
will serve, in some measure, to do justice to many a kind and generous Patron, and to many a faithful servant in this distant field of well-placed labor. They are scverally named, and the just tribute of acknowlegement is rendered to such men as Professor Frank, who, above others, appears to have exerted every means of private effort and expenditure, and of public declaration and unwearied pains for the support and encrease of the Oriental Missions.

The following Extracts will, in their simple and authentic records, deliver down such names, and will perpetuate the good example of those who have so testified their wise and holy zeal in their several stations, as partakers in one common work of Christian good-will, and as patterns of sincere regard, and unremitted diligence, exerted for the best interests of the human


It remains but to add here, that no one testimony has been omitted or disguised, by which the merits of the general question

The Missions connected with the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge have pursued this great object in such manner, and employed their efforts with so much discretion, and such uniform good conduct, that they have obtained, in some degree, the patronage and esteem or the Government in India. It is therefore earnestly to be desired, that their hands may be strengthened, and that their example may be imitated by all such as shall be engaged in the same work, under the same encouragement. The danger which must arise from ́any wild discordance of opinion among those who labor in this cause, and the sure impediment which will be created to the main design by intemperate and headlong zeal, will render it most evident, that a just and decided preference should be given to those who have the confidence of the Civil Rulers, the sanction of the Spiritual Pastors of the National Establishment at home and abroad, and who prosecute their ministry in correspondence and connexion with those fixed authorities.

It is hoped that the following Abstract

will serve, in some measure, to do justice to many a kind and generous Patron, and to many a faithful servant in this distant field of well-placed labor. They are severally named, and the just tribute of acknowlegement is rendered to such men as Professor Frank, who, above others, appears to have exerted every means of private effort and expenditure, and of public declaration and unwearied pains for the support and encrease of the Oriental Missions.

The following Extracts will, in their simple and authentic records, deliver down such names, and will perpetuate the good example of those who have so testified their wise and holy zeal in their several stations, as partakers in one common work of Christian good-will, and as patterns of sincere regard, and unremitted diligence, exerted for the best interests of the human


It remains but to add here, that no one testimony has been omitted or disguised, by which the merits of the general question

respecting the propagation of Christianity in India, can stand affected. It may be right to make this declaration, and to rest the credit of this work upon the truth of the assertion, since it will be found, with some surprize perhaps, how destitute of all solid grounds, those clamors and objections are, which have been so industriously excited on the subject of diffusing the knowledge and profession of the Christian faith in that Country.



THE first mention which occurs in the Reports of the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge of its benevolent intentions and endeavours in favour of the joint work of instruction and conversion in the East Indies, is found in the Postscript to the Annual Sermon preached before the Society, by the Rev. Dr. S. Bradford, in the year of our Lord 1709. It is there said after the Account of the Charity Schools throughout Great Britain and Ireland.

"Nor does Europe wholly confine this design "of Charity Schools to itself, but it begins to "extend as far as the Eastern countries, for at

Tranquebar on the coast of Coromandel, two "Danish Missionaries natives of Germany, the "one Bartholomew Zeigenbalg, and the other Henry Plutscho by name, have begun a small Charity School for the Malabarian boys, not only providing them food, but instructing


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