PRINTED BY RICHARD TAYLOR AND CO., SHOE LANE; AND SOLD BY W. CLARKE, NEW BOND STREET; WESTLEY AND 1809. FUELL LIBRARY ASTOR, LENOX AND "Gentlemen have been too liberal in dealing out reflections against me; in any question where England is right, I will support her, where she is wrong, I will oppose her injustice; and in advoeating the just cause of America, or of any other power against the injustice of Leland I say I am advocating the cause of my em I am not the advocate of America-I am not the advocace of hi but the advorad of my country, because I am the AVG # justice." Whitbread's speech upon the Orders in Council, Ma 1809. Cobbett's Debates, xii. 1165. e, of 6, "I feel a sort of enthusiasm in favour of America; not only on account of the origin of the people, but also on account of the noble stand they had made for their independence." Lord Erskine, Feb. 15, Cobbett's Deb. x. 473. 1808. Debate upon the Orders in Council. ERRATA. Book I. line 301, for "their camps” read "their factious camps.” III. 355, for "guile" read "guide." V. Argument, for "Owen" read "Omen." VIII. line 27, for "So" read "To." PREFACE. Presented by Samuel P. Avery, Esq. to the New York: Pieblic Library. а гн or government, and the happiness arising 103 NORTHMORE (Thos.) Washington, |