
throne toppling over before the victories of Buonaparte and the other republican generals, he threw himself into the war with more than his mother's fanaticism and fierceness. General Rosemberg received orders to place himself at the head of that victorious army which Suwarrow once led, and which he was destined to lead again; for dissensions arose among the officers of the united armies of Austria and Russia which the presence of a general of Suwarrow's name and fame alone could suppress and silence.

plunder, which secured the conqueror the
nickname of Muley Ismail- a name bor-
rowed from a bloodthirsty emperor of
Morocco, and by no means misapplied.
After the sack of the city, Suwarrow
wrote to the empress the laconic letter:
"Ismail is at your feet." The ener-
gies of the conqueror of Ismail and
Praga were next directed towards Po-
land. The patriots of the principality
had risen against and massacred the
Russians resident in Warsaw. Catherine
despatched Prince Repnin a general
whose services she could not dispense with In a campaign of six weeks Suwarrow
while she insulted and dishonored him- undid the work which it took Napoleon a
against the rebels; but "the little Marti- year to accomplish. He arrived in Italy
nest priest," as she nicknamed him, not in time to reap the laurels which should
sufficiently shedding blood to slake her have gone to adorn the brow of the Aus-
vengeance, she named Suwarrow com- trian general Kray, who had just inflicted
mander-in-chief. The genius of Kosci- on the army of the Republic the most
usko had to hide its diminished head be- crushing defeat of the year. Suwarrow's
fore that of a general greater than wild Cossacks scattered the shattered
he. Suwarrow celebrated his victories at army before them like sheep.
Warsaw by the arbitrary execution of opened her gates to admit the conqueror,
twenty thousand men, women, and chil- who, caring little for fêtes and festivities,
dren, of all ages and ranks; and Cather-marched quickly up the Po in pursuit of
ine died in peace. Henceforward the the French, assembled again under the
conqueror was known, and for all time leadership of Moreau. For the first time
will be known, as the "Butcher of War-


in the history of Europe these two great military nations met in battle array on the banks of the Po near Bassagnano, with little result but to teach each to respect the other's bravery. Macdonald, with the army of Naples at his heels, marched to the aid of Moreau. By a rapid retrograde movement, Suwarrow met him on the field of Trebio, where Hannibal defeated the Romans. The fight was continued, and raged with varying issues for two days, the river flowing between.

On the morning of the third, Suwarrow crossed the stream, determined either to conquer or die, to find that during the night Macdonald had retreated, leaving his wounded behind him. Suwarrow fol lowed in rapid pursuit, to be arrested by the tidings that Moreau's army was in movement. Who does not know his boastful speech, and how faithfully he kept it: "After we have thrashed Macdonald, we will return and trounce Mo

But it was by his Italian and Helvetian campaigns that Suwarrow won European fame. It had been one of the great desires of his life to march against the French; and as Cato of old concluded all his speeches with the words, "Fathers! my opinion is that Carthage ought to be destroyed," so Suwarrow wound up all his Polish despatches with the entreaty, "Mother! bid me march against the French!" The marshal was in ecstasies when at last his prayer was granted he danced and clapped his hands for joy; when a stroke of apoplexy removed Catherine from the Russian throne and placed a greater madman than Suwarrow himself in that seat of autocratic sway. Paul recalled the army of France and dismissed its leader. The sentence in which he announced the spirit and temper of his reign bears a striking resemblance to a celebrated modern sentiment: "The em-reau; "and how he broke into laughter pire is peace." Paul's sentiment was not so epigrammatic but it was quite as beautiful: In whatever light and in whatever circumstances I wish to view an emperor of Russia, his noblest part will always be that of a pacificator." But it was just as difficult in 1798 to retain your peaceful intentions with a prosperous and adventurous conqueror at your gates as it was In 1870; and when Paul saw throne after

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when the youthful and heroic Joubert stepped into the arena and tapped his shoulder with his lance "Ho! ho! here is a stripling come to school; we must go and give him a lesson."

His battles or victories, for in his case the words are synonymous, were gained at a fearful sacrifice of life; but life was a cheap commodity in Russia-"it was so easy for God to make Russians." Of




the forty thousand soldiers he led into lost his head; issued orders wildly and Italy, he left behind him twenty-eight blindly, each one leading more and more thousand to fertilize her fields. With the to the final issue of defeat and chaos. rest he scaled the heights of the mount Suwarrow foamed with passion when he St. Gothard - a feat to which history has heard of his colleague's defeat; and awarded little praise - intending to join stormed and raved like a madman when his victorious force to the army, which, the subsidence of the passion left him under Korsakoff, had followed him from voice to speak. He despatched a mesPoland. It is the only occasion on which senger to Korsakoff, ordering him to rehis "children" whispered a murmur of assemble his forces, threatening him with displeasure at the wild vagaries of his gen- decapitation if he took another retrograde eralship. The snow-clad heights and step. The approach of Massena made wide-spreading glaciers of the Alps struck Suwarrow himself retreat. It was the terror to the hearts of all but that of the bitterest moment of his life; in his vauntwrinkled old hero himself, frail and feeble ing way he used to say that an army under in appearance, but full of restless and his command would never execute this unconquerable life. The twelve thou- humiliating movement. His retreat was sand veterans refused to begin the ascent. conducted with as great brilliance as, and Suwarrow at once seized a shovel, and exhibited greater strategic cleverness digging a shallow grave, into which he than, his victories; but he grew silent, threw himself, cried: "Cover me up, and and sour, and sulky, and ever and anon leave me here; you are no longer my turned fiercely on his pursuers when they children; I am no longer your father: pressed too closely on him. All their there is nothing left for me to do but die." efforts failed to force his lines, or make The device succeeded far better in bring-him retreat one step faster than he ing back the allegiance and loyalty of the rebels than the modern device of slinging up the ringleaders on the nearest tree; though it was a device which only a general, led on by his genius and not by his handbook of military instructions, could afford to adopt. It must, however, be added that certain gossips deny the authenticity of this anecdote; but the a priori ground on which they reject the evidence for it is quite as striking a testimony to Suwarrow's influence over his soldiers as the scene itself: "There never was a Russian army disheartened when Suwarrow was at its head! And never did a soldier murmur, no matter what were the orders given him!"

The tidings which reached the stout old hero shortly after his descent to the plains of Switzerland almost broke his heart. The battle of Zurich had been fought by Korsakoff and lost. Korsakoff was a soldier of parade, where padding, millinery, and well-trimmed moustaches make the hero. He held Massena and his republican legions in contempt; and smiled the smile of the strong and selfreliant at the recital of their doings and darings. "The French!" said he," they don't know how to stand upright, nor march, nor draw up in ranks, nor perform the simplest evolution correctly.' ." It is only such favored ones as Suwarrow whose vaporings fate does not take a malicious pleasure in scorning; and the memory of Korsakoff's big talk paralyzed his faculties in the hour of action; he

pleased. The thought of the shame and dishonor of this movement proved too heavy a burden to bear. It slew him. The emperor Paul embittered his closing hours with reproaches. He retired to St. Petersburg to die old, forsaken, and neglected. Some signs of reviving interest Paul indeed did show in the old hero's existence, but not till he was told that the marshal was dying; he asked bulletins of his condition to be regularly sent to the court; he ordered the grand dukes to visit him; but these signs of esteem came too late to gladden the old man's embittered heart. Worrying, fretting, snarling, "like a rat in a hole," he died, his trouble being old age, indignation, and despair.

His military success was probably as much due to the splendid material out of which the Russian soldiers of his day were manufactured as to his own genius. Life in Russia has only a military value; its final cause is fighting, and the peasant has long been taught to regard death in the battle-field for the cause of the czar as the chief design of his existence; a man is a weapon of war; and the doggedness with which the Russian soldier fights, the readiness with which, under Suwarrow at least, he laid down his life rather than surrender, showed how firmly this theory of life had rooted itself in his nature. To die on the field of battle was believed to be the surest guarantee of an avenue to eternal happiness. It is probable that even yet the Russian sol

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"March against the Poles was given, "the soldier had to plunge his bayonet once;" "March against the Prussians, the soldier strikes twice; march against the execrable French, the soldier makes two thrusts forward, a third in the ground, and there sinks and turns round his bayonet." But here is an extract:


dier believes that if killed in battle he will, on the third day after, come again to life in some sweet and shining valley in the czar's dominions, where the pressgang will never trouble him. Suwarrow often availed himself of this superstition to bribe his soldiers to greater feats of valor. As the great Frederick, in the bitterness of his defeats at the hands of the Russian soldiers rather than their must stand like a dart! I see the fourth; the Heels close! Knees straight! A soldier incapable leaders, said: "It was easier fifth I don't see. Soldiers! join elbows in to kill these men than to conquer them." front! Give the drum room! Keep your ball With smiling faces they walked into the three days, it may happen for a whole camcannon's mouth; stood stock-still till they | paign, when lead cannot be had. Fire seldom had shot all their enemies, or the last of but fire sure! Push hard with the bayonet ! their own number had been shot. At the ball will lose its way, the bayonet never; the siege of Otchakoff an officer met a the ball is a fool, the bayonet a hero! Stab picket advancing to a post. "Away back," once! Off with the Turk from the bayonet! said he; "the Turks have made a sally from his sabre. If the sabre is near your neck even when he is dead you may get a scratch and are in possession of the post you are dodge back one step and push on again. going to; you will all be cut to pieces if the second; stab the third; a hero will stab you go." "What is that to us?" was the half-a-dozen. Be sure your ball is in your answer; we are sent there, and Prince gun! If three attack you, stab the first, fire Dolgorucky is answerable for us.' One on the second, bayonet the third! This selof their French conquerors on the field dom happens! When you fire take aim at of Zurich, riding over the scene of car- their guts and fire about twenty balls. Buy nage, seeing their bodies piled corpse above corpse, each one with the image of his patron saint in his hand as if his last thought on earth had been a prayer, made the comment: "Warriors so contemptuous of death and so fanatical cannot but be terrible on a day of battle; and certainly we know to our cost that they are so." No general, with the exception of Mahomet, ever succeeded in inspiring his followers with such fanatic fervor and faith in his invincibility as Suwarrow. His soldiers idolized him, and though his officers laughed at his eccentricities they obeyed his wildest commands with the unquestioning trust of children. He shared the frugal fare of the rank and file The cavalry instantly fall to work! hack of the army - black bread seasoned with and slash! stab and drive! cut them off! don't One leg rape oil, tallow, or onion, washed down by give them a moment's rest! a drink called quass, which those who strengthens the other! One hand fortifies the have tasted it speak of with disgust. On other! By firing many men are killed! The the march and in active service he was enemy has also hands, but he knows not the Russian bayonet! Draw out line immediately his own surgeon-major, and his prescrip- and instantly attack them with cold arms. tions were of the simplest character; he Rules for Diet. Have a dread of the hosthrashed the invalids out of their beds, pital! German physic stinks from afar; it is saying that "it was not permitted to the good for nothing and rather hurtful! A Russoldiers of Suwarrow to be sick." The sian soldier is not used to it. Messmates know only other medicine in his pharmacopoeia where to find herbs and roots and ants. was rhubarb and salts which, to those soldier is inestimable; take care of your health! whose sickness was too manifest to be Scour the stomach when it gets foul! Hunger gainsaid, he administered in such doses is the best medicine! He who neglects his that he added to the terrors of the hos-men, if an officer, arrest; if a sub-officer pital. He drilled his soldiers himself; and his instructions are about the quaint est reading in print, for he actually issued a military manual. When the order

lead from your economy! It costs little! If you see the match upon a gun, run up to it instantly; the ball will fly over your head; the guns are yours; the people are yours; down with 'em! stab 'em to the remainder give quarter! it is a sin to kill without reason: they are men like you. Die for the honor of the Virgin Mary; for your Mother; for all the royal family!-the Church prays for those that die, and those who survive have honor and reward! Offend not the peaceable inhabitant: he gives us meat and drink. The soldier is not a robber! Booty is a holy thing! if you take a camp it is all yours; if you take a fortress it is all yours!... There are the God-forgetting, windy, light-headed Frenchmen! if we should ever happen to march against them we must beat them in columns!

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Scourge; to the private, lashes, if he neglects himself! Remember, gentlemen! the field physic of Doctor Bellypotski! in hot fevers eat nothing even for twelve days, and drink your soldier's quass! that's a soldier's physic! In

hospitals the first day the bed seems soft! the second comes French soup! the third the brother-in-law is laid in his coffin and they draw him away! One dies and ten companions round him inhale his expiring breath; but all dred with others, we lose not one in five hundred in the course of a month. For the healthy, drink, air, and food! For the sick, air, drink, and food! Brothers! the enemy trembles for you! But there is another enemy greater than the hospital! the d-d I-don'tknow! From the half-confessing, the guessing, lying, deceitful, the palavering equivocation, squeamishness and nonsense of I-don'tknow, many disasters originate! Stammering, hesitating, and so forth, it is shameful to relate. Pray to God! from him comes victory and miracles! God conducts us; God is our general! For the I-don't-know an officer is put in the guard! a staff-officer is served with an arrest at home! Instruction is light; notinstruction is darkness! The work fears its master! If a peasant knows not how to grind, the corn will not grow.

this is frivolous! While one dies in a hun

wand in his knapsack, had never been whispered, and would at once have been suppressed as revolutionary. It seems more rational to believe that Suwarrow lived out honestly the manhood that was in him-sport of nature though that manhood may have been. A man's career in life is the result of two factors: the spirit within him and the circumstances around him; and the true theory of Suwarrow seems to be that he rose to exalted station and command because his peculiar environment, reacted on by a nature of his peculiar type, favored his rise; and if ever in the history of the world the same inner and outer conditions of life and lot should be repeated, we may expect that the result will be another Suwarrow.

From Chambers' Journal. BIRD-LAW.

It is supposed by some writers that Suwarrow's oddities and eccentricities were inspired by deliberate purpose: that TRIAL by jury does not appear to be they were cunningly selected to reach a restricted to the human race; certainly carefully chosen end. Their theory of the feathered tribes are acquainted with Suwarrow is, that he resolved to act the its forms and ceremonies. "Crow courts" fool in order to quiet the jealousies of the and "sparrow courts" are in some parts great, and even to win their contemptuous almost as well-known as those intended patronage, with the view of ultimately for the arrangement of man's disputes. supplanting them; and that his undoubted To explain what is meant, and to establuminousness of intellect, fertility of imag-lish the truth of our proposition, let us ination, and force and firmness of charac- commence this compilation of anecdotes ter, presided over by a cunning rather of - for it is nothing more - by reference the Reynard than the human type, were to the proceedings at the so-called "crow persistently directed towards this end. courts" which are held in the Shetland Had he chosen to pose as a genius, in- Isles. A regular assembly of crows of stead of an inspired buffoon incapable of the hooded species, according to the aua sustained ambition, the slips of patrician thority of Dr. Edmondson, is observed to birth, candidates for the favor and smile take place at certain intervals. It is of the sovereign, would have intrigued to composed of deputations from different crush him. As it was, they laughed at localities. All business is abstained from and petted him; regarding him as one until the convocation is complete; consewho could interpose no serious obstacle quently, early comers have frequently to between them and the attainment of their wait a day or two for the arrival of the designs. later deputies. A particular hill or field, suitable for the impending work, is se lected; and when all the expected members have arrived, the session commences. The court opens in a formal manner, and the criminal or criminals are produced at the bar; but what is his or their offence, the human spectator cannot divine. The charge is not made individually, nor the evidence given by separate witnesses; but a general croaking and clamor is collectively raised, and judg ment delivered, apparently, by the whole court. As soon as the sentence is given, the entire assemblage, "judges, barristers,

If this conception of Suwarrow had been the true one, we should expect to have found him discarding the motley when nothing more was to be gained by wearing it. But may not his oddities, feigned at first, have grown into his nature and becomes part of his essential character, bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh? It is hardly probable that such a daring plan for realizing the dreams of a daring ambition would suggest itself to the mind of an illiterate and low-born soldier, in a nation where the sentiment that every private carries a possible marshal's

ushers, audience and all, fall upon the two or three prisoners at the bar, and beat them till they kill them." Directly the execution is over, the court breaks up, and all its members disperse quietly. Similar judicial proceedings are known to be proper to the raven; and an interesting account of a raven trial was communicated by a well-known Alpine tourist to the leading journal of Geneva, last summer. During an excursion in the Swiss mountains, he accidentally came upon a small secluded glen, which was surrounded by trees; and not having done anything to reveal his presence, he became the unexpected witness of a singular spectacle. About sixty or seventy ravens were ranged in a ring round one of their fellows, evidently reputed a culprit, and with much clatter of tongues and wings, were engaged in discussing his alleged delinquencies. At intervals, they paused in their | debate, in order to permit the accused to reply, which he did most vociferously and with intense energy; but all his expostulations were speedily drowned in a deafening chorus of dissent. Eventually, the court appears to have arrived at the unanimous conclusion that the felon had utterly failed to exculpate himself; and they suddenly flew at him from all sides, and tore him to pieces with their powerful beaks. Having executed their sentence, they speedily disappeared, leaving the mangled corpse of the unfortunate bird, as a warning to all evil-doers.

an offence

flamingos had committed
against the rules of their order, that he
had been tried by a kind of court-martial,
was found guilty, and had been adjudged,
and met with, immediate punishment.

Thus far trials of presumed criminals, and the punishments awarded to them, have been alluded to; but the nature of the offence remains a mystery. It is now intended, in the remaining anecdotes, to show the nature of the assumed crime for which the unfortunate birds have suffered, and it will be seen that in one case the victim of circumstantial evidence suffered unjustly. Bishop Stanley relates that a French surgeon at Smyrna, being unable to procure a stork, on account of the great veneration enter. tained for them by the Turks, purloined all the eggs from a stork's nest, and replaced them with hens' eggs. Ultimately, chickens were hatched, greatly to the surprise of the storks. The male stork speedily disappeared, and was not seen for two or three days, when he returned with a large number of other storks, who assembled in a circle in the town, without paying any attention to the numerous spectators their proceedings attracted. The female stork was brought into the midst of the circle, and after some discussion, was attacked by the whole flock and torn to pieces. The assemblage then dispersed, and the nest was left tenantless.


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The Rev. F. O. Morris, in his interestAnother equally tragic story is recorded ing anecdotes of "Animal Sagacity," cites by the Rev. G. Gogerly in "The Pio- the following instance of a case which neers," his narrative of the Bengal Mis-ended less tragically (for the female), owsion. "The flamingo," he remarks, "is ing to the male bird being either of a more common in the low, marshy lands of Ben- trusting or a less jealous disposition than gal. My friend Mr. Lacroix-the well- the one just noticed. "Some hens' eggs,' known missionary when once sailing he says, were placed in a stork's nest, in his boat up the Hooghly, went on and the others removed. The female, not shore. His attention was shortly directed aware of the change, sat patiently the apto a large gathering of these peculiar-pointed number of days, till the shells looking birds, in a field some little distance off. Knowing their timid character, he approached as near as he could without being observed or exciting alarm; and hiding himself behind a tree, noticed all their proceedings, which were of a most remarkable character. After a great deal of noisy clamor, they formed themselves into a circle, in the centre of which one of their number was left standing alone. Again there was a considerable amount of screeching bird oratory, when suddenly all the birds flew on the unhappy solitary one, and literally tore him to pieces." The conclusion which Mr. Lacroix came to was, that one of these

were broken and the young chickens made their appearance. No sooner were they seen by the old birds, than they testified their surprise by harsh notes and fierce looks; and after a short pause, they jointly fell upon the unfortunate chickens and pecked them to pieces, as if conscious of the disgrace which might be supposed to attach to a dishonored nest."

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A singular case of almost poetic justice among storks is noticed even in so old a work as Goldsmith's "Natural History,' into which it was imported from Mrs. Starke's "Letters on Italy." "A wild stork," runs the tale, "was brought by a farmer in the neighborhood of Hamburg

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