

It is a remarkable fact, and one that very much enhances the value of the work to Sabbath School Teachers, that nearly all the books of questions and Biblical Exercises now in use in Sabbath Schools, follow the order and train of thought in Henry's Exposition.

Every Minister should be furnished with it, as he can draw forth more copious expositions and practical instruction, than from any other Commentary.

The Publishers are in possession of Recommendations of this Exposition from a large number of distinguished clergymen in the United States. The following vivid delineation of its peculiar qualities is from the pen of the author of the excellent Preface-the Rev. Dr. AlexANDER, of Princeton, N. J.

"A characteristic of this Exposition of a more important kind than any that has been mentioned, is the fertility and variety of good sentiment manifest throughout the work. The mind of the author seems not only to have been imbued with excellent and spiritual ideas, but to have teemed with them. It is comparable to a perennial fountain, which continually sends forth streams of living water. In deriving rich instruction and consolation from the sacred oracles, adapted to all the various conditions and characters of men, the author displays a fecundity of thought, and an ingenuity in making the application of divine truth, which strikes us with admiration. The resources of most men would have been exhausted in expounding a few books of the Bible; after which little more could have been expected, than common-place matter, or the continual recurrence of the same ideas but the riches of our Expositor's mind seem to have been inexhaustible. He comes to every successive portion of the sacred Scriptures with a fulness and freshness of matter, and with a variety in his remarks, which while it instructs, at the same time refreshes us. Even in his exposition of those books which are very similar in their contents, as the Gospels for example, we still find a pleasing variety in the notes of the commentator. It is difficult to conceive how one man should have been able to accomplish such a work without any falling off in the style of execution."


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