
heirs of a common salvation. No trait of moral character is in itself more amiable or excellent; none more ornamental to the gospel of Christ; none more powerfully recommended by his example; more peremptorily enjoined by his authority; more solemnly insisted upon in his word, as a test of profession, than the grace of love. And the time has been, when it formed the chief distinction of a disciple. In those days of primitive glory which we commend so much, and imitate so little, the mortified, yet admiring Pagan, could not forbear to exclaim, "Behold how these Christians love one another!" Alas! the sad reverse! Profefsors, of every name, should they agree in nothing else, agree in forgetting the lefson of love. To judge from facts, one would suppose that we are commanded not to " put away," but to cherish" all bitternefs and wrath, and anger and clamour, and evil speaking, with all malice." For it is too evident, that amidst the lust of pre-eminence, and the strife of party, the mecknefs of the gospel is banished, its charities stifled, and the most sacred appellations bestowed on wranglings which nurture malignant corruption, and scatter infernal pestilence. The infidel stands by, a spectator of these

* Eph. iv. 31.

guilty scenes, and scoffingly remarks, that Christians" have just religion enough to make them hate one another heartily." This departure from the spirit of the gospel, among those who retain its doctrines, is a common and a GRAND APOSTACY. The Holy One of Israel cannot suffer it to pafs with impunity; and it is doubtlefs a principal cause of the controversy which he is now pleading with us, by restraining his gracious influence, and permitting the adversary to triumph.

In searching for the reasons of this difference, so little to our credit, between ourselves and the first believers, their attention, compared with our inattention, to the table of the Lord, is too remarkable to be overlooked. At this holy ordinance they were incessantly together. Between our communions is an interval of several months. When they rose from the sacramental bread, it was their joy, that in a few days they should mingle their friendship and renew their vows, in the same spiritual covenant. With us, after one feast is over, it is so long before another come, that we almost forget we are brethren. The monument of a Saviour's death, with us a rarity, being continually before their eyes, kept their faith steady; awakened the most tender emotions; and preached to their hearts the duty of

mutual love. Could it be otherwise? If reite-. rated meditation fix the evanescent imprefsion; if the object of warm attachment stir the soul; if society, in an exercise purified by grace, and elevated by devotion, beget reciprocal endearment: then must frequent communion have an auspicious influence on Christian charity. Love is inscribed on every object, every action, every circumstance connected with it. No admittance here for diabolical tempers. A son of malice may thrust himself outwardly among the children, but he is no child; nor does he partake of the children's food. The bread of earth he may eat, and the wine of earth he may drink; but he has no communion in the body and blood of the crucified Jesus. He is therefore out of the question. It relates to none but living disciples. Now, is it possible that believers should indulge a sentiment of pride, when they are at once reminded that they were lifted from a dunghill, and receive the pledge of a celestial crown? A sentiment of revenge, when they realize that God is in Christ reconciling them to himself? A sentiment of enmity, when he is saying to them, I am pacified towards thee for all that thou hast done; and thy sins and thine iniquities will I remember no more. When they feel themselves infinite debtors to the love of Jesus, can

they disobey his commandment, inforced by this argument from his own gracious lips, As I have loved you, so do ye also love one another? Let Christians declare, from their own experience, whether they have not often felt, on sacramental occasions, a more than usual interest and complacency in each other; whether suspicion and coldness, contention and revilings among brethren, ever appear to them more indecent and detestable; whether they are ever more ashamed of themselves and of others for the want of mutual love, than when they have risen with spiritual-mindedness from the table spread for the houshold of faith? Indeed, if it is a mean of exciting our love to the Lord Jesus, it must be a mean, and a powerful one too, of exciting love to one another; for in proportion as we love him, we love his image, and are governed by his Spirit, And it is no lefs clear that this is one of the ends of its institution. For being the memorial of our Redeemer's love to us, it sets before us the amiable pattern of our love to each other. It is almost impofsible to contemplate it in the former light, and not in the latter: and altogether so, to contemn it in the latter, without profaning it in the former.

The result is, that spiritual communions having a natural and necefsary effect in che

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rishing Christian love, their frequency must have a proportionable effect in augmenting it. An appeal to facts will justify the inference. The whole weight of primitive example is in its favour. And at this hour, no churches in point of harmony and love, exhibit so fair a copy of that example, as those in which communions are most frequent and most simple.

Would you, then, dear brethren, contribute to banish the animosities which are but too prevalent in the family of faith, and to revive the love of former days, repair often to your sacramental table: there learn that " in Christ Jesus, neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature." There pray, with the apostle, and, with him, embody in your actions the spirit of the prayer,

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AS MANY as walk according to THIS RULE, peace be on them, and mercy, even upon the Israel of God +."

6. It is by no means improbable, that the restoration of scriptural communions may usher in a time of refreshing from the presence of the


It has just been shewn, that no mean will more effectually conduce to the revival of love: and with the grace of love, every other grace

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