And all eyes elfe, dead coals!-fear thou no wife, I'll have no wife, Paulina. PAUL. Will you fwear Never to marry, but by my free leave? LEON. Never, Paulina; fo, be blefs'd my fpirit! Yet, if my lord will marry,if you will, fir, As, walk'd your first queen's ghoft, it should take joy LEON. My true Paulina, We fhall not marry, till thou bidd'ft us. PAUL. That Shall be, when your firft queen's again in breath; Never till then. 5 Affront his eye. To affront, is to meet. JOHNSON. So, in Cymbeline: "Your preparation can affront no lefs "Than what you hear of." STEEVENS. 6 Paul. I have done. Thefe three words in the old copy make part of the preceding fpeech. The prefent regulation, which-is clearly right, was fuggefted by Mr. Steevens. MALONE. Enter a Gentleman. GENT. One that gives out himself prince Florizel, The fairest I have yet beheld,) defires access LEON. What with him? he comes not So out of circumftance, and fudden, tells us, GENT. And thofe but mean. LEON. But few, His princess, fay you, with him? GENT. Ay; the most peerless piece of earth, I think, That e'er the fun fhone bright on. PAUL. O Hermione, 1 As every prefent time doth boaft itself 8 Give way to what's feen now." Sir, you yourself -fo muft thy grave Give way to what's feen now. ] Thy grave here means-thy beauties, which are buried in the grave; the continent for the contents. EDWARDS. 8 ——— Sir, you 'yourself Have faid, and writ fo,] The reader muft obferve, that fo relates not to what precedes, but to what follows; that he had not been -equall'd. JOHNSON. 9 Is colder than that theme,] i. e. than the lifeless body of Her mione, the theme or fubject of your writing. MALONE, To fay, you have feen a better. Pardon, madam: GENT. The one I have almoft forgot; (your pardon,) The other, when she has obtain'd your eye, Will have your tongue too. This is fuch a crea ture, 9 Would the begin a fect, might quench the zeal Of who fhe but bid follow. How? not women? PAUL. GENT. Women will love her, that fhe is a woman More worth than any man; men that she is The rareft of all women. LEON. Go, Cleomenes; Yourself, affifted with your honour'd friends, Had our prince, PAUL. (Jewel of children,) feen this hour, he had pair'd Well with this lord; there was not full a month Between their births. LEON. Pr'ythee, no more; thou know'ft,* He dies to me again, when talk'd of: fure, When I fhall fee this gentleman, thy speeches Will bring me to confider that, which may Unfurnish me of reafon.-They are come.- 9 This is fuch a creature,] The word fuch, which is wanting in the old copy, was judiciously supplied by Sir T. Hanmer, for the fake of metre. STEEVENS. Prythee, no more; thou know'ft, ] The old copy redundantly reads - "Pr'ythee, no more; ceafe; thou know'ft. ". Ceafe, I believe, was a mere marginal glofs or explanation of no more, and, injuriously to metre, had crept into the text. STEEVENS. Re-enter CLEOMENES, with FLORIZEL, PERDITA, and Attendants. Your mother was most true to wedlock, prince; For fhe did print your royal father off, Conceiving you: Were I but twenty-one, Your father's image is fo hit in you, : His very air, that I should call you brother, Amity too, of your brave father; whom, FLO. 3 By his command Have I here touch'd Sicilia; and from him For this incorrectness our author muft anfwer. There are many others of the fame kind to be found in his writings. See p. 60, n. 7. Mr. Theobald, with more accuracy, but without neceffity, omitted the word him, and to fupply the metre, reads in the next line "Sir, by his command, &c. in which he has been followed, I think, improperly, by the fubfequent editors. MALONE. As I fuppofe this incorre& phrafeology to be the mere jargon of the old players. I have omitted him, and (for the fake of metre} inftead of on, read upon. So, in a former part of the prefent fcene: "I might have look'd upon my queen's full eyes — Again, p. 202: Strike all that look upon with marvel." STEEVENS. -that a king, at friend,] Thus the old copy; but having Can fend his brother: and, but infirmity His wifh'd ability, he had himself The lands and waters 'twixt your throne and his (He bade me fay fo,) more than all the scepters, LEON. O, my brother, (Good gentleman!) the wrongs I have done thee, ftir Afresh within me; and these thy offices, So rarely kind, are as interpreters Of my behind-hand flackness! Welcome hither, To greet a man, not worth her pains; much less FLO. She came from Libya. LEON. Good my lord, Where the warlike Smalus, That noble honour'd lord, is fear'd, and lov'd ? FLO, Moft royal fir, from thence; from him, whofe daughter 4 His tears proclaim'd his, parting with her: thence 29 met with no example of fuch phrafeology, I fufpect our author wrote and friend. At has already been printed for and in the play before us. MALONE. At friend, perhaps, means at friendship. So, in Hamlet, we have "the wind at help. We might, however, read, omitting only a fingle letter a friend. 4 whofe daughter STEEVENS. His tears proclaim'd his, parting with her:] This is very ungrammatical and obscurę. We may better read: |