
At first we thought we were only in for a | such a desperate look upon it; we all saw very heavy squall, which would not last at once that it was impossible to make the more than two or three hours, but instead passage, close-hauled though we were, on of that it increased in fury, and so rapidly, that tack. There was not a second to be that within half an hour it was blowing a lost; we were almost on the reef; Hperfect hurricane, and as we have since tried to put the cutter about, she missed found out, a regular cyclone. I have sel- stays; we could not get her round; and dom seen such a sight; I never wish to the next moment we were broadside on, experience it again in such a small craft. among the huge waves and white foam Our cutter of nine tons, in ordinary sail- right on the reef, which here is some fifty ing weather, always boasted of five sails to sixty yards wide; an awful sea was a mainsail, square sail, gaff top-sail, running, and we were tossed up and down stay sail, and jib. We took in everything like a cockle shell. A- at the mastexcept the mainsail and jib, both of which head roared out his orders in a hoarse we shortened as much as possible, and voice of agony, "Luff, luff! keep her full! yet we lay over with our lee gunwale un- luff, luff! keep her full!" and in that way der water the whole time. At first the sea we literally dodged between the huge was comparatively smooth, for the wind rocks until we reached the deep water was so strong that it literally prevented beyond. Our escape was a most miracuthe sea from rising; it seemed at first lous one'; at one time if we had been in that it was impossible for the waves to the trough of the sea instead of on the lift, for if one attempted to do so the wind top of a huge wave, we must have all lost caught it and sent it hissing along in our lives. When we were safe in the spray; we were almost blinded with the open sea again, A- came down from heavy rain and spray; and although seven the masthead, his face very white, and o'clock in the morning, it became quite said to me, "Sonny, I would not have dark, and we were enveloped in a thick given five shillings for any of our lives a fog, and could only see a few yards minute ago." I looked at old H—, he ahead. was nearly crying with thankfulness.

The storm came up from the eastward, but soon shifted round to the N.E., right dead ahead in our teeth; we then decided to try and make for the shelter of a small rocky barren islet, for we were out in the open sea, and this was our only refuge. We steered by compass, for we could not see any distance ahead. H- steered,


went up to the masthead, and Lui, the half-caste, and the two Fijians stood ready. As there were plenty of men to do what was wanted, I remained close to H-, to lend him a hand if necessary. We were of course drenched all the time with the heavy rain and spray, but that was nothing. To reach the island we had to pass through some dangerous reef patches, lying a mile and a half from it, the passage through the reef only a very narrow one, being but a few yards wide. Not one of us spoke a word; I knew afterwards that we were all thinking the same thing, that it was indeed very doubtful whether any of us would see land again. We were close-hauled to endeavor to get as much as possible to windward of the passage, and we were anxious to get through before the wind shifted round any more. After a long time, A- cried out that we were close upon the reef; there it was, a white seething mass of huge waves and foam. I looked at H, his honest, brown face as white as a sheet, and with

That danger over, we had another difficulty before us - how to reach the island; for the wind was gradually hauling round, and was again blowing dead ahead, and a tremendous sea was running. After tacking and tacking with the greatest difficulty, we reached holding-ground on the lee side of our barren island, and threw out both anchors and sixty-five fathoms of chain. Lui and the Fijians went ashore in the boat to cook; she returned for A, who also went ashore. Hand I remained on board, not anticipating any danger. This was at nine o'clock in the morning. Soon after A left us the wind went round to the northward, and instead of our being on the lee side of the island, we were now on the windward side, exposed to the full fury of the gale; it was impossible then for the boat to return to us; the sight was a grand one, and believing that our chains would hold, and not dreaming that there was any danger, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Where the boat had gone ashore was a narrow strip of white sand, with a background of trees, the rest of the island nothing but bluff, barren rocks, rising straight out of the water; a tremendous sea was rolling in, and dashing furiously against these rocks, striking them and rising high in the air, a mass of white foam; the trees on the island in their new

spring foliage forming a beautiful con- | fear, that he never saw any one behave in trast. H- said to me, "What an iron- such a cool manner as I did. Just before bound coast!" I made some remark, II jumped into the sea, I turned round to think, that it was very grand; and Hsaid, "Yes, old man, but I pity the poor fellow who gets dashed up against those rocks."

Meanwhile, the storm was increasing rapidly in fury, the cutter dipping bows under to every wave, the spray flying clean over us. We went down below into the little cabin and had something to eat, a biscuit and salt beef. It was impossible for the boat to come out to us; nothing could have lived in the heavy sea, so we were obliged to remain on board, the storm raging worse and worse. A little before three o'clock in the afternoon I went down below, for I was very cold and wet. I was down but a few minutes, when H- called to me, "Old man, stand by to swim, one chain has parted!

H, and said, "Old man, I can't do it." The next moment I was among the waves, swimming for the shore. I kept up my presence of mind grandly. I swam slowly and deliberately, for I knew I stood a poor chance if I flurried myself. I heard H- plunge into the sea behind me; he soon passed me, swimming with far greater ease than I did; he is much more powerfully built than I am, stronger in every way, and has led a very rough life since his boyhood; he stood a far better chance of reaching the shore than I did. It was terrible work amongst those huge breakers; they followed each other in such quick succession, that when you did manage to rise to the surface after being overwhelmed with one, you had not time even to breathe before the next huge The tone of his voice was quite enough. wave was upon you. I was getting very I did not say a word; I felt the worst had exhausted, my arms and legs so tired that come; I went on deck at once; there was I could hardly move them, and I found it Hwith nothing but his shirt on, his more difficult to rise from under the waves. face very white, and with the same look I saw A- (who cannot swim a stroke) on it that I had noticed when we were on on the beach, gesticulating and running the reef. I went to the bows, and of about frantically. I saw H- far ahead course saw at once that one chain had of me, still making good way; then I saw gone. I said to H "Let us lash two Lui, the half-caste, a perfect Hercules in oars together, and get ashore on them." strength, and a splendid swimmer, dash He said, "Not a bit of use, you will only into the water followed by the two Fijians. be drifted upon those rocks; your only I saw them reach H- ; one Fijian rechance is to swim, and try and make for mained with him to help him, and Lui that bit of sandy beach. It is your only and the other came on towards me. chance, old man; if you get upon those seemed child's play to them; the breakers rocks you will be dashed to pieces." were rolling in towards the shore; as Now, in order to reach that sandy beach | they met each one they dived under it, we had to swim in a great measure against and so they came on to me. I was afraid wind, waves, and tide. I merely said, "I they would not reach me in time, for I suppose we had better go before the other was completely exhausted. I had no chain parts." He said, "Yes, if you wait strength left in me, and I gave an awful till then you will have less chance." I yell, and sank before they reached me. did not say another word. I stripped my When I came to the surface, I found myclothes off. As I was taking my shirt off, self almost unconsciously between them, H— said, “You had better keep that my left hand on Lui's shoulder, my right on; you will want something on shore. arm held up by the Fijian. We made for But I took it off, for I knew I could not the shore; in a second a huge breaker swim in it; I, however, kept my jersey was upon us, and separated us. on, and there I stood ready. We both stood together hanging on to the shrouds, both of us silent, for a minute or two, very quiet, and our faces - for mine must have been the same as H-'s-very white. I looked at the huge breakers, at the rocks, at the distance from the strip of beach, and I felt my heart sink terribly, I did not say a word, but I felt I could not reach the shore; there was no time for any cowardice. H―told me afterwards that I did not show the slightest

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A- who was watching from the beach, says he thought none of us would come to the surface again, we were so long beneath the waves; however, we came to the surface again, and Lui and the Fijian grasped me again; a huge wave separated us again, again we came together, and made a vain attempt. Lui said, "Sa oti" ("It is finished"), shook me off, and made for the shore, followed by the Fijian. I then heard a yell from H- the Fijian who came out to help

him had deserted him also. When Lui | where there was just room for them to said, "Sa oti," and the two men left me, stand; they seized me by the wrists and the agony of mind I suffered is something legs, and there I vomited a quantity of indescribable; I gave up all hope of life, blood and water; after a while they I was utterly exhausted, and down I sank. dragged me up higher to another ledge; I heard the breakers roaring above me, I as they were doing so, the cutter, which could just see my arms moving feebly had in the mean time parted the remaining about, my stomach began to swell most chain, was dashed against the rocks, her painfully with the amount of salt water I topmast striking the rocks within a few was swallowing, and then in the most un- feet of me. Well, they dragged me up accountable manner I came to the surface from ledge to ledge until we got to a safe again, and saw them dragging H- place, and there I lay and vomited bucketashore. Down I sank again, and so on, fuls. The Fijians seeing I was numb until at last I felt dashed against the with the cold, lay upon me with their rocks. I grasped at them, but they were naked bodies like blankets until I had smooth and slippery, and back I was got some warmth into me, they then besucked again by the waves; the next tween them carried me down to the beach wave threw me up again, and I felt a into a sort of cave. A came up, and hand clutch hold of me and drag me never shall I forget the rough fellow's higher up; I fully realized then how a tender kindness to me. "Old man, old drowning man grasps at every straw; the man, I never thought I should see you wave flattened both of us against the rock, again; I told H- long ago that you which rose sheer above us; I clutched at were cooked. Lui and the Fijians when it in a helpless kind of way, and most they came ashore said it was impossible to mercifully three fingers of each hand save you, that you were a drowned man, stuck in two small niches in the rock; I that it was written on your face, that could only get them in as far as the first they themselves were nearly drowned, joint, no more; how I held on is a marvel that the sharks were already at you.' to me, a marvel to every one who saw the A- fortunately had brought a rug place afterwards. The next wave lifted ashore with him in the boat; he stripped me clean off my feet, and towered high off my wet jersey, took off his own dry above us, how my fingers retained their fisherman's blue jersey, made me put it hold I cannot tell, it was pure despera- on, and wrapped me in his rug, and made tion; as the wave receded the suction the Fijians light a fire, and I lay close was very great, it washed the Fijian, who alongside. It was quite dark then — just had saved me, back again amongst the think how awful it would have been if the breakers. I looked round for an instant, storm had come upon us during the night. and saw him struggling in the water, but The shake of the hand old A- gave the next wave was upon me, a huge body me when he first saw me I shall never of water, and I held on again like grim forget. Soon H-came limping up; death; my strength was gone, my arms we said nothing at first but just looked at and legs numb, but I did not leave go. each other in quiet thankfulness. He The wave washed the Fijian into a small then told me he had never had such a hole in the rock hollowed out by the narrow squeak for his life before, that he action of the water; into this the waves also gave up all hope, and yet I saw him swept with fearful force; but the Fijian dragged ashore. A- told me that they was fresh and stuck there. After a while all rushed into the water and dragged him he clambered round the rocks, how I ashore, and that when he saw his face he don't know, and went for help; he saw gave up all hope of ever seeing me again; A- and shouted to him for a rope; for H -'s face was like a corpse's, his he (A) chopped off the boat's painter with an axe, and sent Lui and the Fijians over the rocks to me. They came down from above, and let the rope down to me in a noose; it was too short. they called and yelled to me to catch hold of it, but I could not, I had no strength left; they let it down a little lower, it was now about two feet above me; I waited for the next wave, it lifted me up, I made one desperate effort and caught hold of the rope. They dragged me up to a small ledge,

lips livid.

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That night, when the tide went down, A—————, Lui, and the Fijians went to the cutter to get some food and water, for we were on a barren island without either; although the waves were dashing over the cutter, they pluckily dived into her hold and brought up a box of tinned meats and a bag of flour belonging to me; they also secured a keg of water, so we were fortunately provided with provisions for a week. This was all that

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could be done then; the seas had broken | suffers horrors of conscience; it was not open the hatches, and were washing the so with me. I thought of you, my dear cargo out in the most merciless way. father and mother, and of you all at home, That night the wind went right round to and what a sorrow the news of my death the southward, and then gradually to the would be to you all, and then, strange to eastward, proving that we had experi- say, I thought how people do lie; I have enced a regular cyclone. The gale raged always been told that death by drowning all night and we never expected to see is the easiest death, and yet here I am the cutter in the morning. We none of suffering agonies of pain, and I rememus slept that night, but we all lay down; an|ber wishing if I am to be drowned, let it oar served us three for a pillow. A- be done quickly. Then I thought, I am and H- put me between them; no about to solve the problem about the clothes had been saved from the wreck. future world, and I felt the same feeling A had fortunately his rug; we lay as of shyness and dread come over me that close to each other as we possibly could, I have felt so often, and never could conI close up to H-'s back, and A- quer, when I was outside a drawing-room close up to mine with his arm round me. door, and about to be ushered into the How bitterly cold it was, how the wind presence of a crowd of ladies and men. I did roar! I could not sleep, my chest have been asked if I never thought about was paining me too much; I said, "I the sharks which infest the place. can't breathe." H-- said, "I am just am thankful to say they never entered the same, every breath I take pains me." into my head; if I had remembered them I suppose this was the result of the quan- I feel sure I should have gone down like tity of salt water we had swallowed. We a stone. were very thankful when morning at last Next morning the cutter, to our great dawned. H- and I could not move; surprise, was still there; when she had his legs were much cut about, but I was drifted ashore it was high tide, and the in a far worse state. When they hauled waves wedged her in between the rocks me over the rocks I was bleeding, I may most securely; twenty yards beyond the truly say, all over; it was a great mercy place where she struck, and she would no limbs were broken. I was cut all over, have missed the island altogether, and my feet and legs terribly; when H- been driven clean away; she came ashore and A looked me over next morn-at the very place where I did, thus showing, they said, "By Jove, old man, you would make a splendid zebra." I was afraid at first that my left knee was seriously damaged, for could not move it; my feet were much swollen, and I had an ugly cut in my groin. My wounds were all full of dirt; there was no water to wash in, for we had but very little for drinking purposes, and it was necessary to husband that very carefully, for we did not know when we might be rescued. However, I bore all with the greatest cheerfulness everything seemed so utterly trivial when I thought how mercifully my life had been spared. That night as I lay awake, a feeling of utter horror came over me when I thought of what I had gone through, and then it would change to intense thankfulness that I was still safe and sound in limb. A told me that I was at least three quarters of an hour in the water, and two hours upon the rocks, so you can imagine what I endured.

When I gave up all hope in the water, I did not suffer one pang of remorse about my past life. I have always been told that when a man is drowning, all his past life comes before him, and he

ing how helplessly the wind and waves had driven me; twenty yards more and I should have been lost.

During the day the wind and waves went down; the trees whose tender foliage I had admired the day before looked as if a severe fire had passed through them, the leaves were all black and withered. I was bringing up a large stock of stores and necessaries for the plantation; remnants only saved, a quantity of silver for plantation use gone, my good heavy coats that are invaluable on these voyages all washed away, cases broken open by the waves, and some of the contents washed ashore; even tinned meats strewn about on the reef; sulus (cloth for plantation use) found in strips all over the reef; my belt was picked up three days afterwards. I cannot tell the extent of my loss at present; but I look upon it as nothing when I think how wonderfully my life has been spared.

The third day the sea was almost calm. On Saturday a schooner came in sight; we hailed her and she lent us men. All ballast was taken out of the cutter, two strong tackles rove to the reef, the holes in her were then patched up, and at high

My wounds are showing no signs of festering; they cannot look more healthy. How I relished my first wash! My feet are so much cut about that I cannot do much walking at present, but I am in perfect health; the difficulty I suffered at first in breathing has entirely left me, so do not be in the least alarmed about me.

tide she was hauled into deep water, and kind. "A creditor," says Rab Dinné, by constant pumping kept afloat. The "who knows that a person owing him schooner lent her an anchor and chain. money is unable to pay the amount must Then it was decided that I should go on avoid passing where the debtor is likely in the schooner to Savu Bay to break the to be found (in order, of course, not to news to H's partner, and send down cause the latter pain or shame); other. a letter to A 's wife to tell her that wise he violates the divine command, her husband was all right, for we knew 'Thou shalt not be towards him an exactthat everybody would be very anxious or' (Exodus xii. 24).” The Ghemara about us. So I came on in the schooner further adds by the mouth of Rabbi and reached this full of thankfulness. Amé and Rabbi Assé, "that the creditor who does this is regarded as though he had cast his debtor into a flaming furnace or into a stream of water." The law, however, provided that every man should be fully and legally responsible for all debts he contracted. The principal ordinances calling for explanation are those referring to the taking and retaining of pledges, and the mode of seizing chattels or selling real property in satisfaction of properly established claims. In any civil process the party against whom judgment was given and who was cast in damages became a debtor in respect of the amount in question. The ordinances of the Talmud regulating distraint upon goods and property will therefore suffice to indicate the manner in which the local tribunals could enforce their decrees, whenever the obstinacy of a suitor rendered such a proceeding necessary.

I shall give the Fijian who saved my life a handsome present; he indeed deserves one, although he did not come with the intention of saving my life; he said to A, “I must go and see the white man die," and ran to the top of the rocks to get a good view. He saw I had life in me yet, and pluckily clambered down the rocks. How he found a footing I don't know, but Fijians are as sure-footed as goats; at all events he got down in time to seize my hand and save my life.

I have written this letter in a great hurry, and at one sitting, so I am pretty well tired out; but I have a chance of sending to Levuka to-morrow; possibly I may not have another before the mail


Your affectionate Son.

From The Pall Mall Gazette. THE CIVIL CODE OF THE JEWS.

APART from the laws of usury, the general ordinances regulating transactions between debtor and creditor are extremely interesting. They offer a marked contrast to analogous provisions found in other ancient legal systems, which delivered up the unfortunate debtor to the mercy of the person to whom he stood indebted. The Hebrew code was in this regard eminently humane and considerate. Due regard was had to the position and circumstances and necessities of a borrower unable to meet his engagements. The lender was enjoined as well as legally prevented from pressing harshly and to an extreme his claim against one indebted to him in money or

Money was lent among the Jews in three different ways: (1) on an article, utensil, or a garment, regarded as a pledge, although the creditor might not take possession of the object in question; (2) on personal security, where one party verbally-i.e. in the presence of witnesses-or by deed guaranteed repayment of a loan contracted by another; (3) without security of any kind, the creditor knowing the means and position of the borrower, and relying upon the responsibility incurred by the latter and capable of being enforced at law. In the case of money lent upon pledges the following ordinances took effect. The Mosaic code forbade the taking of a millstone as security for a debt; it was required for the preparation of a vital necessary. The rabbins saw in this injunction the enunciation of a general principle. The Mischna therefore extended the prohibition to all instruments or utensils employed in the preparation of alimentary substances. If such an article was taken in pledge by a creditor the tribunal could compel its restoration. Nor could such an object be seized in satisfaction of a debt. In like manner it

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