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" His Majesty having observed to him that he supposed he must have read a great deal; Johnson answered, that he thought more than he read; that he had read a great deal in the early part of his life, but having fallen into ill health, he had not been able... "
The Lady's Magazine, Or, Entertaining Companion for the Fair Sex ... - Pagina 481
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The Scots Magazine, Volume 54

1792 - 684 pagina’s
...more tiian he rc^d ; that he had read a great deil in !he early part of his I'fe, but h .v.ii,, tallen into ill health, he had not been able to read much, compared with o'heis: for inUance, he faicl, he Jiad not read much compared with Dr Warburton. Upon whic*i ihe King...
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The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D.: Comprehending an Account of His ..., Volume 1

James Boswell - 1791 - 564 pagina’s
...fuppofed he muft have read a great deal; Johnfon anfwered, that he thought more than he read; that he had read a great deal in the early part of his life, but...been able to read much, compared with others : for inftance, he faid he had not read much compared with Dr. Warburton. Upon which the King faid, that...
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The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D.: Comprehending an Account of His ..., Volume 1

James Boswell - 1791 - 554 pagina’s
...read a great deal ; Johnfon anfwered, that he thought more than he read ; that he had read a gie^t deal in the early part of his life, but having fallen...been able to read much, compared with others : for inftance, he faid he had not read much compared with Dr. Warburton. Upon which the King faid, that...
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The European Magazine, and London Review, Volume 21

1792 - 546 pagina’s
...tica! ; Johnfun anlwercd, that he thought more ihan he read ; thRt he had read a gieat deal in thceaily part of his life, but having fallen into ill health, he had not Uten able to lead much, compared with others : for inftance, he (aid, he had not read much compared...
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The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D.

Samuel Johnson - 1806 - 328 pagina’s
...must have read a great deal. " Johnson answered, that he thought more than " he read ; that he had read a great deal in the " early part of his life,...been able to read much, " compared with others : for instance, he said he " had not read much compared with Dr Warbur" ton. Upon which the King said, he...
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The life of Samuel Johnson. [With] The principal corrections and ..., Volume 1

James Boswell - 1807 - 508 pagina’s
...supposed he must have read a great den!; Johnson answered, that he thought more than he read ; that he had read a great deal in the early part of his life, but...been able to read much, compared with others : for instance, he said he had not read much, compared with Dr. Warbtirton. Upon which the King said, that...
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The life of Samuel Johnson, Volume 2

James Boswell - 1817 - 466 pagina’s
...he must have read a great deal ; Johnson answered, that he thought more than he read ; that he had read a great deal in the early part of his life, but having fallen into ill health, he liad not been able to read much, compared with others: for instance, he said, he had not read much,...
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Johnsoniana.., Volumes 1-2

James Boswell - 1820 - 384 pagina’s
...supposed he must have read a great deal, Johnson answered, that he thought more than he read ; that he had read a great deal in the early part of his life ;...been able to read much, compared with others ; for instance, he said, he had not read much, compared with Dr. Warburton. Upon which, the king said, that...
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The life of Samuel Johnson, Volume 1

James Boswell - 1820 - 442 pagina’s
...supposed he mnst have read agreat deal ; Johnson answered, that he thought more than he read ; that he had read a great deal in the early part of his life, but...been able to read much, compared with others: for instance, he said, he hud not read much, compared with Dr. Warburion. Upon which the King said, that...
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Relics of royalty; or, Remarks, anecdotes, and amusements, of ... George iii

Joseph Taylor - 1820 - 206 pagina’s
...supposed he must have read a great deal, Johnson answered, that he thought more than he read ; that he had read a great deal in the early part of his life, but...been able to read much, compared with others. For instance, (he said) he had not read much, compared with Dr. AVarburton. On this the King said, that...
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