
hope, I and my family shall always be enabled to continue it in the list of sincere Protestants. His words are these: "Two or three articles, saith he, excited strong prejudices in my mind against the church of Rome; transubstantiation-the adoration of the holy sacrament-and the infallibility of the church Of these three articles, that of the adoration of the holy sacrament led me to con sider the church of Rome as idolatrous, and separated me from its communion. A book which I one day opened without design, instant ly removed this objection. There I found distinction between error of place in worship, and error of object. The Catholic worships Jesus Christ in the Eucharist an object truly adorable. There is no error in this respect. If Jesus Christ be not really present in the Eucharist, the Catholic worships him where he is not; this is a mere error of place, and no crime of Idolatry." A mere sophism! By the same argument the Israelites may be exculpated from tendering divine honors to the golden calf. We must distinguish error of place from error of object. The Israelite worships in the golden calf the true God-an object truly adorable. "To-morrow is a feast of the Lord, the Lord, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt." Exod. xxxii, 5 &c. There is no error in this respect, if God be not really present in the golden calf the Israelite worships him where he is not, a mere error of place, and not the crime of Idola try!

But St. Stephen saith expressly that this calf was an idol. "They made a calf, and offered sacrifice unto the idol," Acts vii, 41. By consequence, error of place in worship doth not exculpate men from idolatry. As therefore, according to our principles, there is an error of place in the worship which Roman Catholics render to their host, so also, according to our principles, they are guilty of idolatry.

But are we speaking only according to our own principles. Have we seen any thing in the wilderness of Sinai which we do not daily see in the Roman communities ? Behold, as in the deserts of Sinai, an innumerable multitude, tired of rendering spiritual worship to an invisible God, & demanding gods to be made which shall go before them! Behold, as in the desert of Sinai, a priest forming, with his own hands, a god to receive supreme adoration! See, as in the desert, a little matter modified by a mortal man, and placed upon the throne of the God of heaven and earth! Observe, as in the desert, the Israelites liberally bestowing their gold and their jewels, to deck and adorn, if not to construct the idol! Hark! as in the desert of Sinai, priests publish profane solemnities, and make proclamation, saying, "To-morrow is a feast to the Lord!" Behold, as in the desert, the people rising early on festivals to perform matins! Hear ken! Criminal vows declare, as in Sinai, "These are thy godsor this is thy god, O Israel, who brought thee up out of the land of Egypt." What am I saying? I hear expressions more shocking still. This is, O shame to christianity! O scandal in the eyes of all trne christians! This is, yea, this bit of bread on which a priest hath written, Jesus Christ the Saviour of mankind-this is thy God!

This is the God, whom all the angels in heaven adore. This is the God by whom all things were created that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers." This is the God who upholdeth all things by the word of his power. This is the God, who in the fulness of time took mortal flesh. This is the God who, for thy salvation, O Israel, was stretched on the cross. This is he who in the garden of Gethsemene said, “O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me," Math. 26. 39-Who rose conqueror over death and the grave-Who passed into the heavens, and at whose ascension, the heavenly intelligences exclaimed, "Lift up your heads, O ye gates, even lift them up, ye everlasting doors, that the Lord of hosts, the king of Glory may come in." B. xxiv. 7.-0 Judah, Judah, thou hast justified thy sister Samaria. O ye deserts of Sinai, never did ye see any thing equal to what our weeping eyes behold! Who' is on the Lord's side? Let him come hither-ye sons of Levi, separated from the service of the Lord, consecrate yourselves today to Jehovah. But what are we about? Are we interrupting the soft still voice of the Gospel, to utter the thundering commands of Mount Sinai? Shall we command you to-day, as Moses did formerly the Levites-"put every man his sword by his side, and join and out, from gate to gate throughout the camp, and every man his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbour."-Oh, Rome! were we adopt this method, you could not reproach us; you could only complain that we were too ready to learn the lessons you have taught us, and too eager to imitate your bloody example! Even in such a case we should have one great advantage over you; our hands would grasp the murdering sword to destroy thee only for the glory of God, whereas thou hast butchered us for the honor of an idol! We are not come with fire, and blackness, and darkness, and tempests; but zion, though all mangled by thy cruelty, utters only cool exhortations-affectionate remonstrances and tender entreaties; she fights only with "the sword of the spirit," and the "hammer of the word." Ephe. 6 17.Jer. xxiii. 29. Ah, poor people! How long will you live without perceiving the golden candlestick which Jesus Christ has lighted up in his church! May God take away that fatal bandage, which hides the truth from thine eyes! Or, if this favour be refused us, may God enable us to take away from thee such of our children as thou hast barbarously torn from the breasts of their mothers, in order to make them, like thine own, the children of a harlot."

Mr. Edtior, I would here ask, whether any of your christian readers, who seem so well disposed to patronize these idolaters-would send their beloved children to be trained, by a pagan idolater, in the midst of circumstances which should day after day break down their prejudices, and well incline them to embrace the horrid rite ? It strikes me they would all shudder at the thought. Nurture their children in an idol's temple! O no-they would not.-But has it not been shown, to a demonstration, that Papists, one and all cleaving to their doctrines, are idolaters? They are far more peri

lous than would be a Pagan tutor. They have the semblance of christian morals and sanctity about them, and by these they win inconceivably and dreadfully upon young and tender minds. If your fond offspring are seduced and die idolaters, you will have none to criminate but yourselves. You offer them in sacrifice to Moloch!


Extract from a letter of Mr. Dwight, dated at Constantinople, April 25th, 1830.

The arrival of Messrs. Smith and Dwight at Constantinople and their departure thence for Armenia were noticed in the last number, p. 299. A letter recently received communicates some further particulars, which came under their observation during their stay at Smyrna and their journey from that place to Constantinople.


In my letter to you from Smyrna, [p. 249,] I alluded to some ceremonies we witnessed in the Catholic church, a more full description of which may not be unacceptable to you. Indeed, I feel that it is vastly important that the people of America should know precisely what Roman Catholicism is, in those countries where it has the most influence, and where there are not the same reasons for concealment. that exist in the United States. The day on which we visited the Catholic church in Smyrna was Good Friday. When we entered, the priests were chanting their prayer-book, sometimes in chorus, and sometimes with a single voice. On each side of the alter and behind it, black canopies were hung, which gave a sombre hue to the whole scene, and on them were painted different objects connected with the crucifixion of our Saviour. Six huge candles were burning upon the altar, and in front of it a large number more, arranged in the form of a pyramid. During the chanting, these lights were gradually put out, and when the last was extinguished, it was the signal for the boys to play their part in the farce. A number of them were stationed within the railing that encloses the altar, some with sticks, and others with a small instrument of wood, which, on being turned round, produced a crackling noise. These were simultaneously set in motion, so that we were really almost deafened. This kind of sport the boys seemed to like very much, and as if determined to keep up the concert they could not be stopped, until two or three monks began to beat them soundly with rods. In this part of the ceremony the boys were supposed to be breaking Judas's bones, and thus to be taking vengeance on the traitor! They have kept their ratling machines going in the streets during the whole of Lent, but more especially during the last week. After this a Capuchin monk ascended the pulpit and preached a sermon, (if it may be dignified by that name,) partly in Latin and partly in Ita

lian. It occupied more than an hour, and consisted chiefly in exclamation, exhortation, addresses to the virgin Mary, &c. During this exercise a large cross with an image of our Saviour upon it, was brought out by a priest dressed in white, on each side of whom was a boy dressed also in white, each carrying a large lighted candle. After the preacher had addressed this image awhile, it was carried into the pulpit, when he held it up to the people, and afterwards kissed its feet, and set it down again. After the sermon a long procession was formed in the yard, which marched around and entered the front of the church. Each individual carried a candle burning in his hand, and every now and then came one completely covered with a kind of sack, made of dark cloth, with two holes in front for the eyes, and bearing a cross with an image upon it, or a picture of some scene connected with the crucifixion. In the rear were the priests, dressed in long flowing robes of white, ornamented with gold. Six of them bore a crimson canopy of damask silk, with a rich fringe and tassels, upon as many gilded poles, and under this, another priest, more richly dressed than the rest. carried the host, in a golden ark covered with fine green gauze. Before the host another priest carried a silver censer of burning incense. As they passed trough the crowd, every body uncovered his head and kneeled, an act of homage to the host, which they worship as God. Thus they marched into the church. After a few more ceremonies the people dispersed.

As I witnessed these exhibitions I could not avoid asking myself, Is this the religion of the Bible-the simplicity of the Gospel? Does the Lord Jesus Christ prescribe these unmeaning ceremonies-these puppet shows to be exhibited in his church? Surely it is all mockery in the sight of God! And those who thus delude the people, substituting, for the simple and intelligible terms of reconciliation which the Bible proposes, this senseless parade and mummery; how awful must be their account! Truly they are "blind guides" which "neither enter the kingdom of heaven themselves, nor suffer those that are entering to go in." The day following these ceremonies, the priests visited the different Catholic houses and sprinkled them with holy water, for which they received pay from the deceived people. It is quite a harvest day with them. One of them came into a merchant's counting room, where we happened to be at the time, and sprinkled his water about, bearing an instrument for this purpose in one hand, and a bowl for money in the other.---Missionary Her.

Persecution at Jamaica.-The opposition to Missions in this island still continues with unabated energy The newspapers teem with the most malignant aspersions against the Missionaries and their followers, many of whom are slaves. One of the slaves, a member of the Baptist church, was recently flogged in public with a cart-whip and afterwards worked in chains, simply, and for nothing else, but for praying to his God in public worship! and that too after his owner had given his consent!


`On Monday evening October 18th, this society held its second annual meeting, at Taneytown, Frederick County, Maryland. We feel assured, that not only Lutherans, but all disciples of Jesus, will read the proceedings with deep interest. After singing a hymn, and prayer, the Rev. Dr. Kurtz, Vice President, in the chair the following report was read.

Second Annual Report of the Missionary and Education Society of the Synod of Maryland.

In presenting the report of the operations of the Society during the past year, your managers would express their gratitude to the Great Head of the church, for his manifest blessing upon their highly responsible labours: He has put it into the hearts of Christian brethren to come up to their help, and excited a degree of interest in the objects of the Society, which never before existed. We would ascribe the success of the past year to his gracious blessing, and pray that he may continue to favour us with the smiles of his countenance.

We are engaged in an important and interesting work that of supplying destitute portions of our venerated Zion with faithful and well instructed Ministers; and we desire to feel all its responsibility, that we may be roused to more active exertion and more ardent pray


At the last annual meeting we reported that four young men had been received as beneficiaries, and regularly received the authorized allowance. Since that, two others, one from Maryland, the other from Pennsylvania, have been accepted, upon the recommendation of individuals, who were well acquainted with their characters for pi ety and talents. All these beloved young brethren, three of whom are in the Seminary, and three pursuing preparatory studies in the Gymnasium, are advancing rapidly in their studies, and maintaining a Christian walk and conversation. They promise well for the church, and hereafter the Society may congratulate itself that God so highly distinguished it as, to place the theological rearing of such youth into its hands.*

We cannot report the formation of any new Auxiliaries during the past year, but we have the pleasure to mention the renewed zeal and efficiency of some which before existed, besides the laudable activity of some congregations which collected money, without being organ

*Since this was written, two of our beneficiaries have been taken under the patronage of that most noble institution, The American Education Society, so that we have, at present, only four in our especial care.

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