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Third Stage of the Captivity: The King with the Army: June

-Nov. 1647.- -Effects of Joyce's Abduction of the King-

Movements of the Army: their Denunciation of Eleven of

the Presbyterian Leaders: Parliamentary Alarms and Con-

cessions-Presbyterian Phrenzy of the London Populace:

Parliament mobbed, and Presbyterian Votes carried by Mob-

law: Flight of the two Speakers and their Adherents: Re-

storation of the Eleven-March of the Army upon London:

Military Occupation of the City: The Mob quelled, Parlia-

ment reinstated, and the Eleven expelled-Generous Treat-

ment of the King by the Army: His Conferences with

Fairfax, Cromwell, and Ireton-The Army's Heads of Pro-

posals, and Comparison of the same with the Nineteen Pro-

positions of the Parliament-The King at Hampton Court, still

demurring privately over the Heads of Proposals, but playing

them off publicly against the Nineteen Propositions: Army

at Putney-Cromwell's Motion for a Recast of the Nineteen

Propositions and Re-application to the King on that Basis:

Consequences of the Compromise-Intrigues at Hampton

Court Influence of the Scottish Commissioners there: King

immoveable-Impatience of the Army at Putney: Cromwell

under Suspicion: New Activity of the Agitatorships :

Growth of Levelling Doctrines among the Soldiers: Agree-

ment of the People-Cromwell breaks utterly with the King:

Meetings of the Army Officers at Putney: Proposed Con-

cordat between the Army and Parliament-The King's

Escape to the Isle of Wight.

Fourth Stage of the Captivity: In the Isle of Wight: Nov. 1647

-Nov. 1648.-Carisbrooke Castle, and the King's Letters

thence-Parliament's New Method of the Four Bills-

Indignation of the Scots: their Complaints of Breach of

the Covenant-Army Rendezvous at Ware: Suppression of

a Mutiny of Levellers by Cromwell, and Establishment of

the Concordat with Parliament-Parliamentary Commis-

sioners in the Isle of Wight: Scottish Commissioners also

there the King's Rejection of the Four Bills-Firmness of

Parliament: their Resolutions of No Farther Addresses to

the King: Severance of the Scottish Alliance-The Engage-

ment, or Secret Treaty between Charles and the Scots in

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