
Slavi, or Slavons, origin of their name,
138; supposed to have come from
Media, ib.; first historical notice of
them, ib.; remarks on their language,
139; it is stated by a bull of Pope
John VIII. to be too barbarous to be
used in public worship, 140; the bull
reversed by the same Pope, ib. ; nolice of
the different versions of the Scriptures in
the Slavonic language, 141 et seq.
Smith's practical guide to the compo-
sition and application of the English
language, 266 et seq.; the author
recommended to attend to his own
practical warnings against Scotti-
cisms, 267; he criticises Lord Byron
for his misapplication of figurative
language, 268; criticism on Words-
worth, 268, 9.

Sonnet, by Mr. Holland, 463.
Souvenir, literary, 541 et seq.; list of

contributors to the work, 541; a re-
trospective review by T. Hood, 542, 3;
the first wanderer, 544, 5; extract from
the prose contributions, 548, 9.
Spence's inquiry into the origin of the
laws, &c. of Modern Europe, parti-
cularly of England, 1 et seq.; much
of the common law of England to be
found in the pandects of the Roman
jurisprudence, 3; plan of the work,
4; curious mode of securing evidence,
ib.; security for interest of money lent,


Staël's, the Baron de, account of the slave-

trade, as carried on at Nantz, 359.
Staroværtzi, sect of the, in Russia, 136;
the copies of the Scriptures in use among
them, 137.

Statement of the committee of the Glas-

gow Auxiliary Bible Society, &c. 567

et seq.
Statements of the dissentient members

of the committee of the Edinburgh
Bible Society, 86 et seq.
Steinkopff's letter addressed to Robert
Haldane, Esq. in reference to conti-
nental bible societies, &c. 86 et seq. ;
practical difficulties of the Committee in
carrying into effect the measures that
have been forced upon them, 87, 8.
Stewart's cause and remedy for national
distress, a sermon, 29 et seq.
Stonard's dissertation ou the seventy
weeks of Daniel the prophet, 242 et
seq. prophecy entitled to a high
rank among the evidences of revealed
religion, 242, 3; difficulty of the study
of the Scripture prophecies, 243; di-
versified and contrary opinions of
critics, &c. respecting the seventy
weeks of Daniel, 244; qualifications

of the author for an expositor of
prophecy, ib.; he defends the general
integrity of the passage against the
proposed alterations of Dr. Blaney
and Mr. Faber, ib.; the school of
Lowth has not uniformly been di-
rected towards promoting a judicious
Hebrew criticism, 245; exhibition of
the versions of Stonard, Faber, and
Blaney, with the Bible version, in parallel
columns, 246; difference in the punctua-
tion of the 25th verse in Bibles of the au-
thorised version, 247; the author's pre-
liminary positions, 247, 8; his opinions
respecting the difference of the ex-
pressions used by Daniel, and those
by the Angel, in reference to the Jew.
ish state, 248, 9; his proof and illustra-
tion of his sixth position, 250; his ninth
position directed against the render-
ing of Mr. Faber, 251; Dr. S.'s mode
of settling the beginning and the end of
the seventy weeks, 252; date of the
commencement of the seventy weeks,
252, 3; explanation of the 24th verse,
253; remarks on the seven weeks,
253, 4; on the prince that cometh,'
ib.; the one week,' 254, 5; its sub-
division, 255; objections to some
parts of the author's exposition, ib.,
et seq.

Sumatra, island of, appearance of the
interior, 422, 3.

Swan's journal of a voyage up the Medi-
terranean, and among the islands of
the Archipelago, &c., 97, el seg.
System, feudal, M. Meyer's account of
the origin and character of, 128, 9.
Tales, in verse, illustrative of the seve-
ral petitions of the Lord's prayer, 269,
et seq.

Tertullian, the ecclesiastical history of
the second and third centuries, illus-
trated from his writings by John,
Bishop of Bristol, 433, et seq.
The first wanderer,' a poem, 544, 5.
Thierry's history of the conquest of Eng-
land by the Romans, 385, et seq. ;
plan of the work, 386; ability of the
author, ib.; his account of the con-
version and baptism of Lot-wig, (Clo-
vis,) 387, 8; character of Lingard's
history, 388; new form assumed by
infidelity on the continent, 389; its
subserviency towards bettering the
condition of society, ib.; character of
God-win, 390; he expels the Danes and
procures the election of Edward to the
vacant throne, 391; Edward's mea-
sures disastrous to the country, 392;
death of God-win, 392, 3; errors of
Harold, 393; conduct of the Norman

emigrants in England, 393, 4; profi-
gacy of the priests, 394; noble con-
duct of Guimand, a Norman monk,
394, 5; origin of the popular ballads of
Robin-hood, Clym of the Clough, &c.,
395; the Norman conqueror a prey to
gloomy forebodings, 396; Thomas à
Becket, ib.; the author's hostility to
the ancient nobility of Europe, 396, 7;
origin of the aversion of the Irish to
England, 397, 8; the Norman con-
quest detrimental to the happiness of
England, 398.

Thomas's my thought book, 184, et seq. ;
specimens of the author's aphorisms, 184;
and of his style, 185; he decides on the
merits, &c. of Lionardi da Vinci, Ho-
garth, and Claude, 186, et seq.; coins a
new compound from the Greek, 187, his
remarks on expiation and revenge, 187,
8; instance of his rancorous personality,
188, 9.

Thomson, Dr., his apology to Dr. Gleig,
published in the Edinburgh Christian In
structor for June 1812, 227, 8.
Turner's, General, remarks on the ad-
vantages likely to result from the recent
cession of territory by the Sherbro Bul-
loms, 363, 4.

Vaudois; see Waldenses.

Version, improved, of the Bible, by the

Rev. B. Boothroyd, L.L.D. Vol. III.
446, et seq.

Voyage d'Orenburgh à Bokhara, 48, et
seq.; beautiful scenery of the plain of
Samarcand, 48; expedition of An-
thony Jenkinson into independent
Tartary, 49; his description of Bok.
hara, 49; Bokhara, as described by M.
de Meyendorff, 49, 50; proofs of its
former prosperity, 51; Russian embassy,
to Bokhara, ib.; journey from Oren-
burgh to the Moughodjar mountains,
52; arrival at a village of Kerghiz,
ib.; singular mode of punishment for
horse-stealing, 52, 3; journey from the
Moughodjar mountains to the Sir, 53;
state of the country, ib.; introduction
of the embassy to the Khan, 54, 5; de-
scription of central Asia, by Raphael
Danibeg, a Georgian, 55, et seq.; city
of Yarkand, 55, 6; Aksou, 56.
Waldenses, history and condition of the,
550, et seq.; memorial presented to
his majesty's government by the body
of dissenting ministers in London, to
obtain for the Waldenses the renewal
of the grant of William and Mary,
550; assertion of Mr. Gilly, that the

peculiar doctrinal sentiments of Calvin
were never warmly advocated in the val-
leys of Piémont, 551, 2; he endeavours
to exalt the purity of the Piemontese
churches at the expense of their Provençal
and Bohemian brethren, 552; remarks
on the history of the church of Vau-
dois, 553; bulls of Pope Innocent
the Eighth, for exterminating the Vau-
dois of Piémont, 554; hostile inva-
sion of the valleys by the Count de la
Trinité, ib.; determined resistance of the
Vaudois, 554, 5; a subsequent san-
guinary persecution terminated by
the spirited remonstrance of Oliver
Cromwell, 555; ample collection made
for them at that time in England, ib.;
the Duke of Savoy instigated by Louis
XIV. to make the Vaudois change their
religious creed, 556; successes and sub-
sequent submission of the Vaudois, ib.;
their wretched fate, ib.; the glorieuse
rentrée des Vaudois under their pastor
Arnaud, 556, 7; the present inhabi-
tants of the valleys descended from-
these heroes, 557; state of the Vau-
dois under Napoleon, ib.; their pre-
sent oppressed situation, 558; ex-
tract from Mr. Gilly's excursion to
the Piémontese mountains, &c., 559,
et seq.; M. Peyrani's claim for the
Waldenses to be considered as the first
opponents of the corruptions and tyranny
of the papal church, 560, 1.
Walker's observations on the nature,

extent, and effects of pauperism, and
the means of reducing it, 29, et seq.
Wanostrocht's British constitution; or
an epitome of Blackstone's conimen-
taries on the laws of England, 263,
et seq.; on the power of the court-martial,
263, 4.

Watts's literary souvenir, 541, et seq.
Wilson's, Dr., parochial sermons, 470, et
seq.; caution against mistaking the influ-
ence of religion for the power of the
Spirit, 478.

selections from the works of
John Owen, D.D., 287.
World, Arrowsmith's outlines of the,
259, et seq.

Yarkand, description of it, 55, 6.
Zumpt's grammar of the Latin lan-
guage, translated by Kenrick, 25, et
seq.; English students indebted to fo-
reigners for the best Latin and Greek
grammars, 26; design of the present
work, ib.; its plan and merits, 27, 8.

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