be esteemed in some sort worthy of its illustrious subject; and that it may be instrumental in kindling in the bosoms of all who peruse its pages, that ardent love of truth, that upright devotion to justice, that pure morality, and that passion for Christian liberty which so preeminently distinguished the splendid and beneficent career of John Milton.

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Influential position of England under the Commonwealth-Per-
sonal character of the members of the Council of State-Henry
Vane, the younger-John Bradshaw-Character of Milton's
diplomatic correspondence-Appearance of the king's book---
Milton answers it-The "Iconoclastes "-Great ability and elab-
orate completeness of the pamphlet-Milton's bitter raillery at
the absurd pretensions of the royal party to religious impulses-
The book runs through several editions-Its powerful effect-

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