
our bowels must yearn over those who are acquainted with neither. But, it would be more than unkind, and worse than reproachful, were our best sympathies to evaporate in empty words, or empty wishes. We are called not merely to condolence, but to action. A number of the families yet under the vail, are our neighbours. They border on our country; they are accefsible to our enterprize. Prompt and spirited measures for introducing among them the gospel of Christ, are our bounden duty.

Our duty-because we have the means of grace, and they have not. The unsearchable riches of Christ have been poured in upon us, while they are languishing in spiritual poverty. They must addrefs themselves for help to some more favoured than theirselves; and to whom, with a more imperious claim than to us? The very difference of our situation creates us their debtors: the vicinity of our residence doubles the debt. The word and ordinances were bestowed upon us, not only that ourselves might be saved, but that we might minister to the salvation of others. Our pofsefsion, therefore, of the glorious gospel, implies, in the very nature of the privilege, an obligation to extend it as far as pofsible. Freely ye have received, freely ye must give. This is the way in which Q

the gospel ever has been, and ever must be diffused. Though the employment would dignify angels, God hath committed it to men. They who pofsefs the treasure must impart it to others; and these, again, to more; till passing, "in earthen vefsels," from people to people, and from clime to clime, it enrich the world. An attempt to monopolize, or, which amounts to the same thing, a refusal to circulate it, is treason against the law of the kingdom. And let it not, my brethren, be our dishonour and our crime, to betray both ingratitude to our Redeemer, and cruelty to our fellow men; by declining to communicate to them the mercies which, through the instrumentality of others, he hath lavished upon us.

With the superiority of our privileges, the genius of our profession conspires to challenge our interference in behalf of the Heathen. As Christians, we profefs that the glory of the Lord Jesus is the object most dear to our hearts, and most worthy of our pursuits. We profefs to believe that the redemption of the soul is precious, and that, without the virtue of his blood, it ceaseth for ever. Is this a sincere profefsion? Can it at all consist with unwillingness to use every means in our power for diffusing, far and near, the sweet savour of his name? Must not a guilty blush crimson our

faces, if we presume to pray "thy kingdom come," when, we are conscious that we have done nothing, are doing nothing, endeavour to do nothing, for the promotion of his kingdom? Do we, in very deed, believe that there is no salvation in any other; no name given under heaven whereby sinners can be saved, but the name of Jesus Christ, and yet look coolly on, while multitudes of the Heathen are perishing within our reach; nor ever stretch out a hand for their relief? Yes, my brethren, a generous and persevering attempt to proclaim among them the glad tidings of a SAVIOUR, is a tribute to the decency of our Christian profession; and it is a tribute which their most afflicting necefsities forbid to be deferred any longer.

If you heard of a number of human beings shut out from every sustenance, and falling, in rapid succefsion, the victims of famine, and knew, at the same time, that vigorous exertion might rescue the survivors, what anxiety would thrill every heart, what eagerness animate every countenance! How would the hand pour forth its spontaneous benefactions! How speedily would mefsengers be dispatched with the staff of life! Alas! my brethren, we speak to you of a more terrible famine; "a famine not "bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing

"of the word of the Lord*." We plead with you not for expiring bodies; it is the spirit, the spirit that dies! To the heart of the Christian be our appeal. Suppose thy bible taken from thee; thy sabbaths blotted from thy days; the mercies of the sanctuary fled; thy father's fellowship denied; thy hopes, "full of immortality," vanished; the shadows of eternal night stretching over thy soul-And, if the thought be more intolerable than ten thousand deaths, think of yonder Pagans, without God, and without hope. Ah! while the sentence is on my lips, they are pafsing, by hundreds, into that world unseen, with no renewing Spirit, and no atoning blood! "Oh that mine head "were waters, and mine eyes a fountain of tearst," that I might weep unceasingly over the mighty ruin,

If any additional argument can be needed to render the proof of our duty, on this point, completely triumphant; that argument is supplied by the command of our Lord Jesus Christ. When he left this world, and went unto the Father, his parting injunction to his followers was, "Go ye and teach all nations." And that the precept is binding upon the whole church to the end of time, the promise of his

Amos viii. 11.

Jer. ix. 1.

Mat. xxviii. 19.

presence and support most clearly evinces"Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end "of the world." The command, being exprefs and full, leaves no room for evasion. It either obligates all, or obligates none. If we may be exempted without sin, the exemption must extend to every Christian society under heaven; and then the Master's commandment would be a nullity, and his promise have neither grace nor meaning. In this matter, therefore, my brethren, we are by no means guiltlefs. With a single exception*, all denominations of Christians among us have violated their faith to their Lord; and are now chargeable with habitual disrespect to his authority. Instead of hastening, with generous emulation, to the aid of the Heathen, we have gone, one to his farm, and another to his merchandize: we have clamoured for the shibboleths of party, and have been unanimous (ah, shameful unanimity!) in declining, on carnal and frivolous excuses, that work of faith, that labour of love. Now, therefore, thus saith the Lord, consider your ways. If we persist in neglecting these Heathen, while we have the means of sending the gospel to them, they shall die in their ini

*The honour of this exception belongs to the MORAVIAN



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