
Because our Lord ordained it at the last

supper he took with his

disciples. - Matt.

xxvi. 26. Mark xiv. 22.

1 Cor. xi. 24, 25.

Luke xxii. 19, 20.

What were the two uses of ordaining it? First, for the continual remembrance of the sacrifice of the death of Christ; and, secondly, to keep us in memory of the benefits we receive thereby.

Why do you call our Lord's death " sacrifice?"


Because he offered himself up as a sacrifice for our sins.-Isaiah liii. 10. 1 Cor. v. 7. 2 Cor. v. 21. Heb. ix. 14, 26.

What is a sacrifice?

An offering made to God for sin.

What was necessary in all sacrifices to God? Blood.-Acts xx. 28. Eph. i. 7. Col. i. 20. Heb. ix. 22.

Who alone might offer sacrifices?
The priests.

How then came Abraham to offer sacrifices?

Because, before the time of Moses, the head

of every house, and the first-born son of every house, were priests in their own families. Who were the priests of the Lord after the time of Moses?

Men of the tribe of Levi, and family of Aaron. Num. iii. 10; xvi. 40.

Who was called king of righteousness and priest of the most high God in the days of Abraham?

Melchisedec.-Gen. xiv. 18. Heb. ii. 17; iii. 1; iv. 14; vi. 20; vii. 2; viii. 1; x. 21. Was Jesus Christ a priest?

Yes; he was a priest after the order of Melchisedec.-Heb. v. 6; vii. 17, 20, 21. Ps. cx. 4.

What is the meaning of the word" Christ ?" It means anointed.

How were the priests consecrated?

They were anointed with oil in the name of the Lord.-Ex. xxix. 7, 21; xxx. 30,31; xl. 15.

Who anointed our blessed Lord?

The Holy Spirit from above.-Matt. iii. 16. Luke iv. 8. Isa. xi. 1, 2; xlii. 1; lxi. 1.

How long are we to take the Lord's supper in remembrance of his death?

Until he comes again.—1 Cor. xi. 26.
How often should we take it?

We should take it as soon as we have opportunity after every great mercy bestowed upon us, such as recovery from bad sickness, and the like; also at the great feasts of the Church, as Christmas and Easter. In general, sincere Christians will come very often to the Lord's table, for it is the strongest pledge of his love to us, and the most comfortable and most powerful means of grace.— Ps. cxvi. 12, 13.

What is the outward part or sign of the Lord's supper?

"Bread and wine, which the Lord hath commanded to be received."-Matt. xxvi.


What is the inward part or thing signified? "The body and blood of Christ, which are verily and indeed taken and received by the faithful in the Lord's supper.”—1 Cor. x. 16 ; xi. 29,

What are the benefits whereof we are par

takers thereby?

"The strengthening and refreshing of our souls, by the body and blood of Christ, as our bodies are by bread and wine."

What part of us do the bread and wine strengthen?

Our bodies.

What part of us do the body and blood of Christ strengthen?

Our souls.

When do we most require, and wish for, this bread and wine?

When we are hungry and thirsty, or wearied and fatigued.

What is said of those who hunger and thirst after righteousness?

That they shall be filled.-Matt. v. 6. Isa. lxv. 13.

What of those who labour and are heavy -laden ?

Christ will give them rest.-Matt. xi. 23. What is said of those who think they have need of nothing for their souls?


That unless they repent, our Lord will reject them.-Rev. iii. 17—20.

What is said of those who never eat the flesh or drink the blood of the Son of man? That they have no life in them.-John vi.


What is our Lord's command concerning it? "This do in remembrance of me."-Luke xxii. 19. 1 Cor. xi. 24.

Are those true Christians who refuse to obey his commands?

No.-1 John ii. 4.

What is the proof of our being true Christians?

That we keep our Lord's commands.-John xiv. 15, 21, 24; xv. 10. 1 John ii. 3; v. 3. How are we to know true Christians from mere professors?

By their fruits.-Luke iii. 9; vii. 16; viii. 15. Matt. iii. 10; vii. 19. John xv.


Rom. vii. 4. Col. i. 6. James ii. 17.

1 John ii. 3, 4, 5.

What is required of them who come to the Lord's supper?

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