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the superintending direction of Mr. Kolhoff. Vellore, Pullicat, and other places, were "without a shepherd. They were addressed, " on every side, as well as from their English brethren, to support the poor, to instruct the youth, and to take charge of forsaken congregations, but they were unequal to attend to these "institutions. The Missionaries therefore had "had it in contemplation to make six of the most "able of the catechists, country priests, like "Sattianaden; but not yet knowing what support could be furnished for them, the matter "remained in suspence. They conclude recommending themselves and the Mission to "the further benevolence of the Society.

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"The Rev. Mr. Pezold has transmitted let"ters, dated at Vepery in Feb. 1805, but they "detail few or no particulars, relative to the

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state of the Vepery Mission, but refer chiefly "to the arrival of Baptist Missionaries, and Missionaries from the London Missionary Society, at Tranquebar, the designs and destination of whom are not yet clearly known.


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Mr. Pæzold reports that the legacy of the "late Mr. Gerické to the Vepery Mission, was "15,000 star pagodas, besides the reversion of "another considerable sum, and a large house, "after the demise of his widow, which, with the allowance given by the King of Tanjore,


"would be fully equal to the ordinary expences

"of that Mission.

"He also acknowledges the receipt of the "stores and presents, salaries and gratuities, "sent out the preceding year from the Society. "The usual stores and presents of books, stationary, and other articles of accommodation, together with the remittances, including "a gratuity of 501. to each of the Missionaries, "and 501. to Mr. Horst, in consideration of his

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services to the Mission, as stated in the ac

count published last year, have been sent out "this year, through the continued favour of the "Hon. East India Company; to whom the "SOCIETY thus publickly return their HEARTY 66 THANKS."

"It appears in the account for 1806, that "since the publication of the last account, very little information has been received from the "Missionaries; and of that little, some is of a "a nature by no means satisfactory to the So

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ciety. A spirit of insubordination appears. to have arisen in the Malabar congregations, both "at Vepery and at Tranquebar; which, at the former place, seems to have given much "trouble and uneasiness to Mr. Pazold; and at Tranquebar, to have occasioned the departure "of the Danish Missionaries from their station,


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"and from that territory. The documents before the Mission Committee of the Society are quite insufficient to enable them to form a judgment of the true ground of these dis"astrous circumstances. It appears, however, "that certain Missionaries, sent out by an Anabaptist Society, and by that called the London Missionary Society, had received a degree of "countenance, from the Danish Missionaries at "least, if not also from some of those more immediately connected with the Society, which tended to produce disorder in the established "Missions, and could not but be very dissatis-.

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factory to the Church of England Society for

Promoting Christian Knowledge. How far "these circumstances may have contributed to "occasion the evils before-mentioned, it may be "difficult to say, without additional evidence

upon the matter, which may soon be expected to arrive from India. It is certain, indeed, that an unhappy discord subsists at Vepery, "between the Missionaries Pæzold and Rottler

and it seems more than probable that these "circumstances may at least in part have occa "sioned that discord. Mr. Rottler, however, "who was appointed by the Society, from his "station at Tranquebar, to the Vepery Mis sion, under a proviso that the same should meet with the concurrence of his superiors at Copenhagen, will, probably, soon remove



"again from the Vepery Mission, as the Danish Mission College appear to be very unwilling "that he should altogether quit Tranquebar."

In the account for IS07, it is "stated several "letters, from the Society Missionaries, have "been received, since the publication of the

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account for the year 1806. The circum૮ stances adverted to in that account, have not even yet been very explicitly elucidated, in the correspondence from India; and perhaps it may be very difficult, if not impracticable, "to obtain such an elucidation of the occasions " and circumstances of the discords, which seem * to have subsisted in the Missions as should be satisfactory, or even furnish to the Society's Mission Committee, clear ideas upon the matter. It does however appear, in one of the letters from the Rev. Mr. Pezold, dated at Vepery, the 1st of October, 1807, that the refractory party among the Malabar Christians connected with the Vepery Mission, "had lately been considerably humbled andsilenced "by the Magistrates, to whom on several very unpleasant occasions he had been obliged to make application, to support his exertions in "restoring harmony and good order amongst

them, and if possible to reconcile both parties to 1 each other, which he found to be no easy


"task. Five of the ringleaders of that re"belliotis party, assuming a superiority of "understanding, had been desirous of estab "lishing at Vepery a tribunal independent of "that at Fort St. George, with a view to rule "over the congregation, and to settle all man❝ner of differences amongst them, without the "interference of any Missionary; but Mr. "Pezold was happy in the thought, that "neither the chief Judge there, nor the Hon. "Society, (to whom these misled Christians "had intended to write upon the matter,) would "ever concede to them a power, which would

inevitably accelerate the ruin of the congre"gation: their schemes however having been "frustrated, they seemed to be ashamed of

them, though but few of the party had yet Gappeared again at Church.'

"Mr. Pæzold, in a letter dated at Vepery, March 1, 1807, acknowledges the receipt of stores, and presents sent out the preceding year, from the Society; which, he com"plained, had sustained, in the passage, con

siderable damage.'

Mr. Pæzold reports, that Mr. Henry Horst, who for many years had been employed in the concerns of the Mission, had at length reSceived the ordination of the Lutheran Church, from the hands of the worthy senior of the Society's Missions, the Rev. Mr. Pohle, with

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