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Public No. 486, 74th Congress, approved April 3, 1936. Section 2, Na-

tional Housing Act, extended to April 1, 1937.

Public No. 525 (extract), 74th Congress, approved April 17, 1936. Housing
Act to add sec. 6 rehabilitation, etc., in flood areas and increase total
insurance liability not to exceed $100,000,000 – –


Public No. 739 (extract), 74th Congress, approved June 22, 1936. No
obligations to be incurred for administration expenses after June 30,

Public No. 837, 74th Congress, approved June 29, 1936. Waive jurisdic-

tion over premises of Public Works slum-clearance and low-cost housing

projects, authorize payments to States in lieu of taxes on such premises--

Public Res. No. 6, 75th Congress, approved February 19, 1937. Extend
period 2 years issuance debentures under section 204(b) up to July 1,

Public No. 44, 75th Congress, approved April 22, 1937. Amend National
Housing Act to provide for insurance of rehabilitation loans up to July
1, 1939.

Public No. 412, 75th Congress, approved September 1, 1937 (Wagner-

Steagall Act) Federal Housing Authority and Slum Clearance Act...

Public No. 424, 75th Congress, approved February 3, 1938 (Wagner-

Steagall Act) to amend Public No. 479, 73d Congress, National Housing





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Public No. 671 (extract), 76th Congress, approved June 28, 1940. Amend-

ment to Housing Act of 1937, relating to housing in connection with

national defense program.

Public No. 24, 77th Congress, approved March 28, 1941. Amend the

National Housing Act, by adding title six, relating to defense housing


Public No. 138, 77th Congress, approved June 28, 1941. Amend National

Housing Act to extend the life of section 2, to July 1, 1943...

Public No. 849, 76th Congress, approved October 14, 1940. Lanham Act

to expedite the provisions of housing in connection with national defense.

Public Res. No. 106, 76th Congress, approved October 14, 1940. Appro-

priating $75,000,000 to enable Federal Works Administration to carry

out provisions of the Lanham Act Public Law No. 849-76th_-

Public No. 42, 77th Congress, approved April 29, 1941. Amend Lanham
Act of October 14, 1940, and authorize additional appropriation of

Public No. 137, 77th Congress, approved June 28, 1941. Amend Lanham

Act of October 14, 1940. To provide community facilities, acquisi-

tion and equipment of public works in defense housing areas..

Public No. 138, 77th Congress, approved June 28, 1941. To amend the

National Housing Act....

Public No. 248, 77th Congress, approved September 2, 1941. To amend

the National Housing Act, by increasing authorization to $300,000,000__

Public No. 288, 77th Congress, approved October 30, 1941. To amend
the United States Housing Act, by increasing authorization to

Public No. 409, 77th Congress, approved January 21, 1942. To amend
the Lanham Housing Act and authorize appropriation not to exceed

Public No. 522, 77th Congress, approved April 10, 1942. To amend

the Lanham Housing Act, as amended, for Housing Projects in District

of Columbia..

Public No. 559, 77th Congress, approved May 26, 1942. To amend

Title 6 of the National Housing Act, War Housing Insurance_

Public No. 650, 77th Congress, approved July 2, 1942. Making appro-

priations to provide war housing and war public works in and near

District of Columbia to carry out provisions of Public No. 522, 77th






Public No. 159, 78th Congress. National Housing Act to amend by

increasing amount to $1,600,000,000, and by striking out 1944 and

inserting 1945, 1946, and 1947..

Public No. 392, 78th Congress. National Housing Act to amend by in-

creasing amount to $1,700,000,000, and relating to mortgage given to

refinance an existing mortgage..

Public No. 401, 78th Congress. Permit repayment of purchase price of

certain housing sold to individuals by Resettlement Administration or

Farm Security Administration or any Agency of the National Housing


Public No. 411, 78th Congress. Lanham Housing Act of Oct. 14, 1940 to

amend to permit occupancy of house by persons other than those engaged

in national defense activities__

Public No. 27, 79th Congress. National Housing Act to amend by increas-

ing amount to $1,800,000,000 and to strike out 1945 and insert 1946,

and to insure under this title any mortgage executed in connection with

the sale of any property acquired...

Public No. 87, 79th Congress. To amended Lanham Act of Oct. 14, 1940,

relating to housing for distressed families of servicemen and veterans

with families___.

Public No. 120, 79th Congress. To permit members of Armed Forces,

Coast Guard, Coast and Geodetic Survey, and Public Health Service,

and their dependents, to occupy Government Housing Facilities on a

rental basis without loss of rental allowances..

Public No. 125, 79th Congress. Lanham Housing Act to amend Sec. 204,

Title 2, of Act of Oct. 14, 1940, by increasing amount authorized making

total amount authorized $530,000,000 and no funds to be used to acquire

public works already operated by public or private agencies.--.

Public No. 269 (extract), 79th Congress. To authorize appropriation of

$191,900,000 to be expended under Lanham Act to provide temporary

housing for families of servicemen and for veterans and their families,

or for single veterans attending educational institutions__ - -

Public No. 292, 79th Congress. To amend Lanham Housing Act by

authorizing additional appropriation of $160,000,000 to provide housing

for distressed families of servicemen and for veterans and their families

and for veterans attending educational institutions under Title 5 of the


Public No. 336, 79th Congress. To amend Sec. 502 of the Lanham Act

authorizing an appropriation of funds to provide additional temporary

housing units for distressed families of servicemen and for veterans and

their families..

Public No. 341, 79th Congress. Making additional appropriation for

veterans housing amounting to $253,727,000 to carry out provisions of

Pub. Law 336, 79th Congress...

Public No. 388, 79th Congress. (Patman Housing Act) to expedite avail-

ability of housing for Veterans of World War 2..

Public No. 452, 79th Congress. To amend Title 2 of the Lanham Act, to

make contributions during 1947, for maintenance and operation of school

facilities still overburdened with war-incurred school enrollments______

Public No. 480, 79th Congress. To amend Section 203 (a) of the National

Housing Act...

Public No. 592, 79th Congress. District of Columbia Redevelopment Act

of 1945, to provide for the rebuilding of slum, blighted, and other areas

in the District of Columbia...

Public No. 697, 79th Congress. To amend Title 5 of the Lanham Housing

Act, to authorize Federal Works Administrator to provide needed

educational facilities other than housing to educational institutions

furnishing courses of training to veterans under the GI Act...

Public No. 85, 80th Congress. Making additional appropriation of

$35,500,000 for completion temporary veterans' housing for use as dwell-

ings in connection with educational institutions..




Public No. 615, 81st Congress. Territorial Enabling Act of 1950 (Slum

Clearance & Urban Redevelopment in Alaska, Hawaii & Puerto Rico)--

Public No. 827, 81st Congress. To release trustees of Columbia Uni-
versity & Citizens Veterans Homes Ass'n, of Rockland County, N.Y.,
from obligations for the operation of Veterans Housing project, NY-V-


Public No. 880, 81st Congress. To continue temporary period to March

31, 1951, the Federal Rent Control Act___

Public No. 327, 77th Congress. Rent Control Act for Dist. of Col. freezes
rents as of January 1, 1941, act to continue in effect until December 31,



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