
The Genius of the LADY'S MAGAZINE, guided by Wisdom to the T ple of Minerva, rejects with Difdain the Importunities of Folly to her Votaries.




HE additional number of Original Profe Papers we have lately ceived, many of which we trust will be found to poffefs great me calls for our fullest acknowledgement.

We have in this Number made ufe of as many as our room would P mit-we have fill to announce the following for infertion in February The Cenfor, No. 11, on Attachments.

The Continuation of the Account of Cagliostro.

Character of the English Ladies, by a Forcigner.
The death of Thomas à Becket.

Carlos's Addrefs to the Fair Sex on Painting.

We decline publishing F. Montford's letter, dated January 6, T fubject does not now require it.

We shall endeavour to give place to a part of G. S's article in our next Mary Homespun to Betsy Lavender is an unpoetical imitation of the Ba Guide.

T. L's poem on War and the Folly Butcher are improper for infertio as is the addrefs to Mifs Norris, Soho.

The lines infcribed to H. S. Dulwich, are stolen from Goldsmith, &c. Mr. May's poetry shall not be forgot.

Other poetical articles not noticed here are intended for infertion.

N. B. The Scull's Harangue" has been mislaid-perhaps th authoréfs can furnish us with another copy.




I C.


HE utility of Periodical Publications has been univerfally acknowledged. To them is owing much of that refinement which is evident in the manners of the present age, and much of that neceffary knowledge which is dif fused among all ranks of the people. The ftudied fyftems and voluminous theories of philofophers were not calculated for general use. Men inured to a life of literary leifure could not unbend to fuit the common mind. It was an important revolution, therefore, when the plan of publications like the prefent commenced, which might convey amufement without offence to morals, and inftruction without interfering with the more ferious bufinefs of life.

Amidst a profufion of abftrufe philofophy, and of fcholaftic morality, fomething was wanting to teach the leffer duties of life, to recommend the focial graces, and to ornament as well as bind more clofely the ties which connect mankind together. Such is the general purpofe of works like this; and fuch has been our aim from the commencement of our undertaking. A period of twenty-one years has elapfed fince the Lady's Magazine was offered to the Public, and we cannot but be proud to acknowledge that the Public have received it with a generous welcome, and have bestowed an encouragement which, we hope, they are fenfible we have at leaft-endeavoured to repay.

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The late arrangements we have made, the affitance v have engaged, and the increase of many valuable contrib tions from perfons of taste and literature, enable us to loo forward with fome degree of confidence to a continuatic of the patronage with which we have been honoured. great leading object in our Plan fhail ever be affiduouf purfued; the entertainment and inftruction of the FAIR SE We wish to combine all that is interefting to form the cha racter, to polish the mind, and to prepare for the mor active scenes of life. We hope, that in thefe refpects," w have been able to add fomething to the ftock of public hap pinefs, and have lent fome aid to parental inftruction.

We enter upon our twenty-fecond Volume with the deter mination that while our own efforts fhall be exerted to the utmoft to improve our Plan, it fhall be ftill open to the communications of our Correfpondents, to many of whom we owe the greatest obligations. It is with pain that we are fometimes compelled to reject an early attempt of the pen, or what perhaps may have given pleasure to the writer. But in a contention with our feelings on fuch occafions, we have found it neceffary to confult firft the advantages of our readers at large. It is not by mediocrity that we can recommend ourselves to their tafte and notice, and while we wish to preferve the ftricteft impartiality towards individuals, we cannot but confefs that the opinion of the majority of our readers is an influence against which nothing can be oppofed. While we fincerely thank our various Correfpondents for their favours, we may add that with their affiftance we are enabled to render our Mifcellany interefting, original, and amufing; and in thefe refpects may, without prefumption, claim a degree of fuperiority, fince it is founded on no ungenerous rivalship, and may be afferted by competition only.



Lady's Magazine;

For JANUARY, 1791.

THE INDE X. Jedly been eventful.


No XX.

There are

few of us but have experienced
fome advancement on the road
of life which is worth reflecting
or have met with fome
change in our lot, that cannot be
foon forgot.-Perhaps-melancho-
ly idea!-perhaps fome, who, at
the commencement of laft lear, had
all which youth and beauty can
give, to whom length of days, and
lafting happiness feems to be de-
ftined, are now mingled with the
mouldering dead. Of how many
may not this be fpoken after the
conclufion of a much fhorter period,
for no truth is more fully confirmed,
and ought to be more deeply in-
preffed, than the tranfitory nature
of human existence ?

N Index, on my plan, at the commencement of a new year is probably as neceffary as the index placed at the end of a book. For I hold it to be a duty incumbent on all of us to review our past lives at certain stated times. The custom of measuring time into spaces of twelve months, which we call years, is not unfavourable to fuch a review of our conduct. With most people, too, the end of a year has a fomething of folemnity with which they are not truck at any other time. To this, indeed, it may be oppofed, that this many-headed monster Not many months fince, the custom has established a fyftem of festivity at the end of a year, young and beautiful Eliza paid the which I confefs, is not very favour-debt due to nature, almost before able to reflection, or at least, it it had been fully contracted. In her tends to banish reflection with very were placed the hopes of her amimany. With others, however, able parents; fhe was an only child; harmless amufement will be no their hearts were proud to acenemy to reflection. It is guilt only knowledge her; proud to view her which blasts all our joys, makes excelling in every citimable accomus tremble at folitude, and try to plifhment. The gay illufions of bury reflection in the tumult and life, the flattering profpects of funoife of licentious fociety. But I ture happinefs were opening to her. am not addreffing perfons who la- She bade fair for long life, and probour under this unfortunate malady mifed to ornament the fociety in which he was placed, and decorate of the mind. To many of my readers, the year the duties of life by a fweetnefs of that lately expired, has undoubt-temper that was irresistibly attrac



tive, and a goodnefs of heart, that diffused happiness around her.

But this was not in the book of fate. A fudden and violent diftemper carried her off just as the had reached her eighteenth year. One week I beheld her in full poffeffion of life and health, a blooming countenance and a chearful heart,the next white death fat on her cheek for ever.


The fear of death, although inculcated by many writers, ought to be regulated by principles which will banish all fuperuitious dread, all flavifh fear of dying; and though it is well contrived that we fhould have frequent mementos of the fhortnefs and uncertainty of time, we ought to be fenuble that to him who is employed in virtuous industry, who fhares modera ely of the harmless amusements of fociety, life will not be too fhort for his duty. It is a very great mistake in many to think that the duties of religion are unfriendly to chearfulness. Good people, on the contrary, are always most chearful, and have always most reafon to be fo. If they forrow, it is for others, not themfelves. Whereas perfons who live in a continual thoughtless confusion of pleasures and gratifications only expofe themselves to a thoufand disappointments which injure health, bring on a pler etic difpofition, and they may be riotous, but can never be chearful. In them, as in cowards, you perceive a mot diflardly tenacioufnels of lite-they would here for ever, be content with a millenium of groveling purfuits, unworthy of a rational mind, unworthy of a mind destined for perpetual existence.

Shakespear fhall preach to fuch people, and I know not a better fermon, certainly not a more elcgant one on the fubjeft, than he has given in Meafure for Meafa e I cannot refit the temptation to tranfcribe it entire, because I wish

to point it out to my readers as an object of talle, and because the players either kave it out in repreientation or miferably mar it in the recital.

Claudio, in this play, who is condemned to die, fays to the duke, who is difguifed as a triar,

I have hope to live, and am prepared to die."

The duke answers :

"Be abfolute for death; either death or life [thus with life ;Shall thereby be the fweeter. Reafon If I do lofe thee, I do lofe a thing, That none but fools would keep; a

breath thou art,

Servile to all the key influences,

That do this habitation, where thou keep'ft, [fool, Hourly afflict.-Merely, thou art death's For him thou labour'it by thy flight to fhun, [art not noble; And yet runneft towards hin fill. Thou For all the accommodations, that thou bear'ft [no means valiant ; Are nurfed by bafenels: Thou art by For thou doft fear the foft and tender fork [fleep,

Of a poor worm: Thy best of rest is And that thou oft provok'ft; yet grofsly fear'ft


Thy death, which is no more. Thou are not thyfelf: [grains For thou exift'ft on many a thousand That iffure out of duft: Happy thou art [ftriv't to get, For what thou halt not, flill thou And what thou haft, forget'. Thou art not certain, [<ffect, For thy complexion fhifts to range After the moon: If thou art rich, thou art poor: [hows, For, like an afs, whose back with ingots Thou bear ft thy heavy riches but a [thou none; Friend haft


And death unloads thee
For thy own bowels, which do call thee,

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