The Almighty heard, and cast on Piety, A glance that spake in volumes. Quick as thought The seraph hover'd o'er the head of Tell, 340 Unseen by others' eyes. Depriv'd of sense, And by celestial aim the apple fell Transpierced to the ground. Her mission done 345 The seraph wing'd her rapid flight to heav'n, Where joy angelick beam'd upon her face. Miss'd his designed aim, and slain his son, Press'd sore by hunger, and maternal care, 361 Keep there strict watch; at length by nature's wants Imperious urg'd, she overleaps the fence, And having gorg'd herself with blood, conveys 365 Some mangled carcase to her distant young, 370 62 WASHINGTON, OR LIBERTY RESTORED. BOOK II. 375 380 368. Cassenach's lonely tow'rs-A castle situated on the lake Lucerne. END OF THE SECOND BOOK. ARGUMENT OF THE THIRD BOOK. Episode-Progress of Liberty continued. Revolution in the Netherlands. Queen Elizabeth assists the Prince of Orange. Her Speech upon that Occasion. Prophecy concerning the Princess Charlotte of Wales. Speeches of Philip II. and his Brother John; of William Prince of Orange. Spanish Armada. WASHINGTON, OR 1 LIBERTY RESTORED. HERE stop, my Muse! and own thy gratitude That thou wert not in being at that time Some genius less benighted rose to light, 5 'Twas only to pour forth in barbarous rhime The praise of murderers and the drunkard's broils. 'Tis from the evils of those wretched times That virtue even now deplores that man 10 But thus hath Fate ordain'd; Wisdom alone Of truth, and virtue, liberty, and love. Hail then, thou period blest! when heaven's decree 15 Instructed man to know, and feel his rights; The light once risen ne'er will set again, Of brightest essence co-essential. Helvetia now had rais'd her powerful voice |