
whole upon himfelf, will appear in the ftrongeft colours of aggravation. Our allies were mafters of the Mediterranean... The King of France's prefent averfion from war, and the diftraction of his affairs are notorious. He is now in a state of war with his people. In vain did the Catholic King folicit him to take part in the quarrel against us. His finances were in the last diforder, and it was probable that his troops might find fufficient employment at home. In these circumstances, we might have dictated the law to Spain. There are no terms, to which she might not have been compelled to fubmit. At the worst, a war with Spain alone, carries the faireft promise of advantage. One good effect at leaft would have been immediately produced by it. The desertion of France would have irritated her ally, and in all probability have diffolved the family compact. The scene is now fatally changed. The advantage is thrown away. nity is loft.

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The most favourable opportu-Hereafter we shall know the value of it. When the French King is reconciled to his fubjects; when, Spain has completed her preparations; when the collected ftrength of the house of Bourbon attacks us at once, the King himself will be able to determine upon the wisdom or impru-. dence of his present conduct. As far as the probability of argument extends, we may


fafely pronounce, that a conjun&ture, which threatens the very being of this country, has been wilfully prepared and forwarded by our own ministry. How far the people may be animated to refiftance under the prefent administration, I know not; but this I know with certainty, that, under the present adminiftration, or if any thing like it should continue, it is of very little moment whether we are a conquered nation or not*.

HAVING travelled thus far in the high road of matter of fact, I may now be permitted to wander a little into the field of imagi

* THE King's acceptance of the Spanish Ambassador's declaration, is drawn up in barbarous French, and figned by the Earl of Rochford. This diplomatic Lord has spent his life in the study and practice of Etiquettes, and is fuppofed to be a profound mafter of the ceremonies. I will not infult him by any reference to gram mar or common fenfe, if he were even acquainted with the common forms of his office, I fhould think him as well qualified for it, as any man in his Majesty's fervice. The reader is requested to obferve Lord Rochford's method of authenticating a public inftrument. "En foi de quoi, moi fouffigné, un des principaux Se“cretaires d'Etat S. M. B. ai figné la prefente de ma fignature ordinaire, et icelle fait appofer le cachet de "nos Armes." In three lines there are no less than feven falfe concords. But the man does not even know -If he had known it, he would


the stile of his office ;have faid "nous, fouffigné Secretaire d'Etat de S. M. B.

"avons figné &c.".


nation. Let us banish from our minds the perfuafion that these events have really happened in the reign of the beft of princes. Let us confider them as nothing more than the materials of a fable, in which we may conceive the Sovereign of fome other country to be concerned, I mean to violate all the laws of probability, when I fuppose that this imaginary King, after having voluntarily difgraced himself in the eyes of his subjects, might return to a fenfe of his dishonour ;that he might perceive the fnare laid for him by his minifters, and feel a fpark of shame kindling in his breaft. The part he muft then be obliged to act, would overwhelm him with confufion. To his parliament he muft fay, I called you together to receive your advice, and have never afked your opinion.—To the merchant,I have diftreffed your commerce; I have dragged your feamen out of your hips, I have loaded you with a grievous weight of infarances. To the landholder,—I told you war was too probable, when I was determined to fubmit to any terms of accommodation; I extorted new taxes from you before it was poffible they could be wanted, and am now unable to account for the application of them.To the public creditor,I have delivered up your fortunes a prey to foreigners and to the vileft of your fellow Jubjects. Perhaps this repenting Prince might conclude with one general acknowledgement


to them all, I have involved every rank of my fubjects in anxiety and diftrefs, and have nothing to offer you in return, but the certainty of national difhonour, an armed truce, and peace without fecurity.

If these accounts were fettled, there would ftill remain an apology to be made to his navy and to his army. To the first he would fay, you were once the terror of the world. But go back to your harbours. A man dishonoured, as I am, has no use for your fervice. It is not probable that he would appear again before his foldiers, even in the pacific ceremony of a review. But wherever he appeared, the humiliating confeffion would be extorted from him. I have received a blow, and had not

Spirit to refent it. I demanded fatisfaction, and have accepted a declaration, in which the right to ftrike me again is afferted and confirmed. His countenance at least would speak this language, and even his guards would blush for him.

BUT to return to our argument.—The miniftry, it seems, are labouring to draw a line of diftinction between the honour of the crown and the rights of the people. This new idea has yet been only started in difcourfe, for in effect both objects have been equally facrificed. I neither understand the diftinction, nor what


use the miniftry propose to make of it. The King's honour is that of his people. Their real honour and real intereft are the fame.I am not contending for a vain punctilio. A clear, unblemished character comprehends not only the integrity that will not offer, but the fpirit that will not fubmit to an injury; and whether it belongs to an individual or to a community, it is the foundation of peace, of independence, and of safety. Private credit is wealth;public honour is fecurity.The feather that adorns the royal bird, fupports his flight. Strip him of his plumage and you fix him to the earth.







6 February, 1777.

HOPE your correfpondent Junius is better employed than in answering or reading the criticifims of a news-paper. This is a talk, from which, if he were inclined to fubmit to it, his friends ought to relieve him. Upon this principle, I fhall undertake to an


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