
munity, with enlarged dependencies, can properly subsist. What mode of union or subsistence in society could that be accounted, by which a company of Christians should be divested of a due participation of the Word and Sacraments, deprived of all the rites and advantages of stated and regular assemblies for collective worship, together with the several tokens and expressions of their Christian fellowship? Where would be their joint confession, where the seals and pledges of Communion, and the witness of their common hope? Can we wonder then that in the early visits and first settlements of Christians in any distant quarter of the globe, a care should be exerted for such things? orrather, what could we think of any nation who, in these circumstances, should lose sight entirely of such provisions, and confine themselves to raising forts and batteries, or to constructing the depositaries for the goods to be employed in traffic, or acquired by some successful barter?

If the early worshippers of God, in the first age of the world, in their several removals, never failed to build an altar at every

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station during their days of travel, and of varied residence; if they made that the leading object always of their settlement in any place, though but for a season, shall the Christian sit down careless and contented if there be no means and no ministry provided for fulfilling the distinct injunctions of the Founder of his faith, in joint assem blies, in public acts of homage, and in re ligious exercises for the growth and encrease of their common interests in the state of grace P

We find indeed that in the several migrations of those who have professed the Christian faith, some care for such things has been employed, though with too many prevarications, it must be confessed, in the main discharge of Christian duty, and with too little demonstration of the Christian pattern. Amidst scenes perhaps of invasion and encroachment, of greediness in trade, and ill faith in public stipulations or pretences, still the forms of faith and worship, and the care for enlarging Christian privileges to the Heathen, have not been wholly Jaid aside by men professing Christian obli

gations. Whether the British name and character may have shared, in any manner, in the stain of those inconsistencies which have stripped the Christian pattern of its due attraction in the eyes of strangers, is a matter which requires from us no light thoughts of heart, and no trifling measure of consideration; but certain it is that the public acts of the British Government have declared a better spirit, and have testified it by the salutary regulations long since intended and resolved, though not completely put in force. Similar provisions have recently been made by the counsels of the State, upon a fuller scale, and we have to hope that they may be followed by the happiest effects.

The spiritual wants of our countrymen, in their separation from their native land, have been regarded; and with respect to the multitude of those among whom they live, and who are now subjects of the British Empire, let us not build pleas and excuses upon any past neglects. Let us not be ready now to urge that such are the obstacles which we either find or create, that it is a

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vain thing to think of doing much for, the Christian cause, for the honor of God, and the salvation of souls, in a foreign land, where we go for other purposes, and have different aims and objects, to engage our efforts. Let us not pass yet further, and say that it is not possible to conquer heathen prejudices, or to en-, lighten heathen blindness, and that it is most dangerous and even foolish to attempt it. Shall we assert this in the face of all the world, after long years of intercourse, during which time British arts and British science, British, laws and jurisprudence, a British rule and sovereignty in all its branches, civil and military, have flou rished, with many a testimony of the cha racter and honor of the nation. Happy will it be for us, should it appear from authentic records, that wherever the enter prizing spirit, and the industry of our Coun trymen, have found a footing, the British name may justly challenge a precedence over every other for integrity and righteous dealing. There will, perhaps, he little cause for boasting, when this challenge shall be made, and this preference be ad

mitted. Should it prove, however, to be no more than a comparison among defaulters, yet most happy will it be for us, if we can point to any trophy obtained by us in this noble field of contest, and shew a real promptitude in leading others in the ways of truth and righteousness.

But to pleas of insuperable difficulty, of danger, and alas! (for it is so said) of inexpedience, it is time to oppose the docu-. ments of plain facts, and the long course of experiment pursued with unremitting efforts, and followed by none of the disastrous consequences which are now so anxiously predicted. Facts and experiments they are which have a tract of years beyond the customary life of man, to vouch for them as practicable, safe, and full of substantial benefit; and all this under weak encouragements, it must be owned, with limited and languid patronage, and with deficient It is in order to produce this evidence of fact, and these plain lessons of experience, that the following Abstract has been formed and put forth, by which it will appear that the Society for pro


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