

doth, Joh. v, 19, 20, 21:] That God raifed up Christ, and yet Chrift raised up himself, [viz. He had power to lay down his Life, and be had power to take it again, because This commandment he bad received of his Father, Joh. x, 18.] That it is the Fathers property to know the Hearts, Acts xv, 8; and yet that the Son alfo is He that fearcheth the Hearts, Rev. ii, 23, [See the Text, N° 669] That the Farber is the Only Potentate, 1 Tim. vi, 15; and yet that the Son alfo hath All Power, and is Lord of all, Acts x, 36. That the Father Only bath Immor tality, Tim. vi, 16; and yet that of Chrifts Kingdom there fhall be no End, Luke i, 33. That the Father is the One God, 1 Cor. viii, 6 and yet that the Son alfo is God, Joh. i, 1. And the Like,

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The Son, whatever his metaphyfical Nature or Effence be; yet, in this whole Difpenfation, in the Creation and Redemption of the World, acts in all things according to the Will, and by the Milton or Authority of the Father.

See the Texts, No 756,757, 758, 760, 763,764, 765,770,771,775, 776, 777,778,780,781,782,783, *785,788,790,791,792,793, 794,795,796,797,798,. $799,8c0806, 809, 812, 813, 814,815, 819, -822, 823-824,829, 831,832,834,835, 839,840,842, -846,847, 848,810,852,853, 855,857, 865,866,875, 884, 886, 888, 891, 896, 910, 915, 916, 918, 920,

921, 924, 928, 932, 933, 938, 945, 946, 947, 948, 952, 956, 959, 962, 966,973,978, 981,983,984,985, 995.

***See above, $34 & 35.

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Jefus Chrift, (faith Junos Xeisis μón idios ftin Martyr ) is the Only ordeã yesura I» Aóy©TM

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properly begotten Son of God,
being his Word, and Firftapus
born, and Power; and by
the Will of God, he became


Again: He was made Man, of the Virgin, by the Will of his Father, for the Salvation of Them that believe on him.

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Again: They [the Patriarchs] did not fee the Father and ineffable Lord of All things abfolutely, even of Chrift bimfelf; but [they faw only] Him, who by the Will of the Father is both God, and his Son and Mellenger, as Minifiring to bis Will; who alfo by the Will of the Father became Man, of the Virgin. Again: He who (as I have before Town,) appeared to Abraham and to Jacob, miniftring to the Will of the Creator of all things; and at the judges. Ibid. ment of Sodont, miniftring likewife to bis Will.

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O Strodende's upir andar ἄφθα το Αβραὰμ καὶ τῷ Ἰακώβ, τῇ 7 ποιητό ὅλων θελήσε υπη AS gas, or Tŷ xelous & Endo μων τῇ βελῆ αὐτὸς ὁμοίως υπη

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καὶ ἐν κρίσεις


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Again: All thefe Titles He bas, [viz. Word, Angel, &c.] from his miniftring to the Fathers Will, and from his being begotten by the Will of the Father.

Again: I have shown that This perfon, who appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Facob, and is ftiled God in Scripture, is fubjelt to his Father and Lord, and minifters to his Will.

And Irenæus: He commanded, (faith he,) and they were created: Now to Whom did he give this Commandment? even to his Word, which (as he faid juft before) is our Lord Jefus Chrift.

Again: The Son, miniString to the Father, per forms all things from the Beginning to the End.

Again The Son performs the good Pleasure of the Father For the Father fends, and the Son is Sent and comes.

Again The Father [needs not the Help of Angels in creating the World,] having a fufficient and ineffable Miniftry

. Ibid.

Αποδέδεικ3) ὑπὸ την παλεὶ κὶ nvelw relazuri, xj úπnçsT BeλY OUTO, ETC os wqIn T TE 'Abegaμ, x TuS 'Iσαακ, καὶ τῷ Ἰακώβ, καὶ τοῖς ἄλλοις πατριάρχαις ἀναγε vegμuí'☺ ☺rós. Ibid.

Quoniam ipfe præcepit, & creata funt: — Cui ergò præcepit ? Verbo fcilicet, qui eft Dominus nofter Jefus Chriftus. lib. 3, c. 8.

Omnia autem Filius adminiftrans Patri perficit, ab initio ufq; ad finem. lib. 4. c. 14.

Bonum autem placitum Patris, Filius perficit : mittit enim Pater, mitti. tur autem & venit Filius. Ibid.

Habente copiofum & inenarrabile minifterium: Miniftrat enim ei ad omnia fua progenies & figu ratio fua, id eft, Filius &

Spiritus Sanctus, Verbum & Sapientia; quibus ferviunt & fubjecti funt omnes Angeli. lib. 4, c. 17.

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of bis Own: For his own Off-Spring and his own Figure, minifter to him in all things; even the Son, and the Holy Spirit; his Word and bis Wifdom; whom all the Angels ferve and are Subject to. This paffage is parallel to those wherein he calls the Son and Spirit the Hands of the Fa ther; namely, executing his Will as perfectly, as a Mans own Hands perform the Will of the Man. 1 Again: There is always prefent with him his Word and Wifdom, his Son and Spirit, by and in whom be made all things freely and according to his own Will.

Again:The Father (faith he) is invifible; concerning whom our Lord declares, that No man hath feen GOD at any time: But his Word has revealed the Brightness of the Father, according to the Will of the Father, and as was moft advantagious to Them

And again: Man was made after the Image and Likeness of the Unbegotten God; by the good pleafure and Will of God; by the Alion and Operation of the Son; by the Increase and Nour fhment of the Spirit. And Clemens Alexandrinus: The Lord Fafies,

Adeft ei femper Verbum & fapientia, Filius & Spiritus, per quos & in quibus omnia liberè & fponte fecit. lib. 4, c. 37.

Pater quidem invifibi lis; de quo & Dominus dixit, Deum nemo vidit unquam: Verbum autem ejus, quemadmodum volebat ipfe, & ad utilitatem videntium, claritatem monftrabat Patris. Ibid.

whom he revealed it to.

ΑνθρωπG κατ' εἰκόνα καὶ δι μοίωσιν ἢ ἀγγυνήτε γίνε θες, se čudoxeνTO xỳ xeτο ευδοκέντα don, 7 5 8 Tegasovт** Supervπ ©, 7 5 vďμαπρέποντα το τρέποντα καὶ αύξοντα καὶ δημιυργόντΘ, πνευματ lib. 4, c. 75:

Τον κύριον Ιησέν, το παι

Tonegtein diripari emionofasus, πικρατορικῶν θελήματι ἐπίσκο Y}

in (faith he, who, by the Will Torxadías . Strom. of the Almighty is Inspector 4. of our Hearts. [The Lear

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ned Bp Bull tranflates thefe Words thus, (omnipotente SUA voluntate, Sect. 1, cap. 6, §;) who, by his OWN Almighty Will, is Infpeltar of our Hearts: But This cannot poffibly be the Meaning of the Words: For God is not Omnifcient by his Will, but by Neceffity of Nature: Neither is it Senfe, to fay that God knows our Hearts by his Will, but by his Power: But it is very proper to fay that Chrift knows our Hearts by the Will of the Father, who communicates to him All Knowledge in an ineffable manner. The words therefore (alan lerna Deanuals, bý the Almighty Will, or, by the Will of the Almighty) are plainly of the fame importance with thofe juft now cited out of Justin Martyr, (TM alemã Connμatio the Fathers Will,) and thofe of the fame Clemens Alexandrinus in the paffages next following, (alonedTORO DENÚμATI TAres, the Will of the Almighty Faiber; and, waleing” diańμat. the Will of the Father.)]

Again: Nor can He be Ουθ' ὑφ' ἑτέρα καλυθείη bindred by any other, who wo er i wásrav sveiC, t r úveio, y is bimfelf Lord of All; and paxisa Kvanger F dyads efpecially, feeing be mini-Tone Tog & Jenpart fers to the Will of the Faares. Strom. 7. ther who is Good and Supreme over All.

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Again:God in the form of a Man, undefiled, miniftring to the Will of his Father.

And Tertullian: The Son always appeared, and the Son always acted, by the Authority and Will of the Father; Because the

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Ords an area gatha xear, TOTCING SEADUATI Sidor. Pedagog, l. 1.c.2.

Filius vifus eft femper, & Filius operatus eft femper, ex auctoritate Patris & voluntate,quiaFilius nihil a femetipfo poteft fa


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