


8. In whose reign was the kingdom of Israel separated from that of Judah?

9. How long did they continue, and what was the end of each ?

10. Give some account of the family of Herod.

11. Who were the Herodians ?

12. The chief design of St. John's Gospel.

13. The conversion and travels of St. Paul.

14. The names of the twelve Apostles. 15. The geographical position of the following places; Corinth, Derbe, Lystra, Iconium, Galatia, Thessalonica, Philippi, Smyrna, Tarsus, Colosse.

16. What authority do the Scriptures give for the rite of Confirmation?

17. Who were the Samaritans? What was the cause of enmity between them and the Jews?

18. How do you distinguish the rite of Confirmation from a Sacrament?

19. Quote passages of Scripture to prove that Jesus Christ is willing to receive all that come unto God by him.

20. State the facts connected with the completion of the prophecy in reference to the Temple, "There shall not be left one stone upon another which shall not be thrown down."


1. What is meant by the evidence of Christianity?

2. Distinguish between external and internal evidence.

3. Is there any difference between internal and experimental evidence? 4. Define both.

5. What presumption does the existence of internal evidence furnish to the truth of the external evidence of Christianity?

6. Mention the chief heads to which the external evidence may be reduced.

7. Does prophecy belong to the external or internal evidence?

8. May a topic ever be said to belong to both ?

1. What is meant by the antecedent improbability of a revelation?


2. Are there any presumptions for supposing a revelation antecedently probable?

3. Is there any such antecedent improbability as evidence cannot surmount? 4. Is there any fallacy contained in the infidel objection to miracles, that they are contrary to experience?'

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5. What do you mean by experience? 6. What is the kind of evidence afforded to finite beings on all moral subjects?

7. State fully Mr. Hume's first great objection to miracles as an evidence of revelation.

1. What are the two propositions by which Dr. Paley endeavours to establish the direct historical evidence of Christianity, and to distinguish it from the evidence alleged for other miracles?

2. Give a brief outline of the arguments by which he establishes the first of these propositions.

3. Shew that the system of Christianity was ungrateful to Jewish habits and principles.

4. What probability in favour of the truth of the story told in the four Gospels may be derived from the opinions and feelings of the Jews?

5. What, from those of the Gentiles? 6. State some leading reasons, why Christianity was rejected by the Roman empire.

7. What credibility is derived to the truth of the story told in the Gospels from the writings of contemporary Pagans?

8. Mention some of these testimonies, and state the nature and amount of their value as evidence.

1. Why must we seek for an account of early Christianity only in the writings. of Christians?

2. What extent of evidence do we possess in these writings?

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