The Order of Words in Greek

1890 - 47 pagina's

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Pagina 10 - Pay ransom to the owner And fill the bag to the brim. Who is the owner ? The slave is owner, And ever was.
Pagina 22 - ... pathetische Stellung" and the final the "signifikante Stellung." In the Index I under Stellung are collected a large number of Demosthenic illustrations of the latter, along with a much larger number of illustrations of the former. Blass also in his article on Hermeneutik und Kritik in Miiller's Handbuch,2 after calling attention to the beginning of the sentence as a place of emphasis, adds, in connection with a quotation from Demosthenes, " Auch die Endstellung, vor der Pause, ist fur die Emphase...
Pagina 16 - The progress of the discussion thus far has included tragedy, and led up to the point where the question is not so much what tragedy is, but rather what tragedy is, in view of the preceding argument. In the next chapter, taking up the discussion of the action, Aristotle says, Kelrai 8' i}fj,lv rrjv TpayaStav reXei'a?
Pagina 6 - It will be seen that the poet has not inverted the order of ideas and words, and that it is only by the choice of the syntax that analogical languages are distinguished from the transpositive.11 I have tried to show that men think and express themselves in the same order, whether they speak a modern language or use one of the ancient languages.
Pagina 8 - ... the nth edition (1876) of Becker's Handbuch der deutschen Sprache the doctrine in question is stated in the following terms. After defining and distinguishing the " grammatische Form des Satzes und der Satzverhaltnisse " and the " logische Form des Gedankens und der Begriffe," he says : " Die logische Form des Gedankens und der Begriffe wird durch die BetonungwnA durch die Wortfolgc bezeichnet.
Pagina 15 - ... and the connection of thought inform us. ' It must be,' he says, ' that the greatest virtues are those most useful to others, if indeed virtue really is, as was asserted, Svvafiis evepyeriKij.
Pagina 5 - Short's admirable essay on the " Order of Words in Attic Greek Prose," prefixed to Drisler's edition of Yonge's English-Greek Lexicon, published by the Harpers, NY, 1870.
Pagina 5 - Prince : Courses of Studies and Methods of Teaching . . .75 Monoyer : Sight Test 12 Packard : Studies in Greek Thought 80 Seelye : Growth through Obedience 25 Smith & Blackwell : Parallel Syntax Chart 1.00 Stevens : Yale Examination Papers 75 Straight : True Aim of Industrial Education 10 Super: Weil's Order of Words in the Ancient Languages compared with the Modern 1.12 "Warren : True Key to Ancient Cosmology 20...
Pagina 46 - For other examples of mockery, see A 7 ff., I 391 f., II 617 ff., X 13; a 391 f., y3 325 ff., p 217 ff., 397 ff., 406 ff., % 195 ff. (b) The boasting of a warrior over a fallen foe is one of the devices by which the poet relieves the monotony of battle scenes. When the warrior has conquered his foe, and his feelings rebound from the anxiety of the conflict, he often expresses his exultant joy in a witticism. Patroclus strikes Cebriones, who pitches headlong, from his chariot " like a diver
Pagina 6 - ... this march of ideas exists in the thought itself before it has been clothed in grammatical forms." Without entering- into the abstract question as to the possibility of a separation between thought and language, it is certain that in man as modified by literary culture, trying to express his thoughts in a cultivated tongue, such a separation, if it exists at all, exists in a degree too slight to affect our investigation. The ideas to be embodied 1 0.c.

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