
formly directed, to promote the Happiness of the whole rational Creation, and that of particular Beings in Subordination to, and as far as is confiftent with the univerfal Good; not to make them happy in whatever Way they behave, and however they act, but to make them happy in the right Ufe of their rational moral Powers, and to train them up by just Degrees, and a proper Discipline, to the true Perfection of their Natures. And God's thus having the univerfal Good and Happiness in View, is no way inconfiftent with his inflicting grievous Punishments upon fuch of his reasonable Creatures as violate the Laws which he hath given them; fince even the general Good of the whole moral World requireth that the divine Laws fhould be enforced with proper Sanctions, and that just Punishment fhould be inflicted on the obftinately wicked and impenitent: And to fuffer fuch Perfons to tranfgrefs the divine Laws with Impunity, would be a Defect in governing Wisdom, and in Goodness too, as that fignifieth the promoting the general Happiness.

Upon this View of the Nature and Ends of God's Government of the rational moral Part of the Creation, we may fee that the abfolute independent Power


and Sovereignty of the divine Dominion hath not any Thing in it, if it be rightly confidered, that fhould be Matter of Terror and Discouragement, but rather layeth a Foundation for the most folid Confidence and Joy. No Being is properly qualified for abfolute Sovereignty, but one of infallible Wisdom, and of infinite Righteousness and Goodness, becaufe fuch an one can never abuse his Power: And this is unquestionably true of God, and of him only. Though therefore his Power and Dominion be really, and in the strictest Sense, abfolute and unlimited, without any external Law to guide or bind him, this fhould give us no Uneafinefs, for the Perfection and Excellency of his own Nature may be faid to be an eternal Law to him, which he can never counteract without denying himself. Abfolute Power and Sovereignty, when in Conjunction with the most perfect Wif dom, Holiness, and Goodness, is the most comfortable Thing in the World. The more abfolute it is in that Cafe the better, and the greater is our Security. He that is poffeffed of a Power that is truly and properly independent and infinite, and to which no other Power is fuperior or equal, can have no poffible Temptation to do Wrong, and is raised by his own tranH fcendent

scendent Excellency, above all narrow, felfish, malevolent Affections and Views. He must needs be poffeffed of an infinite Generosity of Temper, and must be ever exercised in doing the greatest Good, which is the noblest Act of abfolute Power and Dominion. Far be it from God that be fhould do Wickedness, and from the Almighty that he should commit Iniquity. Job xxxiv. 10. Beings that have a Mixture of Weaknefs may be wicked, cruel, or unjust; but he who is abfolutely fupreme, almighty, and all-fufficient, cannot be reafonably fuppofed to be capable of doing a cruel or unjuft Thing. For what should induce him to do fo, who hath no Advantage to procure to himself, no Evil to guard againft, no Competitor to fear, no private Interefts to fecure? So that the very abfoluteness of his Dominion, as it is in Canjunction with infinite Perfection, is a Ground of the highest Confidence and Affurance.

Let us therefore rejoice in this, that the Lord reigneth. Infinite Wisdom, Righteousness, and Goodness reigneth. Let the Heavens rejoice, and let the Earth be glad. Let all rational Beings, in every Part of this vaft Universe, form one uni

verfal Confort, and break forth into finging.

To this glorious univerfal Lord let us yield a willing and abfolute Submiffion. As there are no Limits to his Authority, there must be no Bounds to our Obedience. We do not obey him as God, and acknowledge him to be what he is, the fupreme and abfolute fovereign Lord, if we do not endeavour to obey all his Laws without Referve, fo as not to allow ourselves in the habitual Neglect or Violation of any of them.

And as we must yield an unreserved Obedience to all his Commands, fo we muft yield an entire Refignation to his difpofing Will in all Things. For fince he is our abfolute Sovereign and Lord, he hath not only an indifputable Right to give us what Laws he thinks proper, but to order and appoint our Condition and Circumstances as he pleaseth. We must never, therefore, in any Inftance, allow ourselves to murmur or repine at his Difpofals, but muft refolve to acquiefce in whatever Lot it shall seem fit to him to appoint us; ftill carrying this along with us, that whatever his prefent Difpenfations may appear to be, yet all Things fhall be ordered for the beft upon

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upon the whole, fo as in the final Iffue to turn to the greater Benefit of those who fincerely love and obey him. For though he be an abfolute Sovereign, yet he is infinitely holy, wife, and good, and never doeth any Thing but with the moft wife and benevolent Views, worthy of himself, and of his own infinite Perfection.


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