
DELIVERANCE from deep distress, Psalms 34 and 40.
from death, Psalms 31 and 118.

from oppression & falsehood, Psa. 56.
from persecution, Psa. 5, 7, 53 and 94.
from slander, Psalms 5 and 31.

from shipwreck, Psalm 107, verse 23.
by prayer, Psalms 34 and 40.

DESERTION and distress of soul, Psalm 13, Psalm 25,
15, &c Psalm 38 and 143.
DESIRE of knowledge, Psalm 119, verse 33, &c.


39, &c.

of holiness, Psalm 119, verse 36, &c.

of comfort and succour, Psalm 119, verse

DESIRE, of quickening grace, Psalm 119, verse 25, &c.
DESOLATIONS, the Church safe in them, Psalm 46.
DEVOTION, Psalm 134.

in sickness, Psalms 6 and 39.

DIRECTION, prayed for, Psalm 25.
DISTIES relieved, Psalms 34, 40 and 130.
DIVIY of Christ, Psa. 45, ver. 6, &c. Psa. 110.
DOMIMON of man, Psalm 8, verses 3, 4, 5 and 6.
DOUBTS and fears suppressed, Psalms 3, 31 and 42.
EASTER EV E, Psalms proper for, 16, verse 9, &c.
and 40, three first verses.

EASTER, Psalms proper for, 2, verse 7 to the end,
Psa. 30, Ps. 57, six last verses, and Psa. 118.
EDUCATION religious, Psalm 34, ver. 11, Psalm 78,
ver 4. &c Psalm 119, ver. 9, &c.

EGYPT's plagues, Psalm 105.

END of righteous and wicked, Psalms 1 and 37.
ENEMIES of Christ and the Church 'typified by the
enemies of David and Israel) Psa. 18.48.68, 74, 76, 83,
and 102. verse 13, &c. (See Christ, Church, David.)
ENVY and unbelief cured, Psalms 37 and 49.
EPIPHANY, season of, Psalms proper for, 22, ver. 27
Psalms 45, 47, 67, 72, 87, 96, 98. (See Gentiles, King-
dom of Christ.)

EQUITY and wisdom of Providence, Psalm 9.
EVENING Psalms, 4, verse 3, &c. Psalm 63, 3d and
4th stanzas.

EVIDENCES of grace, Psalms 15 and 26.
EVIL times, Psalm 12.

EVIL neighbours, Psalm 120.

EVIL magistrates, Psalms 58 and 82.

EXALTATION of Christ, Psalm 2, ver. 7 to the end,
Psalms 8, 21, 72 and 110.

EXAMINATION, Psa. 26, Psa 139, three last verses.
FAITH in divine power and mercy, Psalms 57, 62 and
130, four last verses.

FAITHFULNESS of God, Psalms 89, 105, 111, 145
and 146.

FALSEHOOD, blasphemy, &c. Psalms 12 and 56.
FAMILY love and worship. Psalm 143.

blessings, Psalm 128.

FEAR in the worship of God, Psalm 89, verse 7, &c.
Psalm 99.

FEAR and reverence of God, Psalm 33, verse 8, &c.
Psalm 128. (See God, his power and majesty.)
FEARS and doubts suppressed, Psalms 3, 31, 34 and 42.
FLATTERY and deceit complained of, Psa. 12 and 36.
FORMAL worship, Psalm 50, 4th stanza, &c.
FORGIVENESS of sin prayed for, Psalms 8, 38 and
51. (See Penitential, Pardon)
FRAILTY of man, Psalm 39, verse 7, &c. Psalm 89,
verses 47 and 48, Psalm 90, Psalm 144, verses 3 and 4.

FRETFULNESS discouraged, Psalm 37.
FRIENDSHIP, its blessings, Psalm 133.
FUNERAL, Psalms proper for, 39, ver. 7, &c. Psa. 89,
ver 47 and 48, Psa. 90. Psalm 144. ver. 3 and 4.
GENTILES given to Christ, Psalms 2. 22, 27 and 72.
gathered into the Church, Psalms 45, 47,

67, 87 and 96.

GENTILES owning the true God, Psalms 65, 67, 96
and 98.

GLORIFICATION of Christ in his human nature,
Psalm 8.

GLORY of Christ, Psalm 45, verse 2, &c.

GLORY and grace promised, Psalm 8, Psalm 97, last
three verses.

GOD, his greatness and glory, Psalm 8, four first and
last verses.

GOD, his perfections and providence extolled, Psalm
36, verse 5, &c. Psalms 65, 105, 145 and 147.
GOD, his goodness, &c. Psalm 103, Psalm 145, verse
7, &c. Psalm 147

GOD, his omniscience, Psalm 139.

[blocks in formation]

GOD, his care of the Saints, Psalm 3, verse 3, &c. Psalm
7, verse 8, &c. and Psalm 34.

GOD, our defence and salvation, Psa. 3, 33, 61 and 115.
GOD, eternal, &c. Psalm 93.

eternal, and man mortal, Psalms 90 and 102.
--, faithfulness, Psalms 89, 105, 111, 145 and 146.
--, goodness and mercy, Psalms 103 and 145.
-, goodness and truth, Psalms 145 and 146.

--, governing power and goodness, Psalm 66.
--, greatness and goodness, Psa. 68, 144, 145 and 147.
the Judge, Psalm 9, verse 7, &c Psalms 50, 97,

Psalm 98, last verse. Psalm 149, last verse.

GOD, his majesty, Psalms 63 and 97.
his condescension, Psalm 113.

-, mercy and truth, Psalm 36, verse 5, &c. Psalms
39. 103, 136 and 145.

made man, Psalm 8, verse 5, &c.

GOD, his perfections extolled, Psa. 36, ver. 7, &c. Psalm
111, 145, 146 and 147

GOD, our portion, Psalm 4, verse 6 to the end, Psalm
73, verse 25 to the end.

GOD, his power and majesty, Psa. 68, Psa, 89, ver. 6,
&c. Psalms 93 and 96.

GOD, our Preserver, Psalms 121 and 138.

present in his Church, Psalms 46 and 84.
our Shepherd, Psalm 23.

our support and comfort, Psalm 94, verse 12, &c.
supreme Governor, Psalms 75, 82 and 95

--, his vengeance and compassion, Psalms 68 and 97.
unchangeable, Psalms 89 and 111.

worthy of all praise, Psalms 145, 146 and 150.
GOOD FRIDAY, Psalms proper for, 22, 35, 40, Psalm
41, verse 5 to the end, Psalms 55 and 69. (See Christ,
his sufferings and death.)

GOOD WORKS, Psa 4, verse 3, &c. Psa. 15, Psa. 24,
verse 3, &c. Psa. 106, verse 3, &c. Psa. 112 and 119.
GOODNESS of God celebrated, Psalms 103 and 147.
(See God.)

GOSPEL, its blessings, glory and success, Psalms 19,
45,89.98, 110 and 111.
GOVERNMENT, from God, Psalm 75.
GRACE prayed for, Psalms 25, 42 and 43.
---, its evidences, Psalm 26.
without merit, Psalms 16 and 32.
of Christ, Psalms 45 and 72.

and providence, Psa 33, 36, 135, 136 and 137.
GRACE, preserving and restoring, Psalm 57, Psalm 66
four last verses, Psalm 125 and 138.

GRACE and glory. Psalm 84, two last verses, Psalm
97, three last verses.

GRACE, pardoning, quickening, and sanctifying, Psalm
119, verse 25, &c. verse 33, &c. verse 57, &c. verse
77, &c.

GREA INESS of God, and his goodness, Psalms 68, 144,
145 and 147.

GUILT of conscience removed, Psalms 32, 51 and 130.
HARVEST, Psa. 65, ver. 9, &c. Psa 147, ver. 8, &c.
HEALTH, sickness and recovery, Psalms 6, 30, 38, 39,
90, 102 and 116.

HEARING of prayer, Psa. 4, Psa 65, first four verses,
Psa. 66, last two verses, and Psa. 102, last two verses.
HEART known to God, Psalm 139, verse 11, &c.
HEAVEN. Psalm 16, verse 9, &c. Psalm 17, last verse,
Psalm 24, verse 3, &c. Psalm 97, verse 11, &c. Psalm
106, verses 3 and 4.

HISTORICAL Psalms, 73, 105 and 106.
HOLINESS, Psalm 4, verse 3, &c. Psalm 15, Psalm 24,
ver. 4, &c. Psalm 100% ver.3, &c. Psalms 112 and 119.
HOLY SPIRIT, supplication for, Psa, 42, Psa, 51, verse
11, &c. (See Grace.)

HOPE and trust in God, Psalm 3, Psalm 16, last three
verses, Psa. 18, 27, 31, 46, Psa. 56, last three verses,
Psa. 62, 71, 86, Psa. 115, ver 9, &c. Psa. 125.
HUMILIATION, day of, Psalms proper for, 10 and 60.
(See Penitential Psalms.)
HUMILITY, profession of, Psalm 131.
HYPOCRITES and hypocrisy, Psalm 13, Psalm 50,
verse 17 to the end.


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