
sing unto thee a new song in the church, of saints-a song that shall embrace in its sound the shrillness of the trumpet, the variety of the harp, the sweetness of the organ, the exultation of the drum, and the jocundity of the cymbal; until they shall by these their services and prayers, prevail to bring down a multitude of the hosts of angels," &c. &c.

After six other Psalms, they say, "Grant, we pray thee, that this bell prepared for thy holy church, may be sanctified by thy Holy Spirit. And when its melody shall sound in the ears of the people, may the devotion of faith be increased in them; may all the snares of the enemy, the rattling of hail, the storm of whirlwinds, the violence of tempests, be driven far away, may the angry ragings of thunder be moderated, may the blasts of the winds become healthful, and be rendered gentle; and may the right hand of thy power, [dis played in the bell] utterly silence all these aerial tempests; so that hearing it, they may tremble at it and flee before the banner of the holy cross of thy Son, marked thereupon."

Other prayers of a like tenor follow; but these are enough.
Lon. Evang. Magazine.

The following letter written by one of our countrymen now in Europe, has been sent us for insertion, by a gentleman of this city. It is from a highly respectable source.-Con. Obs.

ROME, OCT. 4, 1829.

We are now in this ancient and interesting city, once the seat of the arts, the mistress of the world: but alas, what a change is here! now it is the seat of the papal authority, the very source of the bigotry, superstition and delusion of the Catholic religion. The day we arrived here, we stopped for a few moments at what are called the holy stairs, and saw persons going up on their knees. These stairs are twenty-six in number, and are said to have been brought from Jerusalem, and to be the ones over which our Saviour passed, in going to and from Pilate's house. A person can be absolved from all sin for three thousand years, by going up these stairs once on his knees. From being constantly passed over, they have been so much worn, that they are now covered with thick plank, which the people kiss at every step, repeating a prayer at the same time. This is indeed the only way they can be crossed at all, for no one is allowed to walk over them.

At the church a few days since, a person shewed us the portico, or rather pillars of it, through which Christ passed in going to Pilate's house; a stone on which his clothes were laid when he was crucified; a marble column which was split from end to end, at the moment of the crucifixion; and the table at which the last supper was eaten. The well is white marble, it cannot be called a well, but the top of one; the table is not more than four feet square, yet the man gravely assured us that Christ and all his disciples sat around it.

At the same church are many valuable relics; viz. a lock of the virgin Mary's hair, many pairs of her shoes, a vial of the blood of Christ-also one of the water which flowed from his side-a large piece of the true cross, and the rods of Moses and Aaron; these we did not see, as they are only exhibited on great occasions.

There are a great number of relics which were brought by the Empress Helena to this city-in one church is the cradle in which Christ was rocked when an Infant: these things are all worshipped by the people, kneeling whenever they are exhibited. While in another church a few days since, a man asked us if we wished to see the print of the foot of Christ? We did not see it, but have since learned that Christ once appeared to some saint in a dream, and left the print of his foot on the floor.

In St. Peter's church, is a brazen image of that saint, said to have been made of a bronze statue of Jupiter: these the Catholics bow and kneel to; one foot which projects over the pedestal, has been torn away by the kisses of the people :-they first wipe it, then kiss it, and touch their foreheads and chins. When in the church we saw the brother of the king of Naples, with his wife, and suit, kiss it very devoutly. As one of the Roman curiosities, we have visited the cells where St. Peter was confined nine months by Nero. In the solid stone walls were shewn us, the entire print of a face made by St. Peter's knocking his head; it was covered by a grate, to prevent its being worn away by the kisses of the multitude who visit it. In another we saw the stone pillar to which he was chained, and the spring which sprang up miraculously, when he baptised the jailor and his


The place has been evidently used as a prison, but that St. Peter was confined there is, I think, extremely doubtful. It is said there are more than one hundred and sixty churches in this city. Capuchins are abundant, and monks and priests are met with in great numbers in the streets. An image of the virgin Mary, is the principal object of worship; it is found on every corner of the streets and in many private houses; lamps are lighted in front of them every night, to shew the people where they may say their prayers. I had no idea of the length to which this image worship was carried, till we came here; there is much more of it in Italy than France. I do not know of any thing that we have met with that has shocked me more than to see the Deity in painting. It is common to see the three persons of the Trinity in the same picture, and I have seen them in statuary.


The taxable property in the state of New-York is estimated at three hundred and thirty millions of dollars! A Committee of the Legislature recommends that a tax of one mill on a dollar be laid on this property to pay the current expenses of Government. In this way $330,000 can be raised and the tax of a man worth $1,000 wil be only $1. The estimated expenses for the current year, exclusive of appropriations, are $498,754.


The Papists are continually urging upon the people, that they compose the first Church-that the Protestants have strayed from the first and true Church-that the true Church is ever the same, and that the Romish Church is this true Church, teaching in every age the same doctrines. That the errors which characterize that Church were gradually introduced, we think will appear from the following statements. The Reformers did not establish a new Church, but labored to cleanse it from the filth, that was cast into it, by corrupt


In the 8th century, and not before, the celibacy of Ministers was required. The invocation of saints became more general-the absurd notion of a Purgatory was introduced.

In the 9th century, the Lord's Supper was still administered as by Bible Christians, at the present day. Nicholas 1st instituted the festival of the ascension of Mary. The release of souls, from the torments in Purgatory was now more generally taught.

In the 10th century, the administration of the Lord's Supper, depriving the laity of the cup was first attempted. In this century, the idea of transubstantiation first arose. Pope John 15. canonized the first saint, Udalricus, Bishop of Augsburg.-All souls day, was now introduced as a festival day. Otillo, Abbas Cluniacensis, was the first who directed Mass to be read for the souls in Purgatory.

In the 11th century, the Lord's Supper was administered to children, as the Papists now do. Pope Gregory 7th, issued a general command, that no Ministers should enter into the state of matrimony. Pope Nicholas 2d, gave to the cardinals the power of electing future Popes-Repentant sinners were now subjected to various bodily sufferings to rid themselves of their guilt.-Beads, as now used by the Roman Catholics, to count their prayers, were introduced.

In the 12th century, the adoration of the bread, became universal. Edward, King of England and Kanut, King of Denmark, were sainted. Absolution, to obtain money, from sinners, was introduced.

In the 13th century, the absurd doctrine of transubstantiation and depriving the laity of the cup, was established, at a council held at Rome A. D. 1215. The celibacy of Ministers, was again demanded by Innocent 3d. Private confession to the Priest or auricular confession was declared a true, and wholesome doctrine. Different orders were established in the church Domin. Francis. August. Eremit. Servit. To destroy hereticks, that infernal institution, the inquisition, was established. The first inquisitors were, Reinerius and Peter de Castro novo A. D. 1209.

In the 14th century John 22d, ordered, that the Ave Maria be repeated daily, three times. Benedict 12th, instituted the festival of the wounds of h. Franciscus. New orders were instituted, viz. Jesu. Hieron. Brigitt. Cathar. &c.

In the 15th century, the council at Costnitz (A. D. 1415,) resolved, "that although Jesus Christ, gave both bread and wine, at the Holy

Supper, it should nevertheless be now administered by the use of bread only.-Huss and Jerome were burnt to death.

In the 16th century, the reading of useful books was prohibited. Missionaries were sent to the East and West Indies. A great dispute was carried on, between the Papists of the Domin. and Francisc orders concerning the conception. New orders or sects were introduced. Leo 10th, gave permission to Archbishop Albert, to dispose of indulgences upon condition that one half of the income, should be paid to the sister of the Pope. The infamous Tetzel undertook the Agency, and thus became, the involuntary cause of the Reformation.-Seilers Church History.


Accounts from our two northern Greenland congregations, to the middle of June, arrived in September. The dry and warm summer of last year had been followed by a mild winter; the cold never exceeding 17 degrees of Reaumur below Zero. But the quantity of snow was great. The Greenlanders suffered no want, for though the number of birds was unusually small, this deficiency was made up by plenty of reindeer and seals. Both the Missionaries and their flocks enjoyed good health. The congregation at New Herrnhut appeared remarkably desirous to enjoy the pasture of the word of God; the older youths especially, were a source of joy and hope; and among those who have been excluded on account of deviations, there was a manifest solicitude perceptible to regain what they had lost. It is to be deplored, that many are exposed to great temptations among the neighbouring colonists. At the close of the last year, the congregation consisted of 377 persons, 118 of whom were communicants. The congregation at Lichtenfels had likewise great reason to thank the Lord for manifold mercies and proofs of his continuing grace. The season for hunting the reindeer, is commonly that, in which young people are most exposed to temptations, which require no small degree of firmness to avoid a fall. Among 371 persons constituting this congregation, there were 103 communicants.

The accounts and letters from the two southern Greenland congregations did not arrive before October; both had a very mild winter and comparatively little snow. At Fredericksthal the tremendous storms suffered in former years, were far less violent in the present. For the greater part of the season good health pevailed, but about the middle of August an epidemic broke out at Lichtenau, which carried off no less than eight married people, in a few days. Great alarm was occasioned, and the Missionaries scarcely knew where first to afford assistance; especially as those who dwell at a distance, all sought refuge in Lichtenau. They are likewise in considerable anxiety, on account of the increasing dilapadation of the church buildings, which they have been only able to prop temporarily, for want of the materials they expect from Europe. It was pleasing to

hear, that the congregation at Lichtenau was making good use of the opportunities of instruction and edification. At Christmas and Easter the church scarcely afforded room for the auditory. In the spring of the year a public examination of the schools bore gratifying testimony to the progress of the young people in useful learning. All the heathens in the vicinity had taken up their abode at Lichtenau in the preceding autumn, and 7 adults and 5 children from among them had been baptized; including 22 unbaptized persons, the number of Greenlanders under the care of the brethren at Lichtenau amounted at the close of the year to 685, of whom 265 were communicants.

The beams and joists for the new church at Fredericksthal had been conveyed thither from Julianenhaab during the summer, by means of 5 women's boats and 20 kayaks, but a great deal of the necessary building timber still remained behind in that colony. In the mean time, the Missionaries used their future provision-house for the meetings and for the school, which place was solemnly dedicated for that purpose. On the 15th day of June Brother de Fries finished the foundation wall of the new church, which is 46 feet in length and 36 in depth inside, the wall being 4 feet thick. The great degree of grace which the Lord continued to bestow on the new congregation, rejoiced the hearts of the Missionaries beyond measure. At the close of last year, the number of Greenlanders in their charge at this station, amounted to 314 persons, of whom 68 are not yet baptized. From among the 25 heathen who had joined them last autumn, 19 had received that holy rite. Both at Lichtenau and Frederiksthal there was great reason to be grateful to God for the ample supply of food which had been afforded the Greenlanders.-United Brethren's Missionary Intelligeneer.


The letters received from our Missionaries at Fairfield, in Upper Canada, are encouraging in many respects. On the 17th of September, the celebration of this memorial day of the commencement of the mission, was greatly enlivened by the solemn baptism of an adult married Indian woman, who some years ago came to live there from the Upper Monsey town, and has become a sincere believer. Two Indian Brethren became candidates for the communion, a prospect particularly encouraging to the Missionaries, the communicant congregation having decreased sensibly of late by the death of some, and a want of others to take their places. Although they have still to deplore the injurious consequences of the well known and often repeated difficulties and temptations, to which the Indian converts are exposed, they gladly notice that upon the whole these were less apparent than heretofore. They again gratefully acknowledge the judicious manner in which Governor Cass continues to pay the annu ity of $400 to the Indians thereby preventing all apportunities of

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