
was us'd if ought were impioufly writt'n against their efteemed gods. Except in thefe two points, how the world went in Books, the Magiftrat kept no reckning. And therefore Lucretius without impeachment verfifies his Epicurism to Memmius, and had the honour to be fet forth the fecond time by Cicero fo great a father of the Commonwealth; although himselfe disputes against that opinion in his own writings. Nor was the Satyricall fharpneffe, or naked plainnes of Lucilius, or Catullus, or Flaccus, by any order prohibited. And for matters of State, the ftory of Titus Livius, though it extoll'd that part which Pompey held, was not therefore fuppreft by Octavius Cafar of the other Faction. But that

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Nafo was by him banifht in his old age, for the wanton Poems of his youth, was but a meer covert of State over fome fecret caufe: and befides, the Books were neither banifht nor call'd in. From hence we fhall meet with little elfe but tyranny in the Roman Empire, that we may not marvell, if not so often bad, as good Books were filenc't. Ifhall therefore deem to have bin large anough in producing what among the ancients was punishable to write, save only which, all other arguments were free to treat on.

By this time the Emperors were become Chriftians, whofe difcipline in this point I doe not finde to have bin more fevere then what was formerly in prac

tice. The Books of those whom they took to be grand Hereticks were examin'd, refuted, and condemn'd in the generall Councels; and not till then were prohibited, or burnt by autority of the Emperor. As for the writings of Heathen authors, unleffe they were plaine invectives against Chriftianity, as thofe of Porphyrius and Proclus, they met with no interdict that can be cited, till about the year 400, in a Carthaginian Councel, wherein Bishops themfelves were forbid to read the Books of Gentiles, but Herefies they might read: while others long before them on the contrary fcrupl'd more the Books of Hereticks, then of Gentiles. And that the primitive Councels and Bishops were wont only to de

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clare what Books were not commendable, paffing no furder, but leaving it to each ones confcience to read or to lay by, till after the yeare 800, is obferv'd already by Padre Paolo the great unmafker of the Trentine Councel.


which time the Popes of Rome engroffing what they pleas'd of Politicall rule into their owne hands, extended their dominion over mens eyes, as they had before over their judgements, burning and prohibiting to be read, what they fanfied not; yet sparing in their cenfures, and the Books not many which they fo dealt with till Martin the 5. by his Bull not only prohibited, but was the first that excommunicated the reading of hereticall Books; for about that time Wicklef


and Huffe growing terrible, were they. who first drove the Papall Court to at ftricter policy of prohibiting. Which cours Leo the 10, and his fucceffors follow'd, untill the Councell of Trent, and the Spanish Inquifition engendring together brought forth, or perfeted those Catalogues, and expurging Indexes that rake through the entralls of many an old good Author, with a violation wors then any could be offer'd to his tomb. Nor did they stay in matters Hereticall, but any fubject that was not to their palat, they either condemn'd in a prohibition, or had it ftrait into the new Purgatory of an Index. To fill up the measure of encroachment, their last invention was to ordain that no Book, pamphlet, or paper

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