
character and writings of Tertullian,
445, 6.
Humboldt's personal narrative of travels
to the equinoctial regions of the New
Continent, &c. 289 et seq.; remarks
on the general plan and execution of
the work, 290, 1; sketch of the life of
Humboldt, 291; he receives permis-
sion from the Spanish court to travel
in the Spanish provinces in America,
292; is joined by his friend Bonpland
and sails from Corunna, ib.; the au-
thor's description of his sensations on
leaving the Colombian coast, 292, 3;
Chateaubriand's remark that the beau-
ty of landscapes depends on the effects
of light, 294; the author's excursion to
the summit of the Silla or Saddle moun-
tain, 294, 5; description of the moun-
tain, ib.; descent into the valley, 295;
route pursued on leaving the Caraccas,
296; the Orinoko, ib.; appearance of
the country beyond the Rio Apure, 296,
7; the Rio Meta, 298; the rapids of
Alures and Maypures, 299; description
of the country, and Christian establish-
ments beyond the great cataracts, 300, 1;
various rivers noticed by the travel-
lers, 301; the black and the white
waters, ib.; purity of the black waters,
302; the story of the Guahiba woman,
303 et seq.; the author's remarks on the
cannibalism of the nations of Guyana,
305, 6; probable origin of cannibal-
ism, 306, 7; the interior of the New
Continent an unbroken solitude, 308;
difficult navigation of the Cassiquiare,
308, 9; the cemetery of the cavern of
Ataruipe, 523, 4; mode of preparing the
skeletons among the Guaraons, 524, 5;
the Otomaks great earth-eaters, 526;
earth-eating prevalent in other coun-
tries, 526, 7; Angostura, 528; Old
Guyana, 529; the golden lake and the
gilded man, 531,2; the institutions
and arts of the Indian nations shewn
to be of Asiatic origin, 533; population-
of Colombia, 534; the Caribbees, 535;
tumuli of an extinct nation in the plains
of North America, 536; population of
the West Indian Archipelago, 538;
black population of continental and
insular America, 538, 9; distribution
of the races of the New World, 539;
numerical proportion of the Roman
Catholics and the Protestants in Eu-
rope, 540; preponderance of lan-
guages in America, 540.
Idleness, Penseval's labours of, 371 et seq.
India, the friend of, see Bataks.

inquisition, its commencement by Fou-

quet, bishop of Toulouse, 406; is per-
manently established in Languedoc,
Institutions, judicial, of the principal
countries of Europe, Meyer's genius,
origin, and progress of, 125 et seq.
Institution, the African, twentieth report
of the directors of, 354 et seq.; im-
portant results of the labours of the
Society, 354; increase of the slave-
trade owing to the inefficiency of the
laws, &c. 355; case of the five negroes
liberated from a French slave ship at St.
Ives in Cornwall, 356 et seq.; Brazil
and the Havannah the chief marts
of the contraband traffic in slaves,
358,9; the French the slave carriers
of the Antilles, 359, the Baron de
Staël's account of the slave-trade as
carried on at Nantz, ib.; notice of some
other slave-marts, 360, 1; prices of
slaves on the east and west coasts of
South Africa, 361; remarks on Dr.
Chalmers's opinion that the West In-
dia planters have been unjustly stig-
matized, 362: encouraging prospects to
the cause of humanity from the present
explorations in the interior of Africa,
363; extract from Gen. Turner's des-
patch on the cession made by the Sherbro
Bulloms, 363, 4; the director's remarks
on it, 364:

Instruction, early religious, encouragement
to persevere in it, 318, 19.
Italy and Switzerland, sketches of, 76

et seq.

Jenkinson, Anthony, his expedition into
Independent Tartary, 49.
Jennings, the Rev. John, Chaplin's ser-
mon preached at the interment of,
381 el seq.

Jerome, his account of Tertullian, 437.
Jesuits, the, the cause of the late opposition
to the Bible Society in Russia, 133,

Jews, of the Russian-Polish provinces, Dr.
Henderson's account of their persons,
manners, &c. 146; their superstitious
allachment to their own land, 147; the
sect of the Talmudists, 148; the Zo-
hariles, ib.; the Karaites, 149; diffe-
rence between the Karailes and the Rab-
binists, 149 et seq.

[ocr errors]

Jowett's Lyra Sacra, 495 et seq.; proba-
ble causes of the neglect of organ
music, 495, 6; music considered too
exclusively a drawing room accom-
plishment, 497; merits of the present
selection, 497, 8; the faculty of en-
joying and comprehending music one
of the best earthly gifts of the Crea-

[ocr errors]

tor, 498; the heathen world made no
discoveries in the science of music,
music began in the courts of the sanc-
tuary, and was consecrated to the honour
of God, b.; remarks on the execution
of the present work, 500; Bishops
Horne and Atterbury on music, 501.
Kershaw's simplicity in ministerial ad-
dresses recommended, 563; cause of
the disapproval of literature in connexion
with the ministry, 564; the importance
of simplicity of language in a Christian
minister, 565, 6, the clergy of the
Establishment who are distinguished
for their literary attainments and
their piety, are also distinguished for
the simplicity of their ministerial ad-
dresses, 567.

Knight's considerations on the subject

of Calvinism, &c. 364 et seq.; the
author's wilful or ignorant mis-state-
ment of the articles of the Synod of
Dort, 370; remarks of the late Mr.
Scott upon this mode of slandering
the Calvinists, ih.

La Fayette, character of, by M. Mignet,


Landscapes, the beauty of, depends on

the effect of light, 294.

Language, the English, Smith's practical
guide to the composition and applica-
tion of, 266 el seq.

Language, the Latin, Kenrick's transla
tion of Zumpt's grammar of, 25 et seq.
Laws,the,of modern Europe, &c: Spence's
inquiry into the origin of, 1 et seq.
Leake's historical outline of the Greek
revolution, 97, et seq.

Le Bas's sermons, 470, et seq.; revival
of pulpit eloquence within the natio
nal church, 470; design and charac-
ter of the sermons, 471; warning
against levily on religious subjects, 472,
3; on the agency of the Holy Spirit, 474,


Lee's, professor, additional remarks on
Dr. Henderson's appeal to the Bible
Society, &c., 326, el seq...
Letters in defence of the British and
Foreign Bible Society, &c., 86, et seq.
Lexicon, Schleusner's, Carey's compen

dium of, 179, et seg..


Life, short account of the, of the Inte
Thomas Bateman, M.D., 310, et seq.
Lingard's history of England, character
of it, 388.
Literateur, le, by E. Mansart, 257, et seq.
London in the olden time, 167, et seq.;
description of London in the days of
Henry the First, 169; Fitz-Stephen's
description of London in the reign of

Henry the Second, ib. ; extracts from tales
illustrative of the manners of the Lon-
doners from the twelfth to the sixteenth
century, 171, et seq.; ballad on the
olden time, 176, et seq.

Lyra Sacra, by the Rev. J. Jowett, 495,
et seg.

Lyte's tales, in verse, illustrative of the
several petitions of the Lord's prayer,
269, el seq.; plan of the work, 269;
extract from the tale on the first petition,
269, et seq.; the missionary, 273, et
seq.; portrait of the widow in the third
tale, 274, 5; objections to the last
tale, 275, et seq.

M'Neile's seventeen sermons, 470; ad-
dress to sinners on the shortness of time,
&c., 476, 7.

Magazine, Evangelical, and Christian
Guardian, for May 1826, review of,
on the Apocrypha controversy, 193,
el seg.

Mausart's Literateur, 257, et seq.
Marmande, general massacre of its inhabi-
tants, 414.

Medicines, mineral, universally adopted,
to the exclusion of vegetable medi-
cines, 561, 2.
Members, dissentient, of the committee
of the Edinburgh Bible Society, state-
ments of the, 86, et seq.; names of
the dissentient members, 89; remarks
of Mr. Grey on the conduct of the Lon
don committee, 89, et seq.; the question
of the apocrypha an old question, 91, 2.
Memorials, Christian, of the nineteenth

century, by Alfred Bishop, 181, et seq.
Meyendorff's Voyage d'Orenburgh a
Boukhara, 48, et seq.

Meyer's esprit, origine, et progrés des
institutions judiciaires, 125, et seq.;
Montesquieu's description of laws, in
the most extensive acceptation of the
term, 125; remarks on his mode of
treating the subject, &c., ib.; obser-
vations on M. Meyer's mode, &c.,
126; the entire system of European
law affirmed to be of Teutonic origin,
ib.; the two epochs when the Euro-
pean nations were subjected to one
overpowering influence, ib.; attempt to
shew that the great features of existing
institutions are derived from a northern
origin, 126, 7; the feudal system
formed no part of the ancient Teuto-
nic institutions, 127; five epochs in
the judicial system of the Germans,
127, 8; progress of the civil and eri-
minal jurisprudence in the earlier
times, 127, 8; the author's account of
the origin and character of the feudal sys-

tem, 128, 9; the trial by peers, cha-
racteristic of the fourth epoch of Ger-
man jurisprudence, 129; the fifth
epoch that of permanent tribunals,
ib.; the author's high estimate of the
British national character, 130; persons
who sustain the judicial character are
generally the most strenuous oppo-
nents of juridical reform, ib.; the au-
thor formerly a magistrate in the Low
Countries, 131; his testimony against
secresy in juridical investigations, ib.
Mignet's Histoire de la revolution Fran-
çaise, 231, et seq.; merits of the pre-
sent work, 232; Madame de Stael on
the state of France before the revolu-
tion, 233; M. Mignet on the refor
mation effected by the revolution, ib. ;
obstacles to this reformation overcome by
the revolution, 234; the revolution not
a sudden ebullition of popular feeling,
235; its remote and more recent
causes, ib.; character of the constitu-
ent assembly and of Mirabeau, 236,
77; of the legislative assembly, 238;
of M. de la Fayette, 239; the massa-
cres of September 1792, the work of
Danton, ib.; the reign of terror, ib. ;.
the mountain, 240; efforts and de-
feat of the royalists, 240, 1;' the au-
thor's character of the different phases of
the revolution, ib. ; the directorial go-
vernment dissolved by Bonaparte, 242.
Mind, essay on, 78, et seq.; analysis of
the first book, 79; illustrative extract,
79, 80; lines on Gibbon, 81; stanzas
on Captain Demetrius's weeping at the
mention of Lord Byron's name, 812.
Minutes of the committee of the British
and Foreign Bible Society, &c., 567,

et seq.
Mirabeau, M. Mignet's character of, 237.
Miriam, or the power of truth: a Jewish
tale, 350, et seq.; the plot,' 351.
Montanus, inquiry respecting his pecu-
liar opinions, 437, et seq.
Moreau, his shrewd advice to the allied
sovereigns, respecting fighting Bona-
parte, 511.

Morell, the Rev. Stephen, Binney's me-
moir of, 56, et seq.
Morris's Flora Conspicua, 261, et seq.
observations on the present state of
the art of drawing, &c., ib.
Moss's manual of classical bibliography,
5, et seq.; remarks on the execution
of the work, 7, 8; prices given for
certain editions of some classical
works, 9, 10; notice of valuable edi-
tious of various Latin and Greek au
thors, 10, et seq.; Earl Tiploft's trans-

lation of Cicero on old age, 13; editio
princeps of Homer and of Horace, 13, et
seq.; editio princeps of Livy, 15.
Murat, his singular courage, 516, 519; his
fierce altercation with Daroust, ib.
Murray, Lindley, memoirs of the life
and writings of, partly written by
himself, 481, et seq.; his birth-place,
parents, &c., 482; he secretly with-
draws from his father's house, 483;
his account of the circumstances that occa-
sioned his return, 484, 5; and of his
preservation from adopting sceptical sen-
timents, 485, 6; he studies the law,
and becomes a barrister, 486; is ne-
cessitated to travel on account of his
health, 487; visits the Moravian settle-
ment at Bethlehem, ib.; fixes his resi-
dence in Yorkshire, 488; interesting
history of his first publication, the
power of religion on the mind,' ib.; cir-
cumstances that occasioned his wri-
ting his English grammar, 489; his
liberal spirit, 490; his explicit declara- ́
tion of his religious sentiments, 491; de-
scription of his person, nature of his
illness, &c., 491, 2; his reflections on
his seventy-second birth-day, 493; his
death, ib.; distribution of his pro-
perty, 494.

Music, Bishops Horne and Atterbury's
remarks on it, 501.

organ, causes of its neglect, 495.
My thought book, 184, et seq.
Nantz, number of vessels employed by
that port in the slave trade, 359; the
Baron de Stael's account of his visit to
this port, ib.

Napoleon, histoire de, by the Count de
Segur, 502, et seq.

Napoleon's campaign in Russia, 503, et
seq.; remarks on the earlier conflicts
between the Russian and the French
armies, 505; M. Boutourlin's hypocri-
tical defence of the Emperor Alexander's
invasion of Finland, 505, 6; conduct
and policy of Russia in the Austrian
war of 1809, 507; M. Boutourlin's
statement of the total number of the
French soldiery at the beginning of
the Russian campaign, ib. ; amount of
troops employed in the grand cam-
paign, ib.; animated discussions between
Napoleon and his confidants, respecting a
war with Russia, 508; cause of his po-
pularity with his soldiers, 508, 9; errors
of the Russians on the opening of the
campaign, 509, 10; the French army
crosses the Niemen, 511; the disasters
of the French army during their
march not to be attributed to Napo

leon, ib.; his successful policy, ib. ;
shrewd advice of Moreau, 511; battle
of Mohilef, 513, 14; General Gour-
gaud's details of Napoleon's mode of life
during active warfare, 515, 16; singular
charge of Murat at the head of the Polish
lancers, 516; the French march upon
Smolensk, 517; Murat vainly_opposes
Napoleon's resolution to cross the Dnieper,
518; Koutousof placed at the head of
the Russian armies, 519; fierce alter
cation between Murat and Davoust,
ib.; chivalrous daring of Murat, ib.
battle of Borodino, 520; timid con-
duct of Napoleon, ib.; Count Segur's
statement of its cause, 521; com-
plexion of the battles subsequent to
the burning of Moscow, 522.
Necker, inordinate vanity his great
error, 353.


Negroes, five, account of their liberation
from a French slave ship, at St. Ives,
Cornwall, 356, et seq.

New Testament, the Turkish version of
it, 326, et seq.; Mr. Haldane's charge
against Professor Lee of holding and de-
fending heretical sentiments, 327; the
Professor's comment on Ali Bey's version
of Romans iv. 13, 327, 8; remarks on
the comment, 328, et seq.; objection
to Dr. Henderson's gloss on the pas-
sage, 329; observations on the ren-
dering of Romans iv. 3, 330; Mr.
Haldane declares himself the public ac-
cuser of the Eari-street eommittee, 333;
Dr. Henderson and Professor Lee on
the subject of Biblical translation, ib. ;
Dr. Henderson attempts to link the
name of Professor Lee with that of
the Abbé Dubois, 334; nature of the
Abbé's principles, 335; the real state
of the case between Dr. H. and Pro-
fessor Lee, 336; Dr. H.'s high esteem
for Professor Kieffer, 337; concluding
remarks, ib., et seq.

Noel's sermons, chiefly for the use of
families, 116, et seq.; faults to be
avoided in domestic sermons, 116, 17;
the author's account of the design of his
volume, 117; the name Christian affixed
to persons with any other than a friendly
molive, 118, el seq.; exordium to the
seventeenth sermon on Christian self-
denial, 120, et seq.; on the love of God
in sending his Son into the world, 122,
3; benefit to the Christian of an entire
surrender of himself to Christ, 123, 4.
Novogorod, etymology of its name, its
population, situation, &c., 135, 6,
Office, pastoral, the appointment to, vested
in the church, 381.

[ocr errors]

Opinions, religious, Sismondi's review of
the progress of, during the nineteenth
century, 278, el seq.

Oratio Dominica, in Romaic or modern
Greek, 47.

Oration, Frost's, before the medico-bota-
nical society of London, 561, 2.
Owen, Dr. John, Wilson's selections
from the works of, 287.

Parry's journal of a third voyage for the
discovery of a north-west passage
from the Atlantic to the Pacific, 319,
et seq.; difficulty of the passage through
Baffin's bay, 321; proceedings during
the wintering at Port Bowen, 322;
variation of the magnetic needle, ib. ;
the author's testimony of the complete
efficiency of Mr. Barlow's invention for
counteracting the effects of the ship's
attraction, 323; maternal affection of
two she-bears, ib.; loss of the Fury, 324;
the author's reflections on the unsuccessful
termination of the expedition, 324 et seq.
Passy, visit to the rectory of, 350 et
seq.; the conscientious poacher, 350, 1.
Passage, north-west, from the Atlantic
to the Pacific, Parry's journal of a
third voyage for the discovery of,
319 et seq.

Penseval's labours of idleness, 371 et
seq.; Lilian of the vale, 372 et seq.;
Jenny Llewellyn, or Love's devotion, 374
et seq.
Persecution, ecclesiastical, in Europe,
its commencement, 404.
Peyrani's, M., claim for the Waldenses to
be considered as the first opposers of
papal superstition and tyranny, 560, 1.
Philosophy and faith, their opposite con-
cerns, 314.

Pictures, Slatter's rural, &c. 82 et seq.,

[blocks in formation]

4; extract, a ghost scene, 154 et seq.;
stanzas, 156, 7; notice of the memoir
of the author, 157.

Regions, equinoctial, of the New Conti-
nent, Humboldt and Bonpland's per-
sonal narrative of travels to them,

Remarks upon the recent accusations

against the committee of the British
and Foreign Bible Society, in a letter
to a country clergyman, 567 et seq.;
design of the letter, 568; the questions
it considers, 569; the charge of studied
concealment disproved. ib.; an edition of
the Italian bible with an intermixed
Apocrypha and copious index printed by
Mr. Drummond at his own expense and
circulated by him, 570 ; variance between
the former and present conduct of some
of the accusers of the Earl-street commit-
tee, ib.; reasons for not stating the re-
munerations given to certain individuals
on the Continent for their services, 571;
extensive nature of the operations of Pro-
fessor Van Ess, 571, 2; real nature of
the sums paid to Dr. Van Ess and Pro-
fessor Kieffer, 572; advantage of the
late controversy to the institution, 573.
Rentrée, glorieuse, des Vandois, under
their pastor Arnaud, 556, 7.

Report, the twentieth, of the directors
of the African institution, 354 et seq.
Revolution, Greek, Col. Leake's histori-

[ocr errors]

cal outline of, 97 et seq.

Robin Hood, Clym of the Clough, origin
of the popular ballads of, 395,

[ocr errors]

Rogers's poems, miscellaneous and sa-
cred, 158 et seq; Venice in the six-
teenth century, 159 et seq.; verses to a
father's memory, 161, 2; to a skeleton,
163, 4; the Messiah weeping over Jeru-
salem, 165; the dedication of the temple,
166, 7.

Rouquet's critique on the seventeenth

article of the Church of England, &c.
364 et seq.; Calvinism asserted to be
expressly condemned in the seven-
teenth article, 365; gross misrepre-
sentation of Calvin's language, 365, 6;
grounds upon which it is pretended
that the sentiments of Calvin are at
variance with the seventeenth article,
368; remarks of Archbishop Laurence
on this subject, 368, 9; the author's
ignorance in exhibiting Cranmer in
opposition to Calvin, as to doctrine,
spirit, and character, 369, 70.
Russia, Henderson's biblical researches
and travels in, 132 et seq.
Samarcand, its delightful scenery, 48.
Saunders's discourses on the Lord's
Prayer, 339, et seq.; Archbishop
Leighton's remarks on this form, 340,

1; reflections on God as Our Father
in Heaven.' 343 et seq.; on the proper
manner of evincing our dependence on
God, 345 et seq.

Scepticism, philosophical, of men of science,
some probable causes of it, 313, 14.
Segur's, the Count de, histoire de Napo-
leon, &c. 502 et seq.

Sermons, by the Rev. Charles Webb
Le Bas, A.M., 470 et seq.

intended chiefly for the use
of families, by the Hon. Gerard T.
Noel, 116 et seq.

Sermons, parochial, by Dr. Wilson, 470
et scq.

seventeen, by the Rev. Hugh
M'Neile, 470 et seq.
Sherwood's, Mrs. chronology of ancient
history, 264 et seq.; objections to the
work as a material of education, 265;
the system adopted founded upon the
speculations of Sir Isaac Newton, ib.;
the dates greatly at variance with
those given by Playfair and Blair, 266.
Shoberl's Forget-me-not, 541 et seq.
Silla, or the Saddle-mountain, description
of it, 294, 5.

Sismondi's history of the crusades a-
gainst the Albigenses, in the thirteenth
century, 399 et seq.

review of the progress of re-

ligious opinions during the nineteenth
century, 278 et seq.; the true source
of religious intolerance, 278; fear
makes men cruel, ib. ; remarks on his
assertion that religious opinions can-
not be considered as dangerous, 279;
religious intolerance not confined to
priests, ib.; the language of the author
shewn ta breathe a spirit of animosity,
279, 80; he approves of the pastors
of Geneva stifling religious controversy
by forbidding to preach on certain
controverted subjects, 281; M. Chas-
tel's division of doctrines into primitive
and interpretative, 282; the certainty
of a doctrine will not authorize its
being imposed upon the consciences
of men, 283; confessions of faith tend
to multiply heresies, ib.; excellent re-
mark of M. Chastel, 284; M. Sismon-
di's view of the subject incorrect, ib.;
a respect for all varieties of opinion
not indicative of a tolerant spirit, but
of an indifference to truth, 284, 5;
remarks on the author's assertion that
all religions are true which express re-
spect, gratitude, and love for the great
Creator, 285.

Slatter's rural pictures, &c. 82 el seq.;
early pleasures, 83; the holly tree, 84, 5;
the Druid, 85, 6.

Slave-trade; see Institution, African.

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