The Four Gospels: MatthewJ. Monroe, 1845 |
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according Acts Apostles authority Baptist begat behold Bethsaida Blessed called Capernaum cast chap character Christ Christian command cure dead death Deut devil disciples divine doctrine earth evil expression faith Father fear fulfilled Galilee Gentiles Gospel hath heart Hebrew Herod holy Jerusalem Jesus Jewish Jews John the Baptist John xix John xviii Josephus Judea king kingdom of heaven Lord Luke Master Matthew means ment mercy Messiah mind miracles moral Mount of Olives multitude nature ness note on Matt offended parable Parallel to Mark passover person Peter Pharisees Pilate pray prayer preach priests probably prophets reference religion repentance Roman Sadducees saith unto Saviour say unto Scribes and Pharisees Scriptures Sea of Galilee sense servant sion soul spirit suffer supposed Talmud teachers temple thee things thou tion truth verse viii whosoever word worship xviii