


Every Christian is placed in a centre, of which the globe is the circumference, and each must fill that circumference, as every star forms a centre and shines through the whole sphere, and yet all meet and mingle, forming one vast field of light-or, as in many well-tuned instruments, each moves every particle of the surrounding air, and yet strikes every ear, in one harmonious sound.


Natural conscience dictates the propriety of acting according to right and wrong, but natural conscience gives not the rule of right and wrong. It is as blind a guide in morals, as in doctrine. Itself needs illumination, and then it acts the part of a faithful monitor, when we turn to the right hand and when we turn to the left, saying, "this is the way, walk ye in it." Man without a conscience, is a machine without a regulator; sometimes too fast, sometimes too slow, and seldom right. Conscience without a divine light, is like a dial without the sun; a shade, a blank, a useless instrument.


His commandments are exceeding broad, like the great and wide arms of the sea, extending to all our thoughts, motives, and desires, and like a chain reaching from the cradle to the grave, yea, into eternity itself; for there never was a moment, since we became rational and intelligent creatures, when we were without the law; and there never will be a period, when we shall be independent of God's word; for, when it shall have accomplished the work, which God sent it to perform in the lower world,— when, like the star in the east, it shall have led Jew and Gentile to the place where Jesus is, there, it will stand and forever shine upon the intelligent creation; "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my word shall not pass away." Angels "do His commandments and hearken to the voice of His word."

We must search the Scriptures and study to know the will of God, and then we must implicitly submit to, and implicitly obey that will not because it meets our views, or interests, or natural feelings, but because God commands it. The motive is not less important than the deed. "A man," says Archbishop Leighton, "may think that he does the will of God in some things, when it is but by accident, because the letter of the commandment is coincident with his own will, and so it is not the will of God, but his own will that moves him. A covetous man condemns the prodigality of his lavish son, and the son cries out against the avarice of his niggardly father, and thus both seem to condemn sin, but the truth is, neither do it." A Jehu may cry, "Come see my zeal for the Lord," and he accomplishes the Lord's purposes because it is the way to the throne, "but Jehu took no heed to walk in the law of the Lord God of Israel with all his heart."


"The Lord will provide." It implies notice. There are those who imagine that they compliment the Almighty, by supposing Him too great to notice such insignificant worms of the dust as men. But they have never told us how large the object must be to secure His providential regard. Offer such a compliment to "thy governor; will he be pleased?" Do we not acknowledge him best fitted to fill the highest station, who possesses a mind comprehensive enough to grasp the minutest concerns, and diligent enough to take cognizance of the minutest cog in the machinery of political economy? "Will a man, then, rob God?" Will he say, that he is great above all gods, and, then, for all the interests of our race, make him useless as gods of wood and stone? If He does not notice the creature He has made, the neglect puts dishonor upon His wisdom and His works. It is to say that, they were worth making, but not worth preserving. It is to say that, he creates, as children blow up bubbles, and then tosses them from His hand, the sport of every wind that blows. Be this the god of the sceptic. Our God is almighty to create, and all-wise to regard. "The eye of the Lord is in every place." Yea, he numbers "the very hairs of our head."

Many are the evils to which we are exposed. God sees and notices them all, and pities us under them. He orders their extent and duration. If a child who is the joy of a parent's heart, is torn away by the hand of death,-He calls for the sacrifice. If the tongue of slander endeavors to sully the reputation,-He orders it. If sickness invades our frame, or loss of property whelms us in dispondency and gloom, His hand hath done it. But, it is, as a father corrects his

son. There is a blessing in it, and at the end of the appointed days, he removes the clouds of sorrow from us, or us from them. He gives us as happy an issue out of all our afflictions, as he did to Abraham. Therefore, let your course be onward, though you go weeping as you go. There is a monument before you, to encourage your faith and hope in God. Are you passing through deep and troubled waters ?-it rises above the waves. And through the flames ?-they light up the inscription,-Jehovah JiREH. Or under a cloud ?--it is seen in the cloud, like the bow of a gracious covenant. Or through the valley of the shadow of death ?-if a mountain like Sinai, forms one side thereof, a mountain like Calvary, forms the other, and on it the cross, with this inscription in Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew, and in the language of every nation, Jehovah JIREH,-the Lord will provide."



"Those here referred to, are denominated the redeemed of the Lord"-verse 2. Not only has the Lamb been slain for them, to render redemption possible; but, by faith, they have kept the Passover. By faith, they have applied the blood of sprinkling. By faith, they have passed from the house of their bondage, broken their chains, and placed themselves under a new leader, new laws, new govern


These are they who are led forth "by the right way.” It may be a long, dark, dangerous, and intricate way, but it is "right;" right to prove their hearts, to prepare them for the inheritance, and to display the wisdom, power, and

goodness of God. Who does not see how the wisdom and goodness are shown in leading about His people through the wilderness? Who sees not how necessary the training and disclipine were, to fit them for independence and wealth? Instantaneous emancipation from slavery; sudden acquisition of cities, and olive-yards, and vineyards; rapid and complete victory over enemies, would, in the nature of things, have flushed them with pride, and caused them to forget the Lord who redeemed them.

Just so, were the Christian borne on the full tide of prosperity, his sails would soon swell with pride, and he would inevitably make shipwreck of his faith. The wilderness way, entangled, and gloomy, and dangerous, and long as it is, is the best way.

This is the point we wish to bring you to see. You are chosen, it may be, in the furnace of affliction. Was ever gold purified, but in the furnace ?

Poverty may be your lot;-you began life with fair prospects, but your projects failed; your schemes are blasted; friends prove false. You form other schemes. They fail. You change your residence or your calling; still the dark cloud hangs over you, and it is right. Possibly you are afflicted with domestic troubles. Your children are taken from you, one by one; or, what is worse, they are spared to bring your grey hairs with sorrow to the grave; or, you have trials of temper and patience from the quarter whence you might look for indulgence and comfort,—and it is right.

You may be subjected to persecution. Your own fami liar friend has lifted up his heel against you. You are held up to public odium. You have received a stab in the tenderest part, your reputation. Perhaps you never can recover from it in the estimation of those, whose esteem you value,and it is right.

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