Ere long, perhaps, to this astonish'd isle, Fresh from the shores of subjugated Nile, Shall Buonaparte's victor fleet protect The genuine theophilanthropic sect,— The sect of Marat, Mirabeau, Voltaire,Led by their pontiff, good La Reveillère. Rejoiced our clubs shall greet him, and instal The holy hunch-back in thy dome, St. Paul! While countless votaries thronging in his train Wave their red caps, and hymn this jocund strain: "Couriers and Stars, sedition's evening-host, Thou Morning-Chronicle, and Morning-Post! Whether ye make the rights of man your theme, Your country libel, and your God blaspheme, Or dirt on private worth and virtue throw, Still blasphemous or blackguard, praise Lepaux. And ye five other wandering bards that move In sweet accord of harmony and love, Coleridge and Southey, Lloyd, and Lamb and Co. Tune all your mystic harps to praise Lepaux. wave! All creeping creatures, venomous and low, Paine, Williams, Godwin, Holcroft, praise Lepaux! And thou, leviathan! on ocean's brim And-wallowing in the yeasty main- Britain, beware; nor let th' insidious foe, Of force despairing, aim a deadlier blow. Thy peace, thy strength, with devilish wiles assail, And when her arms are vain, by arts prevail. True, thou art rich, art powerful!—through thine isle Industrious skill, contented labour, smile; True, thou art brave!-o'er all the busy land There are, to whom (their taste such pleasures cloy) No light thy wisdom yields, thy wit no joy; Peace to their heavy heads,and callous hearts, Peace-such as sloth, as ignorance imparts! Pleased may they live to plan their country's good, And crop with calm content their flowery food! What though thy venturous spirit loved to urge The labouring theme to reason's utmost verge, Kindling and mounting from th' enraptured sight; Till anxious Wonder watch'd thy daring flight! While vulgar souls, with mean malignant stare, Gazed up, the triumph of thy fall to share! Poor triumph! price of that extorted praise, Which still to daring genius envy pays. Oh! for thy playful smile,-thy potent frown, T'abash bold vice, and laugh pert folly down! So should the Muse, in humour's happiest vein, With verse that flow'd in metaphoric strain, And apt allusions to the rural trade, The sword we dread not:-of ourselves secure, Firm were our strength, our peace and freedom sure. Let all the world confederate all its powers. Be they not back'd by those that should be ours, High on his rock shall Britain's genius stand, Scatter the crowded hosts, and vindicate the land. Guard we but our own hearts: with constant view, To ancient morals, ancient manners true, True to the manlier virtues, such as nerved Our fathers' breasts, and this proud isle preserved For many a rugged age:-and scorn the while Each philosophic atheist's specious guile- Thy refuge, Europe, in some happier hour.— But, French in heart-though victory crown our brow, Low at our feet though prostrate nations bow. Wealth gild our cities, commerce crowd our shore, Tell of what wood young jacobins are made; | London may shine, but England is no more How the skill'd gardener grafts, with nicest Of weightiest matters, grave distinctions UNRIVALL'D Greece! thou ever-honoured That rules of policy, and public good, So should the Muse, with verse in thunder clothed, Proclaim the crimes by God and nature loathed, Which-when fell poison revels in the veins (That poison fell which frantic Gallia drains From the crude fruit of freedom's blasted tree) Blot the fair records of humanity. To feebler nations let proud France afford Her damning choice, the chalice or the sword, To drink or die ;-oh, fraud! oh, specious lie! Delusive choice! for if they drink, they die. name, Thou nurse of heroes dear to deathless fame Though now to worth, to honour all unknown Thy lustre faded, and thy glories flown, Yet still shall memory with reverted eye Trace thy past worth, and view thee with a sigh. Thee freedom cherish'd once with foster ing band, And breathed undaunted valour through the land. Here the stern spirit of the Spartan soil, The child of poverty inured to toil. Here, loved by Pallas and the sacred Nine. Once did fair Athens' towery glories shine To bend the bow, or the bright falchion wield To lift the bulwark of the brazen shield, To toss the terror of the whizzing spear, The conquering standard's glittering glorie rear, And join the maddening battle's loud carver How skill'd the Greeks; confess what Per sians slain Were strew'd on Marathon's ensanguine plain; 隋 When heaps on heaps the routed squadrons | And with their gaudy myriads peopled hell. And seal'd the Grecian freedom with his Witness Thermopyla! how fierce he trod, Let Leuctra say, let Mantinea tell, 1 How great Epaminondas fought and fell! Who knows not, sees not with admiring eye, Thy sons (sad change!) in abject bondage sigh; Unpitied toil, and unlamented die. Has awed their servile spirits into fear, Damps their faint vigour and unmans the soul. doom, ANONYMOUS. LOVERS' PRESENTS. Pour forth a father's sorrows on thy tomb. TAKE back thy gifts, thou noble dame, MARY ANN BROWNE. THE FOREBODING. Ay, twine thy hair with a summer-wreath, And sing thy bridal song; Gifts that might courtly homage claim: Lady, such gifts were unwish'd by me, Pledges so splendid I could not impart, Lady, how sad an exchange is mine! Let fragrant flowers around thee breathe And may charm a high-born lover's sight, It will not be for long. As that bright garland will decay, Thy beauty will soon be gone; And thy very name will pass away, Like thy sweet song's closing tone. Ay, deck thee with that golden chain, And mingle with the thoughtless crowd, "Twill soon be changed, for thy burial shroud Already wraps thy breast. Bright and clear the heavens are, There is but one speck in the sky; But that speck covers thy natal star, The star of thy destiny! I gazed on that star last night, it shook; I have read thy fate in a flowery braid;I hung it on a tree I saw one bright rose fall and fade,— "Twas the blossom I named for thee! But mostly thy fortune I can tell, From thy happiness and mirth, For when did bliss so perfect dwell More than an instant on earth? But the humblest maid will spurn a token Like the heart thy treachery has broken! MY PARTNER. AT Cheltenham, where one drinks one's fill I danced, last year, my first quadrille, I spoke of Novels:-"Vivian Gray" And "Frankenstein" alarming; I said "De Vere" was chastely told, I vow'd that last new thing of Hook's I talk'd of Music's gorgeous fane; I wish'd the chorus-singers dumb, |