
that, it had the misfortune to be mangled by the printer-so I shall make no further reference to it. Since you have as cended the throne with the name of King, I have thought it prudent to desist from any direct address, as I was disposed to take a little patience and see whether your change of name would produce a change in conduct. But I now 1 think it will be granted me that I have had quite patience enough, and if any future change does take place in your conduct, it will be similar to that in Ferdinand of Spain, the effect of fear and compulsion; which, come when it will, can neither procure you respect, esteem, or forgiveness. My object in addressing you at this moment is to take a candid review of your career and character, and to point out that uniformity of conduct which has brought you into your present dilemma; in which you might well exclaim with the poet,

"My ugly guilt flies in my conscious face:

And I am vanquish'd, slain with bosom war."

Vanquished and slain, indeed, you are, as far as a political character can destroy himself by his misconduct, and I am apt to think your sins are too grievous for the golden sponge of absolution, or more than a dying repentance can wipe away. If your Bishops can restore the balm of comfort and momentary consolation to your mind, they are welcome, but I fear they will desert you as past recovery, when you can add nothing to their enormous incomes.

It will not be necessary that I should travel further back into your youth than the period at which the country was called on repeatedly to pay your debts. Three several applications were made to Parliament for that purpose, (as I understand, for I am not old enough to recollect, and the impartial historian and biographer has not yet begun to write your memoir) but I have no distinct knowledge of the different sums further, than, I believe, that at the time you undertook to marry your present Queen, on the condition of having your debts paid for the last time, they amounted to near £.700,000! This sum amounts to £.11,500 for every year that you have lived, a much greater sum than ever ought to have been annually spent upon you, or any other individual in a free country. And this is but one debt, or one batch of debts, which formed the third application for payment! I have no knowledge of the amount of the sums required on the two former applications, but if the third sum equalled in bulk the two former, consider for a moment what

an immense annual sum it makes for every year that you bave lived, and then add it to what you have received as an annual allowance from the Parliament. I am of opinion, that, by hook and by crook, you have spent individually no less than six millions of the public money, and all the advantage we have from it is, you are so habituated to a profuse expenditure, that you cannot bear the idea of limit and restraint on that score, or of relinquishing an iota of it, although the finances of the country are inextricable as to difficulties, and the Government must sooner or later avow its bankruptcy, and compound with its creditors. From the first moment of your enjoying an establishment to the present, you have acted the complete prodigal, and cared not who suffered if your appetite could be gratified. Now is the time to remind you of the folly and the wickedness of your career. Now, for the first time, has your desire been baffled, and your career of wickedness checked. Now you have no alternative but to cry peccavi. But I will not further anticipate those observations which will better accord with another part of my letter; therefore, I shall now recur to the moment of your marriage with your noble, generous, and heroic Queen, whose nobility, generosity, and heroism, has shone forth in the same ratio and degree in which you have persecuted her, with a hope of destroying her. She now triumphs over you as a conquered, a fallen, an unmanly, and ungenerous enemy.

On reflection, I feel that I cannot better address myself to you on this subject than by transcribing an article which I wrote in the month of February last, and published as the Editor of the Republican. I have lately felt great pleasure by the reperusal of this article, because it was the first that was written on the score of the present persecution, in that style of defence which has led to her Majesty's triumph. I say I feel great pleasure in having thus taken the lead by the anticipation of what was to follow, and I am certain that if other papers of more weight and influence than mine, had not followed up her Majesty's defence in a similar manner, she would have been crushed. I am inclined to think, that even the Times newspaper would have turned the scale had its present editor been as venal as former editors of that paper have been. It could not have convinced the great body of the people of any guilt attaching to the Queen, but it would have inspired you and your ministers with courage to carry her destruction into effect. However, for the little incident of my striking off in that bold line of defence, if I

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were disposed to be made a fool of, I should feel myself entitled to a knighthood from your Majesty: for you must buckle to, and acknowledge your injuries to her Majesty, in spite of all your present reluctance. I shall transcribe the whole of the article, as I imagine that your Majesty, in your humble and repenting mood will read it with satisfaction, and acknowledge its truth, justice and propriety. It is written in the plural number, a prerogative which is alone confined to Editors and Kings.


As Republicans, we should not deign to meddle with this question, if the rights of royalty were the only matter in dispute; but as men struggling to be free, we feel it an imperative duty to support this injured woman-this victim, first to unbridled lust, and now to despotism. We shall therefore take up this subject without looking at the parties as members of royalty, but as distinguished members of the society we live in. To do justice to this woman, it will be necessary that we go back to the period of her first arrival in this country. We believe it was pretty well understood at the time of the proposal of this marriage, that, on the part of the then Prince of Wales, it was no more than a political step to get his debts paid, which his unbounded extravagance and licentiousness had then brought to a considerable amount. So general was this belief, that the country abounded with ballads on the subiect: a verse of one of them we well recollect, it was as follows:

There's Caroline of Brunswick,
Has got a pretty hand, Sir,
If you will pay off all my debts,
I'll take her at command, Sir.

This ballad represented the late King as advising the Prince of Wales to marry, and to take this Princess, his first cousin, to wife; and this verse quoted is the answer put into the mouth of the Prince. Various reports were afloat at the time about the rude reception the lady first met with, one said that the cohabitation existed for one night only, others that it extended to two, three, and four. However, be the precise time what it may, we know that it was very short, and that the late Princess Charlotte of Wales was the fruit of this short union. We also know, that the kind husband kept her in a separate part of Carlton House for some time,

and made her situation such, that at last it became intolerable A separation took place, as a reconciliation appeared impossible. The late Queen, it is well known, sided with her darling son; and the King endeavoured to do justice to this injured Princess. The conduct of the late King towards this Princess, is the finest trait in his whole character, and the only one that was worthy of mention in the way of commendation: yet, amidst all the garnished falsehoods and trumpery stuff that the papers have lately been filled with, we are not aware that they have applauded this action or his general conduct towards the present Queen; because they well knew it would not be agreeable to the present court and courtiers! Oh! base servility!-It is well known, that prior to the marriage of the then Prince and Princess of Wales, Carlton House was a complete brothel, and that on the arrival and marriage of the Princess, the only females that surrounded her, with the exception of the few she brought with her, were the former courtezans of the Prince. It was a matter of course that these should study to keep the affections of the Prince from the Princess, as their own fate depended on it. They but too well succeeded: and this innocent, injured, and unfortunate Princess, had her future happiness sacrificed at the altar of profligacy. Every expedient has been resorted to for the purpose of mortifying and breaking the spirit of the Princess. Bloated debauchery gave a free license to the most unfounded rumours and the basest slander, provided this virtuous Princess was its object. There is nothing so hateful to vice, as injured and incorruptible virtue. The latter is a true mirror, at the sight of which the former shrinks aghast, and finds no cover for its hideous features but by drowning its scruples in new revels. The conduct of Henry the Eighth towards Ann of Cleves was manly when compared with the treatment of the present Queen. Although Henry could not reconcile himself to live with her, in consequence of her deficiency in beauty and figure, still he made a provision for her, and she ended her days unmolested by him. To enumerate the many known and wanton insults which the present Queen has received from him, who avowed in the alleged presence of his Creator, and according to the forms of the religion of the established church of England, that he would be her protector, would almost fill a volume, they are well known and need not be repeated. It is further known that long prior to her resolution of leaving this country, in which she justly observed, she had found nothing but affliction," the sight and

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occasional visits of her daughter were denied to her. The spirit of the young Princess more than once set at nought this order, and obeyed the dictates of filial affection and duty, in preference to the cominands of an haughty sultan. The young Princess was then betrothed to the Prince of Orange, and she came to the noble and dutiful resolution, not to give him her hand unless a part of the contract should be that she might give and receive the visits of her mother. The Prince of Orange found the ruler of Carlton House inexorable on this point, and he very reluctantly lost his intended bride. The virtuous Princess of Wales, finding herself a bar to the future prospects and happiness of her daughter, came to the resolution of leaving the country. The Princess Charlotte soon after gave her hand to the Prince of Saxe-Cobourg, proved a virtuous wife, and conducted herself with a demeanour very different to any of her father's family. The fatal effect of bringing forth her first born, filled every generous bosom with sympathy, and more particularly so, in consequence of her virtuous distance from her father's family, and her attachment to her injured mother. It is not our purpose here, to notice those proceedings which have been termed "delicate investigation," it is sufficient that we say, the Queen triumphed over all the malice that villainy could urge, assisted by perjured spies. She has been twice arraigned and twice acquitted; and by those persons who would have found their interest in according with the views of her persecutors. Another attempt has lately been made to impeach her character during her residence abroad, and venal as the law officers of the crown are, they durst not, at their master's most earnest desire, bring her to a fair and candid trial. All the prostituted part of the press, or that which Lord Castlereagh terms" respectable," is arraigned against her, and every artifice resorted to, to bring her into contempt. All this will avail nothing, the more the Queen is persecuted and reviled, by the court sycophants, the more will she reign in the affections of the British people. It is of very little consequence, whether she be admitted to share the pageant of a coronation; she will still be the Queen of England. and as long as she remains excluded from Carlton Palace, she may venture to ride or walk about the streets of London, amidst the cheers, the congratulations, and the caresses of its inhabitants. She will not then need a troop of guards with drawn swords to protect her, nor a carriage that is bullet proof. It is equally unimportant whether her name be mentioned in the liturgy of the church: what is now called the

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