[blocks in formation]

Comparison, 387
Companionship, 57
Compassion, 558
Complaints, 384
Concealment, 681
Condemnation, 733
Confidence, 24

Conflict, 545

mental, 701

Connivance, 143
Conquest, 534, 537

Conscience, 164, 276, 345,

455, 499, 656

guilty, 308, 693

Consideration, 557

Consolation, 714
Contamination, 692

Content and ambition, 239

discontent, 213

Contention, 322, 476, 481
evil of, 765

Contentment, 15, 47, 191
Conversion, 749
Corruption, 341, 441
Courage, 45, 690, 691
Counsel, ill-timed, 700
Courses, bad, 280

Courtesy, pretended, 116
Courtier and peasant, 218

Cowardice and courage, 337,

Craftiness, 496

Crime, 325

Crisis, 136


patience, 135,

Crosses and cares, 767

Cruelty, insecure, 296

Cultivation, mental, 602

and lenity, 131

and sterility, 114

Custom, 36

Customs, new, 270

[blocks in formation]

Delights, 346

violent, 653

Delusion, 49, 654
Dependance, 40, 450
Depravity, 79, 91
Desertion, 21

Desires, violent, 484
Despair and hope, 44
Destiny, 399
Determination, 197
Detraction, 34
Developement, 93
Devotion, 713, 763
Discernment, 698
Discipline, 193, 390
Discontent and content, 213
Discordance, 336
Discretion, 328, 620
Disease, 126
Disguise, 182
Disinterestedness, 200
Disquietude, 202
Dissimulation, 35
Distrust, 255
Divine superintendence, 716
Drunkenness, 376, 382, 590,

[blocks in formation]

Dalliance, 637

Elocution and action, 606

Daringness, 473

Eloquence, silent, 111

Death, 19, 170, 173, 251, 517, Energy, 244

720, 721, 722

Envy, 332

joy in, 769, 770

influence of, 509

[blocks in formation]

and love, 133

sloth, 486

Fickleness, 67, 141

cold, 160

faithless, 480

hollow, 272, 477

with the wicked,

Frivolity, 572
Future, 550


and past, 5, 211

Futurity, 402

Gifts, bartered, 331

not our own, 1,2

God, authority from, 759

Christian's hope, 751
pleading with, 753
the widow's friend, 754

God's care over his
tures, 748

precedure, 323

Glory, 321

and wealth, 177

worldly, 90

Gold, 389, 396, 397


Good and evil, 132, 237, 419
Goodness, 362

Grace, 717, 718, 757

its conflict, 174

Gratitude, 461

Greatness, 427, 518

Fidelity, 77, 156, 434, 553. Grief, 14, 179, 246, 491, 646,

Flattery, 82, 146, 508, 420

Guilt, 452, 503, 702

554, 669


conjugal, 395

Guile, 63

Folly, 269

and wisdom, 267

Foolery, 155

Forbearance, 603

Forgiveness, 673

Forethought, 566, 567, 676

Fortitude, 148, 329, 694

Fortune, 120, 220

Frailty, 407, 528

Happiness, 59

Home, 535

Habit, 655

and joy, 356

terrors of, 734

human, 512, 513

real, 238

Heaven, 755

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

wise, 6




Mercy, 72, 119, 680, 705, 728 Order, universal, 378

Mercies, 729, 730

Merit, 117, 118

Mind, 113, 531, 619

disordered, 371

Minds, weak, 60, 78
Mildness, 577, 578
Miracles and means, 27
Mirth and sorrow, 468
Mischief, 207
Misconception, 115
Misconstruction, 180
Modesty, 61, 526
Mortality, 279

Murder, 736, 737

and treason, 205

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

human, 139, 186, 288 Policy, 458

labour, 130

Poetry, 391


and honour, 589

perverted, 236

Pomp, 227

weakness of, 183

and power, 304

Popularity, 295

Poverty and pride, 377

desire of, 522

riches, 181, 265

Power, 36, 456

News, 171, 563

Novelty, 26

[blocks in formation]

insolence of, 222

loss of, 274

mental, 357

and pomp, 304

supernatural, 760

Practice and theory, 159, 475

Praise, 583

false, 70

self, 153, 443

Prayers, 41

feigned, 761

insincere, 196

sent, 4

Precept and example, 123

Opportunity personified, 532

Precipitancy, 412, 623

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